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Responsive Web Design Infographic In this infographic, we're happy to show facts and figures about Internet usage on mobile & desktop platforms in a lucid, engaging format.

According to infographic statistics, mobile Internet usage has been growing staggeringly over the past few years and is expected to overtake desktop Internet usage by the year 2013. From 800 million mobile Internet users in 2009, the count is projected to reach 1.9 billion Internet users by the year 2015.

HTML5 Infographics: Past, Present and Future Today, jsB@nk would like to present the first infographic about HTML5, this infographic is also the first category jsB@nk would like to extend & write - Infographic. And this first infographic made & published as guest post (join us if you want), tell some information about the past, present and future of HTML5.

HTML5 aims to improve upon its predecessors by enhancing the language and support while still being compatible and understandable by current media devices and web browsers. This infographic explains the compatibility with the various, existing web browsers.
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