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20 Best of Beautiful Social Media Icons Sets - p6 It has been the very long time; now jsB@nk keeps sharing more 20 amazing and awesome social media icons sets. This is part VI in series of social media icons sets we're sharing on

Let visit if you're still finding more.

Category: Tutorials

Highcharts - An Awesome and Interactive JavaScript tools for Super Nice charts Highcharts is an awesome charting library written in pure JavaScript with cross-browsers compatibility. This JavaScript tool gives you many types of easy ways to create beautiful, interactive charts on your web site or web applications, and some other great customization features. It currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types. Features:
- Simple and easy configuration syntax
- Displaying a tooltip text with information on each point and series on hovering
- Datetime axis
- Zooming in the X or Y dimension, or both

Check out the demo gallery to see it in action at here.

Category: Tutorials

Does JavaScript Hurt SEO Efforts? For those who are more focused on getting higher rankings in search engines such as Google, learning the in-and-outs of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques is crucial. There is a list of do's and don'ts readily available for web designers and web programmers to refer too; upon reading that list, one of the major no-no's you will notice almost immediately is dismissing the use of JavaScript. This may seem odd, especially because JavaScript is what makes sites interactive and unique.

But there are several reasons why JavaScript should be used "lightly" if your main concern is to eventually have your site (or your client's site) rank number one. To learn how JavaScript can affect SEO efforts, continue reading below, or read more other related articles about SEO:

- SEO and JavaScript in Web Development
- Benefits of Using SEO Software
- Do You Need to Hire an SEO Company?

Category: Tutorials, SEO

Rotating Image script Display your images in a rotating sequence. Easy to set up and very unobtrusive.

Category: Image, Rotation

Simple Advanced Social Media Management Strategies to Increase Engagement One of the most important parts of social media management campaigns is to increase engagement. That is vital since it will potentially lead towards a viral effect that is similar to word of mouth marketing. At the same time, a part of the success of social media management is connected with what percentage of the followers actually interacts with the content that is shared.

Category: Tutorials, SEO

Simple Auto Image Rotator with jQuery This is a simple JavaScript code example to rotate your pictures continuously. This jQuery code example uses the blur effects for the animations of picture transitions. A very easy JavaScript code example to use.

Category: Framework, jQuery

Automating Tasks with Windows Script Host and JScript JavaScript This free HTML JavaScript tutorial guides you how to create some simple automating tasks on your computer with Windows Script Host (WSH) and JScript JavaScript, without any third part software. Please go to the detailed post for full instructions and codes.

More 10 Awesome Countdown Timers to Christmas 2010 There are not much days left for Christmas since this post - Top 10 Beautiful Christmas Countdown Timers. The months have passed and days, hours, minutes and seconds are passing. The Christmas Day is coming soon and if you are still looking for some more interesting and beautiful countdown timers for Christmas day then this post is the right place, I'm pleasure to show you more 10 awesome countdown timers to Christmas.

Before we start, allow me to repeat my personal notes: most of these Christmas countdown timers still are free (downloadable) and some others are commercial versions. You can easily download & setup them in your web page or social networking profiles. However, I just recommend them to you; if you like any countdown, please contact the author to take the permission and release them wherever you wish.

I write this post for and TripWireMagazine, please go to More 10 Awesome Countdown Timers to Christmas 2010 for the full post.

Category: Tutorials

Contest: 5 free copies of Fiverr Force ebook ($32) to make $600 What do you know about Fiverr? It's a marketplace to buy/sell any thing at $5, when one transaction is dealed, Fiverr takes $1 off of the $5 fee. Fiverr is a place for people to share things they're willing to do for $5, at present, $5 tasks are listed into a lot of categories such as Gift Ideas, Funny and Bizarre, Graphics/Video, Social Marketing, Writing, Technology, Business, Advertising, Silly Stuff and Programming, etc.

For this week, the first contest on jsB@nk is 5 free copies of Fiverr Force ebook, valued $32 for each. Fiverr Force is one 22-page ebook packed with information that will increase your online earnings in as little as a day. You can start off making hundreds and end up making thousands. Fiverr Force is guaranteed to increase not only your Fiverr revenue but your online revenue in general. It will show you how to make hundreds of dollars each month by putting in only 5 minutes of work a day!

Please go to the full post page to see more information about Fiverr and the rules to take one free Fiverr Force then make money online more effective.

Category: Tutorials, Contest

25 Stunning Personal Designs with JavaScript Sliding Animations Today, we are going to present 25 single page designs using JavaScript effects. Now-a-days, single page website design is the favorite topic among the designers.

These single page websites have creative and awesome JavaScript effects. These effects makes your website attractive and different.

JavaScript is the most popular and favorite designing tool that provides you beautiful and amazing JavaScript effects.

Try other amazing JavaScript showcases jsB@nk ever presented:
- Showcase of Awesome and Stunning Scrollable Websites
- Eight Stunning and Beautiful HTML5 and JavaScript Experiments
- Showcases of Awesome Designs with Stunning JavaScript

Category: Tutorials, Showcases
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