
Imprimer - XMLWriter: Cr?ateur JavaScript Simple XML - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Utilitaire » Générateur » XMLWriter: Cr?ateur JavaScript Simple XML
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/xmlwriter-simple-javascript-xml-creator.html

XMLWriter: Cr?ateur JavaScript Simple XML © JavaScriptBank.comXML - Un type de donn?es d?finissant - de plus en plus populaires ? l'heure actuelle en raison de sa flexibilit? et de commodit?, les donn?es XML d?fini par devenir plus visuelle et claire pour interroger avec toute plate-forme XML est utilis? par des plates-formes web de plus en plus et les services publics tels que: JavaScript, PHP, NET, Java, Flash, etc

livres professionnels/de recherche e-books il Or, dans ce post, ACC @ nk voudrais seulement vous montrer une application simple JavaScript pour g?n?rer des donn?es en XML S'il vous pla?t aller ? la d?monstration en direct de cette JavaScript code example pour examen ? court
Au hasard des Bulles T?moignage avec XML et jQuery
? getXML

Version complète: jsB@nk » Utilitaire » Générateur » XMLWriter: Cr?ateur JavaScript Simple XML
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/xmlwriter-simple-javascript-xml-creator.html

<script type="text/javascript">// Created by: Ariel Flesler | http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/03/xmlwriter-for-javascript.html// Licensed under: BSD License// This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com/** * XMLWriter - XML generator for Javascript, based on .NET's XMLTextWriter. * Copyright (c) 2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | http://flesler.blogspot.com * Licensed under BSD (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) * Date: 3/12/2008 * @version 1.0.0 * @author Ariel Flesler * http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/03/xmlwriter-for-javascript.html */ function XMLWriter( encoding, version ){if( encoding )this.encoding = encoding;if( version )this.version = version;};(function(){XMLWriter.prototype = {encoding:'ISO-8859-1',// what is the encodingversion:'1.0', //what xml version to useformatting: 'indented', //how to format the output (indented/none)  ?indentChar:'\t', //char to use for indentindentation: 1, //how many indentChar to add per levelnewLine: '\n', //character to separate nodes when formatting//start a new document, cleanup if we are reusingwriteStartDocument:function( standalone ){this.close();//cleanupthis.stack = [ ];this.standalone = standalone;},//get back to the rootwriteEndDocument:function(){this.active = this.root;this.stack = [ ];},//set the text of the doctypewriteDocType:function( dt ){this.doctype = dt;},//start a new node with this name, and an optional namespacewriteStartElement:function( name, ns ){if( ns )//namespacename = ns + ':' + name;var node = { n:name, a:{ }, c: [ ] };//(n)ame, (a)ttributes, (c)hildrenif( this.active ){this.active.c.push(node);this.stack.push(this.active);}elsethis.root = node;this.active = node;},//go up one node, if we are in the root, ignore itwriteEndElement:function(){this.active = this.stack.pop() || this.root;},//add an attribute to the active nodewriteAttributeString:function( name, value ){if( this.active )this.active.a[name] = value;},//add a text node to the active nodewriteString:function( text ){if( this.active )this.active.c.push(text);},//shortcut, open an element, write the text and closewriteElementString:function( name, text, ns ){this.writeStartElement( name, ns );this.writeString( text );this.writeEndElement();},//add a text node wrapped with CDATAwriteCDATA:function( text ){this.writeString( '<![CDATA[' + text + ']]>' );},//add a text node wrapped in a commentwriteComment:function( text ){this.writeString('<!-- ' + text + ' -->');},//generate the xml string, you can skip closing the last nodesflush:function(){if( this.stack && this.stack[0] )//ensure it's closedthis.writeEndDocument();var chr = '', indent = '', num = this.indentation,formatting = this.formatting.toLowerCase() == 'indented',buffer = '<&#63;xml version="'+this.version+'" encoding="'+this.encoding+'"';/**modded by Phong Thai @ JavaScriptBank.com*/buffer = buffer.replace( '&#63;', '?' );if( this.standalone !== undefined )buffer += ' standalone="'+!!this.standalone+'"';buffer += ' ?>';buffer = [buffer];if( this.doctype && this.root )buffer.push('<!DOCTYPE '+ this.root.n + ' ' + this.doctype+'>'); if( formatting ){while( num-- )chr += this.indentChar;}if( this.root )//skip if no element was addedformat( this.root, indent, chr, buffer );return buffer.join( formatting ? this.newLine : '' );},//cleanup, don't use again without calling startDocumentclose:function(){if( this.root )clean( this.root );this.active = this.root = this.stack = null;},getDocument: window.ActiveXObject ? function(){ //MSIEvar doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');doc.async = false;doc.loadXML(this.flush());return doc;}: function(){// Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc.return (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(this.flush(),'text/xml');}};//utility, you don't need itfunction clean( node ){var l = node.c.length;while( l-- ){if( typeof node.c[l] == 'object' )clean( node.c[l] );}node.n = node.a = node.c = null;};//utility, you don't need itfunction format( node, indent, chr, buffer ){var xml = indent + '<' + node.n,nc = node.c.length,attr, child, i = 0;for( attr in node.a )xml += ' ' + attr + '="' + node.a[attr] + '"';xml += nc ? '>' : ' />';buffer.push( xml );if( nc ){do{child = node.c[i++];if( typeof child == 'string' ){if( nc == 1 )//single text nodereturn buffer.push( buffer.pop() + child + '</'+node.n+'>' );else //regular text nodebuffer.push( indent+chr+child );}else if( typeof child == 'object' ) //element nodeformat(child, indent+chr, chr, buffer);}while( i < nc );buffer.push( indent + '</'+node.n+'>' );}};})();</script>

<script type="text/javascript">var xw = new XMLWriter('UTF-8');xw.formatting = 'indented';//add indentation and newlinesxw.indentChar = ' ';//indent with spacesxw.indentation = 2;//add 2 spaces per levelxw.writeStartDocument( );xw.writeDocType('"items.dtd"');xw.writeStartElement( 'items' );xw.writeComment('button');xw.writeStartElement('item');xw.writeAttributeString( 'id', 'item-1');xw.writeAttributeString( 'enabled', 'true' );xw.writeStartElement( 'code');xw.writeCDATA( '<button>Save</button>' );xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeElementString('description', 'a save button');xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeComment('image');xw.writeStartElement('item');xw.writeAttributeString( 'id', 'item-2');xw.writeAttributeString( 'enabled', 'false' );xw.writeStartElement( 'code');xw.writeCDATA( '<img src="photo.gif" alt="me" />' );xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeElementString('description', 'a pic of myself!');xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeComment('link');xw.writeStartElement('item');xw.writeAttributeString( 'id', 'item-3');xw.writeAttributeString( 'enabled', 'true' );xw.writeStartElement( 'code');xw.writeCDATA( '<a href="http://google.com">Google</a>' );xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeElementString('description', 'a link to Google');xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeEndElement();xw.writeEndDocument();var xml = xw.flush(); //generate the xml stringxw.close();//clean the writerxw = undefined;//don't let visitors use it, it's closed//set the xmldocument.getElementById('parsed-xml').value = xml;</script>