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Prime Number Tester Calculate whether or not a number is prime and break it into its prime factors. Also includes a loading bar for large numbers.

Category: Calculation, Math

Bandwidth Calculator Confused about the various units used to calculate bandwidth, and their equivalent in another unit? Use this bandwidth calculator code to instantly figure it out!

Basic JavaScript Calculator Another script to makes a basic calculator.

Length Converter Convert units from one to another. Simply choose the unit you want to use, type the value in the field next to it, and click the 'Convert' button.

Base Converter A base converter. Just type a valid positive number in any one of the boxes and click outside the box. The equivalent will appear in the other boxes.

Driving Distance Calculator Use JavaScript to estimate the driving distance between U.S. cities.

Category: Calculation

Greatest Common Factor Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of a group of two or three numbers.

Category: Calculation, Math

Area/Volume Generator Need to find the area or circumference of a circle, the area of a rectangle, or the volume of a cylinder? This cool script will find it for you. In addition to the answer, it also gives all the steps needed to solve the equation. (The answer is rounded off.) Pretty cool!

Category: Calculation, Math

Gasoline Usage Calculator Trying to keep track of gasoline expenses? This JavaScript calculates how many miles you are getting per gallon - per day and per year. It also calculates the amount spent per year and how much CO2 your car is producing.

Category: Calculation

Commercial Calculator V1 The code makes a commercial calculator code on the web page.
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