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Background color changer The effect makes color background continually change by increasing HEX color code.

Category: Background

Color codes Red, green, blue have max value of 255 and min of 0. The hex value contains 6 digits from 0-9 and A-F.

Click on the holes beside any color name or the hex to use the input value to calculate the other values. To calculate hex number, all 3 color values are needed.

However, if color values are calculated from hex number, only the hex number is needed. Click on the "Paint it!" button to see the color sample.

Category: Background

Background color changer onMousemove This JavaScript makes background color was changed continually and display color code in status bar when visitors move mouse on the web page.

Category: Background

Scrolling background image The effect makes background image autimatically float up/down when clicking the specified link.

Category: Background

Flashing background color This JavaScript makes background color was changed continually as flashing.

Category: Background

Color Table onClick This JavaScript will create a color table when visitors click the specified link.

Category: Background

Color phaser The effect makes background and foreground continually change and if view code of a color, visitors only click the specified link.

Category: Background

Inverse color Previewer This JavaScript allow user to priview inverse code of a color.

Category: Background

Background Color Changer Press any of the buttons to change the background color. You can add or delete as many colors as you like. Cool!

Category: Background

Background Color changer Use your cursor to select and see your background color and color code.

Category: Background
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