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Fraction Calculator A fraction calculator code that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on two fractions. It also reduces the result to the lowest terms.

Category: Calculation

Simple Calculation This is a very simple calculator, all done with javascript. Just click the numbers and the operators and use the '=' button to calculate! This is a neat example of the LIMITLESS powers of JavaScript.

ABA Routing Number Checksum This JavaScript will validate an ABA routing number according to a given algorithm. (Although the number may be valid, it may not be actually assigned to a financial institution.)

Category: Calculation

Gain in Percent Calculator Calculate the percentage of increase/decrease between two units. A simple, effective script.

Category: Calculation

Fibonacci Displays the Fibonacci Sequence of Numbers as entered by the user. Warning: This is very processor intensive, do not enter a large number.

Category: Calculation, Math

Order Form An order form which utilizes checkboxes and radio buttons for making a selection. The checkbox only allows one quantity of any item to be ordered, while the radio button only allows for one item within a defined group to be ordered. Script updates the order total as the visitor makes his/her selections, also note that the order total can not be manually altered by the visitor. Works in MSIE and Opera.

Category: Calculation

Loan Payment Calculator A JavaScript calculator code that calculates your monthly loan payment.

Category: Calculation

JavaScript Quartic Equation Solver This simple JavaScript code example can solve quartic equations in the form of ax^4 + bx+3 + cx^2 + dx + e = 0. Another way to get answers but do not want to calculate more.

Category: Calculation, Math

ASCII Engine Enter any keyboard character and the Ascii Engine outputs the character's equivalent in Ascii Decimal, Ascii Hex, and even binary.

Category: Calculation

5 Function Calculator Here is a really simple JavaScript calculator code - with just 5 functions! (Add, subtract, multiply, divide, and power) This example can help you see how JavaScript evaluates math functions! Check it out.
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