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Time Stamp Converter Finding out the time when an e-mail message was sent is a little bit tricky. That's especially true if you use Webmail. Save and start the attached Time.html file. It converts the date and time to local time.

Category: Time, Validation

Calculator for Easter Sunday Use this JavaScript to figure out when Easter Sunday will be in a given year. The timing of the holiday depends on the full moon.

Category: Time, Validation

Day of Week script Calculate what day of the week a given date was. It works for leap years and also tells you whether the date is in the past future or today.

Category: Time, Validation

Date Difference script Enter two dates (including the time!) and this script will display the number of weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds between the two. The seconds field is optional, too. For an example, try entering your birthdate and compare it to today's date.

Category: Time, Validation

Calculator for Sunday Use this JavaScript to figure out when Sunday will be in a given point of time.

Category: Time, Validation

Check Date script You can use this JavaScript to check validation of a date.

Category: Time, Validation

Validate Date script This is a simple date validation. The script is written for the European format (ddmmyy), but can easily be changed.

Category: Time, Validation

Validation script (Date) Dates are validated and formatted in your form. Supports over a dozen different date formats, and formats the date properly in United States or European date formatting styles depending on how the script is configured. A dateCheck function also is included if you wish to compare two dates. Wow!

Category: Time, Validation
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