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World Time Zone Displayer Your visitors are from over the world? And you worry that they do know the best time to contact you? Let use this JavaScript code, may associate with some GMT zone script, to show your current timezone and your visitors what time that would be in their time zone.

Category: Time, Clock

Weight Watchers Points Calculator Are you creating a diet Web site? Are you using the Weight Watchers Points plan to lose weight? If so, this little calculator might just come in handy. A simple but quick method to figure WW points.

Category: Utility

Multilevel Dynamic Menu A JavaScript code to build the multi level menu on your web pages, each item has a icon for itself; this script works on all poppular browsers, but more beautiful in Internet Explorer because it uses filters in engine of this browser for performing fade effects.

Animated Drop Down Navigation Menu This free JavaScript will add dropping animation for menus when users move mouse over a specified link, or they are set to appear through click. The menu also allows you to set the height, along with scrolling feature for for very long list menus.

Category: Framework, jQuery

Flashing Rich HTML Sticky Board Flashing Rich HTML Sticky Board - an useful and practical JavaScript code to rotate your the important news (or notice) on your website, with fading effects on appearing and disappearing. Content can be defined on the same web page, or can be obtained from other pages via AJAX technology; the script also uses cookie to store the last message that users clicked.

Category: Framework, jQuery

Mega Navigation onmouseover This free JavaScript code drops down the container that has a lot of the menu, along with very very very numberous items when users click the indicated link. This effect will be useful and appropriate if your website has a huge list of categories, up to hundreds, need to be shown, like jsB@nk version 8.

Category: Framework, jQuery

30 Creative Examples of Javascript Slider & Scrollers With the stronger support of the JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery, Scriptallicious ... nowadays, web designers and developers can easily create eye-catching effects like Flash. This article introduces you to 30 websites using these JavaScript framework libraries to create scrolling and sliding effects that they are very unique and creative.

Category: Tutorials

40+ Creative Techniques of JavaScript for Attractive UI Professional User Interface (UI) is the thing that all web designers want, but we have to do many things to get it; beside the attractive design/layout, we must implement many beautiful animations for the interaction of users.

With the power of JavaScript frameworks such jQuery, YUI, MooTools, ... installing the animations become more simple & faster. Let check the list of very creative JavaScript techniques in the full post for the professional UIs maybe I never thought that they would be.

Category: Tutorials

50+ Beautiful Resources of HTML Form using CSS and JavaScript In order to create forms (contact, send your friends, sharing, ...) on the websites, the web designers have to spend a lot of time and some skills; because these HTML forms should have a user-friendly, eye-catching layout and they must have a harmonious interface to the overall of website. However, with over 50 resources and tutorials introduced in this free JavaScript article, you are able to create your own HTML forms for the shortest time easily.

Category: Tutorials

12 Super High Cool JavaScript Effects JavaScript - the most popular web programming language in client, used to create the effects, animations, motion of objects on the web pages. With the proper effort, JavaScript can give you the web effects and web applications that they are extremely nice, amazing and awesome you can not imagine. And this JavaScript article shows you the list of 12 JavaScript effects are the best in present, and these JavaScript applications are optimized to run on Google Chrome, Firefox.

Category: Tutorials
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