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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Liên kết » Chú thích » Liên kết và chú thích có canh lề
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/textual-tooltip-script.html

Liên kết và chú thích có canh lề © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng tạo một trình đơn liên kết được canh trái và các chú thích của liên kết được canh phải.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Liên kết » Chú thích » Liên kết và chú thích có canh lề
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/textual-tooltip-script.html

<STYLE>A:link {COLOR: #0066cc; TEXT-DECORATION: none}A:visited {COLOR: #0066cc; TEXT-DECORATION: none}A:hover {COLOR: red}A.list {COLOR: white; FONT-FAMILY: verdana; FONT-SIZE: 7pt; TEXT-DECORATION: none}A.list:visited {COLOR: white; FONT-FAMILY: verdana; FONT-SIZE: 7pt; TEXT-DECORATION: none}A.list:hover {COLOR: #ffcb10; TEXT-DECORATION: none}</style><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<SCRIPT><!--var content=new Array()//change the array below to the text associated with your links Expand or contract the array, depending on how many links you havecontent[0]='<br><big><b>Menus and navigation systems</b></big><br>Click here for DHTML scripts that help enhance your site\'s navigability, such as collapsible menus, sliding menu bars etc.'content[1]='<br><big><b>Special document effects</b></big><br>With the advent of DHTML, webpages are one step closer to its cousin, TV, in terms of special effects...'content[2]='<br><big><b>Scrollers</b></big><br>Up until now, adding a scroller or tickertape to your website usually meant using a slow Java applet. Not anymore. Click here for DHTML scrollers that accomplish the same task with minimal download time.'content[3]='<br><big><b>Image effects</b></big><br>Add lightweight effects to your existing images using these scripts. Make them fly, light up, turn static, all without paying the cost of slow downloading time.'content[4]='<br><big><b>Links and buttons</b></big><br>Add tooltips to your text links, rollover effects to your form buttons, keyboard features to your document, and more.'content[5]='<br><big><b>Dynamic clocks and dates</b></big><br>Time is never static, so why should your time script be? Enter for DHTML scripts that actually understand this simple truth.'content[6]='<br><big><b>Text animations</b></big><br>Text have been silent for too long- DHTML promises to free them, with flying text, typing text, dragable text, and more.'content[7]='<br><big><b>Browser window</b></big><br>Click here scripts related to the browser window and frames.'content[8]='<br><big><b>Other</b></big><br>All scripts that don\'t comfortably fit in any of the above categories go here...'function changetext(whichcontent){if (document.all)descriptions.innerHTML='<font face="Verdana"><small>'+whichcontent+'<font></small>'}function reset(){if (!scriptmenu.contains(event.toElement))descriptions.innerHTML=temphtml}//--></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

            <TABLE border=0 width="100%">              <TBODY>              <TR>                <TD class=bodytext colSpan=3>                <!----------------------------------------- START DEMONSTRATION HERE  --------->                  <DIV align=right id=scriptmenu onmouseout=reset() style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px;width: 200px;">                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[0])>Menus and Navigation Systems</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[1])>Special document effects</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[2])>Scrollers</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[3])>Image effects</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[4])>Links and buttons</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[5])>Dynamic Clocks and dates</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[6])>Text animations</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[7])>Status</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[8])>Other</A>                  </DIV>                  <!----------------------------------------- END DEMONSTRATION HERE  --------->                  </TD>                <TD class=bodytext vAlign=top width="100%">                  <DIV align=left id=descriptions>                  <P align=left><B>Welcome to our new look!</B><BR><FONT                   face=Verdana><SMALL>Hope you like the new look for Dynamic Drive. This is the first in a series of steps we&#39;re taking to improve our site. In the very near future, you can expect many cool features such as a new forum, newsletter, feedback form, and more, to be introduced. Enjoy!</SMALL><BR></FONT></P></DIV>                  <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2>if (document.all)var temphtml=descriptions.innerHTML                  </SCRIPT>                </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->