
Imprimer - Défilement Hypertext Ticker - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Défilement horizontal » Défilement Hypertext Ticker
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/scrolling-hypertext-ticker.html

Défilement Hypertext Ticker © JavaScriptBank.comLe pouvoir de l'Hyper Ticker est à sa capacité d'exécuter des balises HTML dans le symbole. Vous pouvez mettre des images, liens hypertextes, de changer les couleurs, clignote, et presque tout ce que vous pouvez faire avec du HTML.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Scrollers » Défilement horizontal » Défilement Hypertext Ticker
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/scrolling-hypertext-ticker.html

<body onload="init(); banSlide()"><script language="JavaScript"><!--// Hypertext Banner v1.5//Created by Howard Chen, jdeveloper@telebot.netn = (document.layers) ? 1:0ie = (document.all) ? 1:0if (n) {    windowWidth = window.innerWidth-17    windowHeight = window.innerHeight-17    }else if (ie) {    windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth-17    windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight-17    }at_center = "(windowWidth-showWidth)/2"at_right = "windowWidth-showWidth"at_left = "0";//================ CONFIGURE YOUR BANNER HERE ======================spd = 20                            // speed in msshowWidth = 400                     // Width of the banner shown on the screen at one timeshowHeight = 20                     // The Height of bannerfromTop = 40                        // The banner's position in pixel from the top of the pagefromLeft = eval(at_center)          // The banner's position in pixel from the left side of the pageloop = "infinite";                  // The number of times this banner will rotate, use "infinite" for infinitly many times.// The text that is to be displayed, HTML tags ARE allowed!!display_text = "JavaScriptBank.com - Bank of over 2000+ free JavaScripts"/*    You can use eval(at_center) to place the banner in the center,    eval(at_left) to place on the left, or     eval(at_right) to place on the right.*///================ DO NOT EDIT CODES BELOW THIS LINE ===========function init() {     banner = new dynLayer("banDiv", null, 0, showWidth, showHeight, 0)     banner.moveTo(fromLeft,fromTop);     if (n) {        banner.ref.open();        banner.ref.write("<NOBR>");        for (var i = showWidth/4; i > 0; i--) {            banner.ref.write("&nbsp;");            }        banner.ref.write(display_text);        banner.ref.write("</NOBR>");        banner.ref.close();        }     if (ie) {        document.all["banDiv"].innerHTML = "<NOBR>"        for (var i = showWidth/4; i > 0; i--) {            document.all["banDiv"].innerHTML += "&nbsp;";            }        document.all["banDiv"].innerHTML += display_text + "</NOBR>";        }    }function dynLayer(id,nestref,ctop,cright,cbottom,cleft) {     if (n) {          if (nestref) {               this.css = eval("document." + nestref + ".document." + id)               this.ref = eval("document." + nestref + ".document." + id + ".document")          }          else {               this.css = document.layers[id]               this.ref = document.layers[id].document          }          this.x = this.css.left          this.y = this.css.top     }     else if (ie) {          this.css = document.all[id].style          this.ref = document          this.x = this.css.pixelLeft          this.y = this.css.pixelTop     }     this.obj = id + "Object"     eval(this.obj + "=this")     this.moveBy = dynLayerMoveBy     this.moveTo = dynLayerMoveTo     this.clipBy = dynLayerClipBy     this.clipTo = dynLayerClipTo     this.clipValues = dynLayerClipValues     if (ie) {          if (ctop!=null && cright!=null && cbottom!=null && cleft!=null) this.clipTo(ctop,cright,cbottom,cleft)          else if (this.css.pixelWidth && this.css.pixelHeight) this.clipTo(0,this.css.pixelWidth,this.css.pixelHeight,0)     }}function dynLayerMoveBy(x,y) {     this.x += x     this.css.left = this.x     this.y += y     this.css.top = this.y}function dynLayerMoveTo(x,y) {     this.x = x     this.css.left = this.x     this.y = y     this.css.top = this.y}function dynLayerClipBy(t,r,b,l) {     if (n) {          this.css.clip.top = this.clipValues('t') + t          this.css.clip.right = this.clipValues('r') + r          this.css.clip.bottom = this.clipValues('b') + b          this.css.clip.left = this.clipValues('l') + l     }     else if (ie) this.css.clip = "rect("+(this.clipValues('t')+t)+"px "+(this.clipValues('r')+r)+"px "+Number(this.clipValues('b')+b)+"px "+Number(this.clipValues('l')+l)+"px)"}function dynLayerClipTo(t,r,b,l) {     if (n) {          this.css.clip.top = t          this.css.clip.right = r          this.css.clip.bottom = b          this.css.clip.left = l     }     else if (ie) this.css.clip = "rect("+t+"px "+r+"px "+b+"px "+l+"px)"}function dynLayerClipValues(which) {     if (n) {          if (which=="t") return this.css.clip.top          if (which=="r") return this.css.clip.right          if (which=="b") return this.css.clip.bottom          if (which=="l") return this.css.clip.left     }     else if (ie) {          var clipv = this.css.clip.split("rect(")[1].split(")")[0].split("px")          if (which=="t") return Number(clipv[0])          if (which=="r") return Number(clipv[1])          if (which=="b") return Number(clipv[2])          if (which=="l") return Number(clipv[3])     }}function banSlide(){var i if (n) {     i = banner.css.clip.height     }if (ie) {     i = banner.css.pixelHeight     }banner.moveBy(-2,0)banner.clipBy(0,2,0,2)setTimeout("banSlide()", spd);}document.writeln('<STYLE TYPE="text/css">');document.writeln('<\!--');document.writeln('#banDiv {position:relative; height: 50; clip:rect(0,' + showWidth + ',' + showHeight + ',0)}');document.writeln('-->');document.writeln('</STYLE>');</script><div id="banDiv"></div></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->