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URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/rank-em.html

Bảng xếp hạng © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng tạo các trình đơn kéo thả để tạo bảng đánh giá.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Ứng dụng » Bảng xếp hạng
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/rank-em.html

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">// Kent Rauch (kent@restekcorp.com) | http://www.restekcorp.com<!-- Beginfunction validator() {// copyright 2002 Kent Rauch // global declaration badrank = false; rankem(1,4); rankem(2,5); if (!badrank) {  // this is a "phony submit" for testing purposes  document.clear();  document.write("success! it be sweet<br>\n"); }}// ---------------------------------------------------------// Validate ranking questions: each value used exactly once.function rankem(question, q_size) {// copyright 2002 Kent Rauch var aLert1 = ""; var aLert2 = ""; // supports up to 26 items to be ranked -- extend this array to increase var cal = "a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.x.y.z"; cal = cal.split('.'); var a = 0; var irate = "rink" + question; eval(irate + " = new Object();"); var myrate = ""; for (var x = 0; x < q_size; ++x) {  myrate = "q"+question+cal[x];  eval(irate + "[" + x + "] = document.test_form." + myrate + ".selectedIndex");  if (eval(irate + "[" + x + "]")) {   ++a;   for (var y = 0; y < x; ++y) {    if (eval(irate + "[" + y + "]") == eval(irate + "[" + x + "]")) {     aLert1 = "Question "+ question +": please use each ranking only once.\n";    }   }  } } if (a != q_size) {  aLert2 = "Question " + question +":please rank all items.\n"; } var aLert = aLert1 + aLert2; if (aLert) {  alert(aLert);  badrank = true; }}//  End --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<form name="test_form"><table border=0><tr valign="top"><td>1. Ice Cream:<br><select name="q1a"> <option><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4 </select>vanilla<br><select name="q1b"> <option><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4 </select>chocolate<br><select name="q1c"> <option><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4 </select>raspberry<br><select name="q1d"> <option><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4 </select>mint<br></td><td width="80"> </td><td>2. Cars:<br><select name="q2a"> <option><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4<option>5 </select>Corvette<br><select name="q2b"> <option><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4<option>5 </select>Mustang<br><select name="q2c"> <option><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4<option>5 </select>Testarosa<br><select name="q2d"> <option><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4<option>5 </select>Esprit<br><select name="q2e"> <option><option>1<option>2<option>3<option>4<option>5 </select>RX-7<br></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><input type="button" onClick="validator();" value=" send survey "></td></tr></table>To set up a ranked-list survey question as in the examples above, name the <select>sas q + the number of the question + a, b, c, etc. In this case, the form elements are named:<blockquote>q1a<br>q1b<br>q1c<br>q1d<br>q2a<br>q2b<br>q2c<br>q2d<br>q2e</blockquote><p>To use the validation, call rankem(a,b) where the parameters are the question number and its length.In this case, the form handler calls the function twice:<blockquote>rankem(1,4);<br>rankem(2,5);</blockquote><p>Each call will generate a separate alert if there's anything amiss. The global "badrank" variableis a status flag so the main form handler knows if it's allowed to submit(). Note that this demodoesn't acutally do a submit(); instead it just displays a message.</form><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->