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12/24 Hour Format Clock Display the local time in the 12 hour or 24 hour format. Selection is made by the visitor using the radio buttons displayed with the clock.

Category: Time, Clock

Item Background Changer Menu This is a simple code that uses CSS and Javascript.

Category: Menu

3D Beziér Curve This JavaScript code create a molecube can spin and move by bounding.

Category: 3D

Number Of Visits This is a different script to records how many times the visitor has visited the page and writes to the page accordingly.

Category: Cookie

Bubble Sort Sorts using the bubbleSort method. Simply enter a list of numbers into the textbox and click sort.

Category: Snippet

Email Validation Checker You can use this scritpt to check an email validation.

Category: Email

Bomber Use keyboard to play it.

Category: Game

Flashing squares A script with the flashing quares. Very cool.

Category: Background

Key Table Creator When visitors press the keyboard, the script will display ASCII code of that key on the webpage.

Category: Misc

DHTML analog clock script Analog clock that uses DIV tags for the clock face.

Category: Time, Clock
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