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Byte Converter Use this JavaScript to convert bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes. Quick and easy to use.

Inches and Centimeters Change inches to centimeters and back using this short, sweet script. Very easy to use, just type in the number and click.

Roman Numerals Converter An interesting script for converting between integers and Roman Numerals, as well as checking the validity of Roman Numerals for common mistakes.

Length Converter Convert units from one to another. Simply choose the unit you want to use, type the value in the field next to it, and click the 'Convert' button.

Engine Displacement Conversion Enter an engine size in either field then CLICK OUTSIDE the box.

Times Table This JavaScript makes a Times table with a value cause visitors enter.

Area Equivalents JavaScript can help you find area equivalents.

Fahrenheit to Cel. Converter This JavaScript will convert celsius to fahrenheit or fahrenheit to celsius, all you have to do is fill in the prompts and the conversion will appear in an alert box!

Energy Equivalents JavaScript can help you find energy equivalents.

Degrees to Radians Use JavaScript to convert Degrees to Radians and vice versa.
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