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DHTMLxToolbar DHTML xToolbar is a completely customizable JavaScript toolbar. It allows to create an attractive vertical or horizontal DHTML Toolbar within minutes. dhtmlxToolbar can load its content from XML so it can be easily changed without reloading. Has cross-browser/multiplatform compatibility, powerful client-side API and customizable icons (with JavaScript or xml). dhtmlxToolbar supports several buttons types(image, image with text, select).

Category: Utility

Browse-View-Load A tool to view path of a file and load it to view.

Category: Utility

Quiz script Use this JavaScript to create quizzes for tutorials, online classes, or other subjects.

Category: Utility, Quiz

Code Box Editor A code box where users can edit code and preview their results all on the same page. A great way to offer your code snippets to your visitors.

Category: Utility, Generator

Currency Finder This script lets the user find out the name of a country's currency with a pop-up list. Users with IE4 will also see coloured backgrounds and text in the form fields.Only a few currencies are listed, but the list can be easily extended or altered for other purposes.

Category: Utility

Search the Page This JavaScript will allow your visitors to search a Web page for any matching characters. It can be set for the entire page or within a specific ID attribute. Simple to use and heavily annotated.

Category: Utility, Search-code

Document Text Sizer Sometimes the text size you've specified for your webpage isn't suitable to the viewer, depending on his browser configuration or OS. This useful script by Taewook uses Dynamic CSS to let the viewer himself modify the text size of the page on demand, by clicking on an Increase or Decrease Font Size link. Now that's a kind of personalization your viewers may just appreciate.

This script is most appropriate for webpages styled using CSS or a minimal of deprecated HTML tags, though it can also affect text sized using explicit <font size="x"> tags (see Customization below). Compatibility wise, a DOM enabled browser is required for the script to take affect- IE5+/NS6+/Opera 7+ etc.

Category: Utility

Lottery Number Picker & Statistics Chuck your superstitions to the side, and put your lottery dreams in this JavaScript instead. Generates 6 random 2-digit numbers for you to use.

Category: Utility

Drop Down Menu Generator Simply select the options you would like in your pulldown menu, enter the text and URL for each listing, and click the button to generate the source code. Easy! And, we can even mail the generated code to you.

Category: Utility, Generator

Calculate time to load page Commonly, everybody used to use a programming language in server to calculate time to load page. However, only with JavaScript and little creativeness, you can also calculate time to load your pages. There are two step to set up this JavaScript on your web pages. In fact, this JavaScript only calculate time to display your pages in client side. Therefore, time to load page depend on speed of processor. Of course, if you place two script nearly, time to load equal 0.

Category: Utility
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