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Bests of Online English Spelling Grammar Checkers With a better skill of writing English, we can easily bring to audiences our ideas more effective and faster on the road of blogging. Unfortunately, a number of bloggers do not have this favor, this imperfection puts them at many disadvantages; such as their articles/posts look not professional, their SERP (Search Engine Results Page) has a lower level because the search engines prefer to pay attention to the well-written content over an article with full of spelling checking errors, etc.

Today, I like to present top ten popular online tools for helping you write online English grammar better. They have many features to help you improve the writing skills; obviously, they’re free and very easy to use, no requirement but a browser. Hope you like this post and my others.

I also write this post for and TripWireMagazine, please go to Top 10 Online English Spelling Grammar Checkers for Writing Better for the full post.

25 Great Resources to Download Awesome WordPress Themes for FREE WordPress is becoming more and more popular and friendly to web-based content publishers, because of its easy-to-use feature, powerful functions along with a grand library of plug-ins. However, in order to build a website by WordPress with an own style, or make site's design more attractive and more eye-catching, web designers have to work very hard; and sometimes we have spend some pennies if want to use a high quality theme (premium WordPress theme).

Fortunately, WordPress's developers community is still providing hundreds and thousands of high quality WordPress themes/templates for FREE. They're quite good, enough to satisfy almost demands. Today in this post, jsB@nk is happy to present you a list of 25 great resources to download free, high quality WordPress themes.

Please go to for full detailed post about Awesome High Quality WordPress Themes: 25 Great Resources to Download for FREE. Then you can check out more WordPress themes if you want:
- 25 Awesome Christmas Worpress Themes for 2010
- 50+ Super Nice and Sexy WordPress Themes for Female Bloggers

Category: Tutorials, Themes

20 Best of Beautiful Social Media Icons Sets - p3 Today in this post, jsB@nk would like to present you more 20 amazing and awesome social media icons sets. These social media icons sets are still continued with series posts that shared on, you can view old social media icons by previous posts:

- Super Ultimate Lists of Best Amazing Social Media, Web 2.0 icons
- Super Ultimate Lists of Best Amazing Social Media, Web 2.0 icons - p2

And now, it's time to enjoy more 20 awesome and coolest social media icons sets at here.

Category: Tutorials

25 Awesome Christmas Worpress Themes for 2010 Christmas is one of the most awaited occasions all over the world. This is because of the fact that there is a lot of excitement, fun activities and guests coming to home. Every one enjoys this festival and this is appreciated by most of the children as they get a lot of gifts from Santa Clause.

Depending upon which one you like, you can use them for your blogs on this Christmas. It has been noticed that most of them are available for free or to be used as a demo version. You must grab the opportunity and get them from the internet. It is recommended to view all of above mentioned and choose the best suited to your business and professional use.

All Christmas Wordpress themes in this post are free to download, they're bests among hundreds of other themes I came across. I also write this post for, please go to 25 Special Beautiful Wordpress Themes for Christmas Day for the full post.

Category: Tutorials, Themes

Christmas iPhone Applications: Bests for Virtual Reality Christmas is one of special days in year that everyone always expects with their happy. It is a well known fact that people start preparing for Christmas celebrations few days back to make this day most memorable. Besides the real life, in the digital life nowadays, we can easily enjoy a lot of interesting experiments for this special holiday. These amazing experiments are available on many platforms: Web-based applications, PC softwares, phone-based platforms, etc.

Today in this post, I would like to talk about iPhone and special application for this event. These Christmas iPhone applications can be installed on the iPhone very quickly and you can enjoy the features. There are thousands of such applications (300,000+ applications - count to October 20, 2010 - Wikipedia) and pick the best one can be a tedious task. But in this post, I'll do this task for you by presenting top 10 best iPhone applications which you just download then install them on your iPhone to enjoy an amazing Christmas virtual reality.

I also write this post for and TripWireMagazine, please go to 10 Amazing Christmas iPhone Applications for Virtual Reality for the full post.

Category: Tutorials

JavaScript Experiments of Facebook SDK with Graph API This JavaScript article tutorial provide us many helpful experiences to develop Facebook applications with JavaScript API. Besides, this JavaScript article tutorial also guides you how to build a simple JavaScript application to get feeds. Please go to the full post page for details.

Category: Tutorials

Powerful JavaScript OOP for HTML Scroller The powers jsB@nk would like to tell in this JavaScript text scroller are JavaScript OOP skills, this news scroller JavaScript script is coded in JavaScript OOP technologies with full detailed documentation/instructions.

You can create as many JavaScript web scrollers as you want with unlimited blocks of HTML; besides, you're able to change scrolling options easily, such as: speed, positions, delay time, etc for each div scroller. The script will also pause on mouseover , and resume scrolling on mouseout. Since it scrolls HTML instead of just image scrollers, you can include just about anything that can be ordinarily placed in a static HTML document: links, images, graphics, tables, backgrounds, etc.

Simple Auto Image Rotator with jQuery This is a simple JavaScript code example to rotate your pictures continuously. This jQuery code example uses the blur effects for the animations of picture transitions. A very easy JavaScript code example to use.

Category: Framework, jQuery

JavaScript Caching in HTML5 Every web developer/web coder/web programmer should know the importance of JavaScript caching for web performance. With technology specifications of old HTML versions, we can only store JavaScript browser caches in cookie on client side, or do it on server side with session/other web storage solutions with files.

However in the new version of HTML - HTML5; besides the capabilities of offline cache (see more new features of HTML5 in HOT New JavaScript APIs with HTML5), HTML5 also give us the abilities of local storage to speed up the web performance.

This JavaScript article tutorial shows you some basic concepts and JavaScript code examples to build web applications with cache in HTML5. Please go to the full post page for details.

Awesome Canvas Drawer with HTML5 Although HTML5 is still developed but at present we still can enjoy many amazing web applications for HTML5, they're also presented on jsB@nk:

- Awesome jQuery Accordion with CSS3 and HTML5
- JavaScript Sound Playing with HTML5
- 10 Things Old JavaScript Would Not Do
- 12 Awesome and Creative JavaScript Games you should try
- 10 Super Good JavaScript Experiments on Google Chrome

Today in this post, jsB@nk would like to present you a new cool web application, it's a simple graphic editor built on HTML5 base. Please go to the live demo to enjoy this cool JavaScript application.

Category: Graphic
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