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Greeting and Holiday script This JavaScript displays a greeting message and depend system date to calculate and give message for each Holiday event.

Category: Time

Check Date script You can use this JavaScript to check validation of a date.

Category: Time, Validation

Real Time script This JavaScript will display a real time clock at the top of your webpage.

Category: Time, Clock

Validate Date script This is a simple date validation. The script is written for the European format (ddmmyy), but can easily be changed.

Category: Time, Validation

Get a day Select box to get the day.

Category: Time, Clock

Calendar of Events This JavaScript displays a month calender on your webpages with current time and event (if have).

Category: Time, Calendar

Floating Timer (Clock) It's a very customizable timer (or a clock whatever you choose) that displays how long the visitor was on your page, or displays the local current time. It always sits in one of the corners of your browser (you choose which one) when you scroll the page.

Category: Time, Clock

Two More Clocks This JavaScript creates two more clocks.

Category: Time, Clock

A Stopwatch and a Countdown Timer You can change the period the stopwatch and/or countdown timer run for by typing a new value in the 'Stop/Start' at box.

Category: Time, Counter

A Stopwatch script It's always fun to play with a stopwatch - even in JavaScript! This stopwatch does even include the basic features of Start, Stop, and of course, Reset. By the way, the time is not the regular seconds readout that you are probably used to. It displays in milliseconds! Therefore, 1000 = 1 sec, 5000 = 5 sec, etc...

Category: Time, Counter
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