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Virtual Keyboard This JavaScript integrates complete virtual keyboard solution to the any web page. It does support mouse input, as well as keyboard input translation. Plain text and rich text controls are supported and plugins for several online WYSIWYG editors exists.

Script includes support for 130 languages, including IME - Chinese, Japanese and thers. Keyboard is easy skinnable by using CSS.
Tip: this demo contains three layouts, you can switch them through variable in vk_loader.js file.

Category: Utility

Currency Format script This JavaScript accepts a number or string and formats it like U.S. currency. Adds the dollar sign, rounds to two places past the decimal, adds place holding zeros, and commas where appropriate. Occurs when the user clicks the button or when they finish entering the money amount (and click into the next field).

Category: Utility, Converter

Random Text Generator When designing web site, sometimes we need to fill areas of layout with some text, and we usually do this thing by making some copy & paste on any content when meet.

But with this random code, we will create some random quotes, random texts easily through one click. Three patterns are available: text latin, silly, spanish and italian.

Category: Utility, Generator

Ohm\'s Law Calculator Ohm's Law calculator for electronics enthusiasts. Calculates Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Power.

Category: Utility

jsPDF: Generating your PDF Web Page Documents using JavaScript jsPDF is an open-source JavaScript library written by James, this tool allow us generate PDF web page documents in server-side and client-side by using nothing but JavaScript. You can use it in a Firefox extension, in Server Side JavaScript and with Data URIs in some browsers. Demos work best in Safari or iPhone Safari.

Category: Utility, Generator

Rating star script Need a system to rate an item on your web page? Let's implement the simple script to do that. This script is very easy to setup and modify, you only copy all JavaScript code into your web page (should save into a file for using on many pages).

Category: Utility

HTML to Entities script This JavaScript converts special HTML characters to their entities version inside user entered data such as a TEXTAREA before the form is submitted.

Category: Utility, Converter

Internal Search Box This JavaScript search tool can be used to create a dropdown search box for your Web site, just like forums. You can also create dropdown search forms, hint boxes, and menus.

Category: Utility, Search-code

XMLWriter: Simple JavaScript XML Creator XML - a type of data defining - becoming more popular at present because of its flexibility and convenience, data defined by XML become more visual and clear to query with any platform. XML is being used by more and more web platforms/utilities such as: JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Java, Flash, etc.

Almost web development tools, web applications have exclusive libraries (functions, objects) to process XML data; besides; many famous platforms: WordPress, Zend, Joomla, etc also built its own libraries for XML; this is stable proof to proven above things jsB@nk said.

However, the field of XML is too big to discuss in this short post, because there was many professional books/e-books research it. Now in this post, jsB@nk like only to show you a simple JavaScript application for generating data in XML. Please go to the live demo of this JavaScript code example for short review.

Try more JavaScript XML parse scripts if you like:

- Random of Testimonial Bubbles with XML and jQuery
- getXML

Category: Utility, Generator

FAQ Drop Down script Need to create a F.A.Q for your Web site? Use this JavaScript to hide/reveal content on a Web page. Keep your long documents short.

Category: Utility
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