
Print - XMLWriter: Simple JavaScript XML Creator - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Utility » Generator » XMLWriter: Simple JavaScript XML Creator
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/xmlwriter-simple-javascript-xml-creator.html

XMLWriter: Simple JavaScript XML Creator © JavaScriptBank.comXML - a type of data defining - becoming more popular at present because of its flexibility and convenience, data defined by XML become more visual and clear to query with any platform. XML is being used by more and more web platforms/utilities such as: JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Java, Flash, etc.Almost web development tools, web applications have exclusive libraries (functions, objects) to process XML data; besides; many famous platforms: WordPress, Zend, Joomla, etc also built its own libraries for XML; this is stable proof to proven above things jsB@nk said.However, the field of XML is too big to discuss in this short post, because there was many professional books/e-books research it. Now in this post, jsB@nk like only to show you a simple JavaScript application for generating data in XML. Please go to the live demo of this JavaScript code example for short review.Try more JavaScript XML parse scripts if you like: - Random of Testimonial Bubbles with XML and jQuery - getXML

Full version: jsB@nk » Utility » Generator » XMLWriter: Simple JavaScript XML Creator
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/xmlwriter-simple-javascript-xml-creator.html

<script type="text/javascript">// Created by: Ariel Flesler | http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/03/xmlwriter-for-javascript.html// Licensed under: BSD License// This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com/** * XMLWriter - XML generator for Javascript, based on .NET's XMLTextWriter. * Copyright (c) 2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | http://flesler.blogspot.com * Licensed under BSD (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) * Date: 3/12/2008 * @version 1.0.0 * @author Ariel Flesler * http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/03/xmlwriter-for-javascript.html */ function XMLWriter( encoding, version ){if( encoding )this.encoding = encoding;if( version )this.version = version;};(function(){XMLWriter.prototype = {encoding:'ISO-8859-1',// what is the encodingversion:'1.0', //what xml version to useformatting: 'indented', //how to format the output (indented/none)  ?indentChar:'\t', //char to use for indentindentation: 1, //how many indentChar to add per levelnewLine: '\n', //character to separate nodes when formatting//start a new document, cleanup if we are reusingwriteStartDocument:function( standalone ){this.close();//cleanupthis.stack = [ ];this.standalone = standalone;},//get back to the rootwriteEndDocument:function(){this.active = this.root;this.stack = [ ];},//set the text of the doctypewriteDocType:function( dt ){this.doctype = dt;},//start a new node with this name, and an optional namespacewriteStartElement:function( name, ns ){if( ns )//namespacename = ns + ':' + name;var node = { n:name, a:{ }, c: [ ] };//(n)ame, (a)ttributes, (c)hildrenif( this.active ){this.active.c.push(node);this.stack.push(this.active);}elsethis.root = node;this.active = node;},//go up one node, if we are in the root, ignore itwriteEndElement:function(){this.active = this.stack.pop() || this.root;},//add an attribute to the active nodewriteAttributeString:function( name, value ){if( this.active )this.active.a[name] = value;},//add a text node to the active nodewriteString:function( text ){if( this.active )this.active.c.push(text);},//shortcut, open an element, write the text and closewriteElementString:function( name, text, ns ){this.writeStartElement( name, ns );this.writeString( text );this.writeEndElement();},//add a text node wrapped with CDATAwriteCDATA:function( text ){this.writeString( '<![CDATA[' + text + ']]>' );},//add a text node wrapped in a commentwriteComment:function( text ){this.writeString('<!-- ' + text + ' -->');},//generate the xml string, you can skip closing the last nodesflush:function(){if( this.stack && this.stack[0] )//ensure it's closedthis.writeEndDocument();var chr = '', indent = '', num = this.indentation,formatting = this.formatting.toLowerCase() == 'indented',buffer = '<&#63;xml version="'+this.version+'" encoding="'+this.encoding+'"';/**modded by Phong Thai @ JavaScriptBank.com*/buffer = buffer.replace( '&#63;', '?' );if( this.standalone !== undefined )buffer += ' standalone="'+!!this.standalone+'"';buffer += ' ?>';buffer = [buffer];if( this.doctype && this.root )buffer.push('<!DOCTYPE '+ this.root.n + ' ' + this.doctype+'>'); if( formatting ){while( num-- )chr += this.indentChar;}if( this.root )//skip if no element was addedformat( this.root, indent, chr, buffer );return buffer.join( formatting ? this.newLine : '' );},//cleanup, don't use again without calling startDocumentclose:function(){if( this.root )clean( this.root );this.active = this.root = this.stack = null;},getDocument: window.ActiveXObject ? function(){ //MSIEvar doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');doc.async = false;doc.loadXML(this.flush());return doc;}: function(){// Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc.return (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(this.flush(),'text/xml');}};//utility, you don't need itfunction clean( node ){var l = node.c.length;while( l-- ){if( typeof node.c[l] == 'object' )clean( node.c[l] );}node.n = node.a = node.c = null;};//utility, you don't need itfunction format( node, indent, chr, buffer ){var xml = indent + '<' + node.n,nc = node.c.length,attr, child, i = 0;for( attr in node.a )xml += ' ' + attr + '="' + node.a[attr] + '"';xml += nc ? '>' : ' />';buffer.push( xml );if( nc ){do{child = node.c[i++];if( typeof child == 'string' ){if( nc == 1 )//single text nodereturn buffer.push( buffer.pop() + child + '</'+node.n+'>' );else //regular text nodebuffer.push( indent+chr+child );}else if( typeof child == 'object' ) //element nodeformat(child, indent+chr, chr, buffer);}while( i < nc );buffer.push( indent + '</'+node.n+'>' );}};})();</script>

<script type="text/javascript">var xw = new XMLWriter('UTF-8');xw.formatting = 'indented';//add indentation and newlinesxw.indentChar = ' ';//indent with spacesxw.indentation = 2;//add 2 spaces per levelxw.writeStartDocument( );xw.writeDocType('"items.dtd"');xw.writeStartElement( 'items' );xw.writeComment('button');xw.writeStartElement('item');xw.writeAttributeString( 'id', 'item-1');xw.writeAttributeString( 'enabled', 'true' );xw.writeStartElement( 'code');xw.writeCDATA( '<button>Save</button>' );xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeElementString('description', 'a save button');xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeComment('image');xw.writeStartElement('item');xw.writeAttributeString( 'id', 'item-2');xw.writeAttributeString( 'enabled', 'false' );xw.writeStartElement( 'code');xw.writeCDATA( '<img src="photo.gif" alt="me" />' );xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeElementString('description', 'a pic of myself!');xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeComment('link');xw.writeStartElement('item');xw.writeAttributeString( 'id', 'item-3');xw.writeAttributeString( 'enabled', 'true' );xw.writeStartElement( 'code');xw.writeCDATA( '<a href="http://google.com">Google</a>' );xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeElementString('description', 'a link to Google');xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeEndDocument();var xml = xw.flush(); //generate the xml stringxw.close();//clean the writerxw = undefined;//don't let visitors use it, it's closed//set the xmldocument.getElementById('parsed-xml').value = xml;</script>