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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Theo chiều ngang » Chữ cuộn từ phải sang
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/scrolling-hypertext-ticker.html

Chữ cuộn từ phải sang © JavaScriptBank.comMột đoạn mã JavaScript JavaScript khác để tạo hiệu ứng chữ di chuyển">di chuyển trong khung từ phải sang trái.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Theo chiều ngang » Chữ cuộn từ phải sang
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/scrolling-hypertext-ticker.html

<body onload="init(); banSlide()"><script language="JavaScript"><!--// Hypertext Banner v1.5//Created by Howard Chen, jdeveloper@telebot.netn = (document.layers) ? 1:0ie = (document.all) ? 1:0if (n) {    windowWidth = window.innerWidth-17    windowHeight = window.innerHeight-17    }else if (ie) {    windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth-17    windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight-17    }at_center = "(windowWidth-showWidth)/2"at_right = "windowWidth-showWidth"at_left = "0";//================ CONFIGURE YOUR BANNER HERE ======================spd = 20                            // speed in msshowWidth = 400                     // Width of the banner shown on the screen at one timeshowHeight = 20                     // The Height of bannerfromTop = 40                        // The banner's position in pixel from the top of the pagefromLeft = eval(at_center)          // The banner's position in pixel from the left side of the pageloop = "infinite";                  // The number of times this banner will rotate, use "infinite" for infinitly many times.// The text that is to be displayed, HTML tags ARE allowed!!display_text = "JavaScriptBank.com - Bank of over 2000+ free JavaScripts"/*    You can use eval(at_center) to place the banner in the center,    eval(at_left) to place on the left, or     eval(at_right) to place on the right.*///================ DO NOT EDIT CODES BELOW THIS LINE ===========function init() {     banner = new dynLayer("banDiv", null, 0, showWidth, showHeight, 0)     banner.moveTo(fromLeft,fromTop);     if (n) {        banner.ref.open();        banner.ref.write("<NOBR>");        for (var i = showWidth/4; i > 0; i--) {            banner.ref.write("&nbsp;");            }        banner.ref.write(display_text);        banner.ref.write("</NOBR>");        banner.ref.close();        }     if (ie) {        document.all["banDiv"].innerHTML = "<NOBR>"        for (var i = showWidth/4; i > 0; i--) {            document.all["banDiv"].innerHTML += "&nbsp;";            }        document.all["banDiv"].innerHTML += display_text + "</NOBR>";        }    }function dynLayer(id,nestref,ctop,cright,cbottom,cleft) {     if (n) {          if (nestref) {               this.css = eval("document." + nestref + ".document." + id)               this.ref = eval("document." + nestref + ".document." + id + ".document")          }          else {               this.css = document.layers[id]               this.ref = document.layers[id].document          }          this.x = this.css.left          this.y = this.css.top     }     else if (ie) {          this.css = document.all[id].style          this.ref = document          this.x = this.css.pixelLeft          this.y = this.css.pixelTop     }     this.obj = id + "Object"     eval(this.obj + "=this")     this.moveBy = dynLayerMoveBy     this.moveTo = dynLayerMoveTo     this.clipBy = dynLayerClipBy     this.clipTo = dynLayerClipTo     this.clipValues = dynLayerClipValues     if (ie) {          if (ctop!=null && cright!=null && cbottom!=null && cleft!=null) this.clipTo(ctop,cright,cbottom,cleft)          else if (this.css.pixelWidth && this.css.pixelHeight) this.clipTo(0,this.css.pixelWidth,this.css.pixelHeight,0)     }}function dynLayerMoveBy(x,y) {     this.x += x     this.css.left = this.x     this.y += y     this.css.top = this.y}function dynLayerMoveTo(x,y) {     this.x = x     this.css.left = this.x     this.y = y     this.css.top = this.y}function dynLayerClipBy(t,r,b,l) {     if (n) {          this.css.clip.top = this.clipValues('t') + t          this.css.clip.right = this.clipValues('r') + r          this.css.clip.bottom = this.clipValues('b') + b          this.css.clip.left = this.clipValues('l') + l     }     else if (ie) this.css.clip = "rect("+(this.clipValues('t')+t)+"px "+(this.clipValues('r')+r)+"px "+Number(this.clipValues('b')+b)+"px "+Number(this.clipValues('l')+l)+"px)"}function dynLayerClipTo(t,r,b,l) {     if (n) {          this.css.clip.top = t          this.css.clip.right = r          this.css.clip.bottom = b          this.css.clip.left = l     }     else if (ie) this.css.clip = "rect("+t+"px "+r+"px "+b+"px "+l+"px)"}function dynLayerClipValues(which) {     if (n) {          if (which=="t") return this.css.clip.top          if (which=="r") return this.css.clip.right          if (which=="b") return this.css.clip.bottom          if (which=="l") return this.css.clip.left     }     else if (ie) {          var clipv = this.css.clip.split("rect(")[1].split(")")[0].split("px")          if (which=="t") return Number(clipv[0])          if (which=="r") return Number(clipv[1])          if (which=="b") return Number(clipv[2])          if (which=="l") return Number(clipv[3])     }}function banSlide(){var i if (n) {     i = banner.css.clip.height     }if (ie) {     i = banner.css.pixelHeight     }banner.moveBy(-2,0)banner.clipBy(0,2,0,2)setTimeout("banSlide()", spd);}document.writeln('<STYLE TYPE="text/css">');document.writeln('<\!--');document.writeln('#banDiv {position:relative; height: 50; clip:rect(0,' + showWidth + ',' + showHeight + ',0)}');document.writeln('-->');document.writeln('</STYLE>');</script><div id="banDiv"></div></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->