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Fraction Calculator A fraction calculator code that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on two fractions. It also reduces the result to the lowest terms.

Category: Calculation

Multilevel menu A different script to make a multilevel menu. Very cool.

Scrolling Text in status bar You can use this JavaScript to change status by scrolling your favorite messages in status bar from right to left.

Category: Status, Status

Fading Slide Show Displays images continuously in a slideshow presentation format, with a fade effect on image transitions. (Fade in Internet Explorer 4+ only).

Category: Image, Slideshow

Super Neat JavaScript Countdown Timer You are needing a beautiful/stylish Javascript countdown timer? And it must be easy to use & edit? Check out this JavaScript code now to see it in action. It meets your requirements, and maybe the best JavaScript countdown timer you ever use.

Category: Time, Counter

War\'s web form This Web form utilizes the sender's e-mail. This form has a validation for information added; if all is entered correctly, the sender will be directed to a 'thank you' page.

Category: Email

Amazing Message Box This JavaScript code creates a message box and shows an alert after the page gets downloaded. Use the test cases to invoke methods of the message box directly.

Category: Form, Table

Floating Butterfly This JavaScript will create the moving image in a frame. Here in example are the butterflies.

Category: Image

Top-Slide-Menu Top-Slide-Menu is a space-saving slidemenu on the top of your webpage. Just click on a category and the JavaScript menu item will slide down revealing its mapped submenus. Click on the spot again and the JavaScript menu item will slide back. As the script is based on simple imagemaps you can design them as you like.

Category: Menu, Floatable

Simple WholeWidthTicker scrolling from right to left Kingsize ticker scrolling from right to left. Add as many messages as you like. Each message can be linked to a different URL. Very easy configuration of messages and font-attributes (such as fontcolor, fontfamily, fontsize, fontweight and more).

Category: Text, Animation
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