
Imprimer - Documents textuels tooltip Script - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Lien » Tooltip » Documents textuels tooltip Script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/textual-tooltip-script.html

Documents textuels tooltip Script © JavaScriptBank.comUtilisez cette JavaScript de fournir des informations textuelles sur un lien (s)! Déplacez le la souris sur certains liens, et dans le texte apparaît sur la page décrivant le lien. Le texte peut être fondée HTML (gras, italique, etc.) Les navigateurs autres que IE 4 ou NS 4 + ne pourra tout simplement pas voir tout le texte.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Lien » Tooltip » Documents textuels tooltip Script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/textual-tooltip-script.html

<STYLE>A:link {COLOR: #0066cc; TEXT-DECORATION: none}A:visited {COLOR: #0066cc; TEXT-DECORATION: none}A:hover {COLOR: red}A.list {COLOR: white; FONT-FAMILY: verdana; FONT-SIZE: 7pt; TEXT-DECORATION: none}A.list:visited {COLOR: white; FONT-FAMILY: verdana; FONT-SIZE: 7pt; TEXT-DECORATION: none}A.list:hover {COLOR: #ffcb10; TEXT-DECORATION: none}</style><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<SCRIPT><!--var content=new Array()//change the array below to the text associated with your links Expand or contract the array, depending on how many links you havecontent[0]='<br><big><b>Menus and navigation systems</b></big><br>Click here for DHTML scripts that help enhance your site\'s navigability, such as collapsible menus, sliding menu bars etc.'content[1]='<br><big><b>Special document effects</b></big><br>With the advent of DHTML, webpages are one step closer to its cousin, TV, in terms of special effects...'content[2]='<br><big><b>Scrollers</b></big><br>Up until now, adding a scroller or tickertape to your website usually meant using a slow Java applet. Not anymore. Click here for DHTML scrollers that accomplish the same task with minimal download time.'content[3]='<br><big><b>Image effects</b></big><br>Add lightweight effects to your existing images using these scripts. Make them fly, light up, turn static, all without paying the cost of slow downloading time.'content[4]='<br><big><b>Links and buttons</b></big><br>Add tooltips to your text links, rollover effects to your form buttons, keyboard features to your document, and more.'content[5]='<br><big><b>Dynamic clocks and dates</b></big><br>Time is never static, so why should your time script be? Enter for DHTML scripts that actually understand this simple truth.'content[6]='<br><big><b>Text animations</b></big><br>Text have been silent for too long- DHTML promises to free them, with flying text, typing text, dragable text, and more.'content[7]='<br><big><b>Browser window</b></big><br>Click here scripts related to the browser window and frames.'content[8]='<br><big><b>Other</b></big><br>All scripts that don\'t comfortably fit in any of the above categories go here...'function changetext(whichcontent){if (document.all)descriptions.innerHTML='<font face="Verdana"><small>'+whichcontent+'<font></small>'}function reset(){if (!scriptmenu.contains(event.toElement))descriptions.innerHTML=temphtml}//--></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

            <TABLE border=0 width="100%">              <TBODY>              <TR>                <TD class=bodytext colSpan=3>                <!----------------------------------------- START DEMONSTRATION HERE  --------->                  <DIV align=right id=scriptmenu onmouseout=reset() style="LINE-HEIGHT: 20px;width: 200px;">                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[0])>Menus and Navigation Systems</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[1])>Special document effects</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[2])>Scrollers</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[3])>Image effects</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[4])>Links and buttons</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[5])>Dynamic Clocks and dates</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[6])>Text animations</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[7])>Status</A><BR>                  <A href="http://JavaScriptBank.com" onmouseover=changetext(content[8])>Other</A>                  </DIV>                  <!----------------------------------------- END DEMONSTRATION HERE  --------->                  </TD>                <TD class=bodytext vAlign=top width="100%">                  <DIV align=left id=descriptions>                  <P align=left><B>Welcome to our new look!</B><BR><FONT                   face=Verdana><SMALL>Hope you like the new look for Dynamic Drive. This is the first in a series of steps we&#39;re taking to improve our site. In the very near future, you can expect many cool features such as a new forum, newsletter, feedback form, and more, to be introduced. Enjoy!</SMALL><BR></FONT></P></DIV>                  <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2>if (document.all)var temphtml=descriptions.innerHTML                  </SCRIPT>                </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->