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URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/browsing-history-keeper.html

Lưu giữ quá trình duyệt © JavaScriptBank.comMột thư viện JavaScript được phát triển cho việc quản lí lịch sử truy cập các liên kết trong trình duyệt, kể cả các ứng dụng Flash. Bạn duyệt mã nguồn để xem cách thức sử dụng thư viện JavaScript này.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Ứng dụng » Lưu giữ quá trình duyệt
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/browsing-history-keeper.html

<script type="text/javascript">/*Created by: Kevin Newman | http://www.unfocus.com/projects/HistoryKeeper/version 1.9.3 (alpha) (2007/02/13Licensed under: Creative Commons License*/// if (typeof unFocus == "undefined") var unFocus = {};/* Class: unFocus.HistoryA singleton with subscriber interface (<unFocus.Utilities.EventManager>) that keeps a history and provides deep links for Flash and AJAX apps */unFocus.History = (function() {// use a closure to avoid poluting the global scope, and to discourage reinstantiation (like a singleton)function Keeper() {// bool: initialize - whether or not the class has been initializedvar _this = this,// set the poll interval here._pollInterval = 200, _intervalID,// get the initial Hash state_currentHash;/*method: _getHashA private method that gets the Hash from the location.hash property. returns:a string containing the current hash from the url*/var _getHash = function() {return location.hash.substring(1);};// get initial hash_currentHash = _getHash();/*method: _setHashA private method that sets the Hash on the location string (the current url).*/var _setHash = function($newHash) {window.location.hash = $newHash;}/*method: _watchHashA private method that is called every n miliseconds (<_pollInterval>) to check if the hash has changed.This is the primary Hash change detection method for most browsers. It doesn't work to detect the hashchange in IE 5.5+ or various other browsers. Workarounds like the iframe method are used for those browsers (IE 5.0 will use an anchor creation hack).*/function _watchHash() {var $newHash = _getHash();if (_currentHash != $newHash) {_currentHash = $newHash;_this.notifyListeners("historyChange", $newHash);}}// set the intervalif (setInterval) _intervalID = setInterval(_watchHash, _pollInterval);/* Method: _createAnchorVarious browsers may need an achor to be present in the dom for the hash to actually be set,so we add one every time a history entry is made. This has a side effect in many browsers, where if the scroll position of the page is changed, in between history states, this causesmost browsers to remember the position! It's a bonus.*/function _createAnchor($newHash) {if (!_checkAnchorExists($newHash)) {var $anchor = document.createElement("a");$anchor.setAttribute("name", $newHash);if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera)$anchor = document.createElement('<a name="'+$newHash+'">'+$newHash+"</a>");with ($anchor.style) {position = "absolute";display = "block";top = getScrollY()+"px";left = getScrollX()+"px";}//$anchor.style.display = 'none';//$anchor.innerHTML = $newHash;document.body.insertBefore($anchor,document.body.firstChild);//document.body.appendChild($anchor);}}// simplified function contributed by Micah Goulartfunction _checkAnchorExists($name) {if (document.getElementsByName($name).length > 0)return true;}// Keeps IE 5.0 from scrolling to the top every time a new history is entered.// Also retains the scroll position in the history (doesn't seem to work on IE 5.5+).if (typeof self.pageYOffset == "number") {function getScrollY() {return self.pageYOffset;}} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) {function getScrollY() {return document.documentElement.scrollTop;}} else if (document.body) {function getScrollY() {return document.body.scrollTop;}}// clone getScrollY to getScrollXeval(String(getScrollY).toString().replace(/Top/g,"Left").replace(/Y/g,"X"));/*method: getCurrentBookmarkA public method to retrieve the current history stringreturns:The current History Hash*/_this.getCurrent = function() {return _currentHash;};/*method: addHistoryA public method to add a new history, and set the deep link. This method should be given a string.It does no serialization.returns:Boolean - true if supported and set, false if not*/_this.addHistory = function($newHash) { // adds history and bookmark hash// on first call, make an anchor for the root history entry_createAnchor(_currentHash);// replace with slimmer versions..._this.addHistory = function($newHash) {if (_currentHash != $newHash) {_createAnchor($newHash);_currentHash = $newHash;_setHash($newHash);_this.notifyListeners("historyChange",$newHash);}return true;};// ...do first callreturn _this.addHistory($newHash);};/** * These are the platform specific override methods. Since some platforms (IE 5.5+, Safari) * require almost completely different techniques to create history entries, browser detection is * used and the appropriate method is created. The bugs these fixes address are very tied to the * specific implementations of these browsers, and not necessarily the underlying html engines. * Sometimes, bugs related to history management can be tied even to a specific skin in browsers * like Opera. */// Safari 2.04 and less (and WebKit less than 420 - these hacks are not needed by the most recent nightlies)// :TODO: consider whether this aught to check for Safari or WebKit - is this a safar problem, or a does it// happen in other WebKit based software? OmniWeb (WebKit 420+) seems to work, though there's a sync issue.if (/WebKit/d+/.test(navigator.appVersion) && navigator.appVersion.match(/WebKit/(d+)/)[1] < 420) {// this will hold the old history states, since they can't be reliably taken from the location objectvar _unFocusHistoryLength = history.length,_historyStates = {}, _form,_recentlyAdded = false;// Setting the hash directly in Safari seems to cause odd content refresh behavior.// We'll use a form to submit to a #hash location instead. I'm assuming this works,// since I saw it done this way in SwfAddress (gotta give credit where credit it due ;-) ).function _createSafariSetHashForm() {_form = document.createElement("form");_form.id = "unFocusHistoryForm";_form.method = "get";document.body.insertBefore(_form,document.body.firstChild);}// override the old _setHash method to use the new form_setHash = function($newHash) {_historyStates[_unFocusHistoryLength] = $newHash;_form.action = "#" + _getHash();_form.submit();}// override the old _getHash method, since Safari doesn't update location.hash (fixed in nightlies)_getHash = function() {return _historyStates[_unFocusHistoryLength];};// set initial history entry_historyStates[_unFocusHistoryLength] = _currentHash;// provide alternative addHistory_this.addHistory = function($newHash) { // adds history and bookmark hash// on first call, make an anchor for the root history entry_createAnchor(_currentHash);// setup the form fix_createSafariSetHashForm();// replace with slimmer version...// :TODO: rethink this - it's adding an extra scope to the chain, which might// actually cost more at runtime than a simple if statement. Can this be done// without adding to the scope chain? The replaced scope holds no values. Does// it keep it's place in the scope chain?_this.addHistory = function($newHash) {if (_currentHash != $newHash) {_createAnchor($newHash);_currentHash = $newHash;_unFocusHistoryLength = history.length+1;_recentlyAdded = true;_setHash($newHash);_this.notifyListeners("historyChange",$newHash);_recentlyAdded = false;}return true;};// ...do first callreturn _this.addHistory($newHash);};function _watchHistoryLength() {if (!_recentlyAdded) {var _historyLength = history.length;if (_historyLength != _unFocusHistoryLength) {_unFocusHistoryLength = _historyLength;var $newHash = _getHash();if (_currentHash != $newHash) {_currentHash = $newHash;_this.notifyListeners("historyChange", $newHash);}}}};// since it doesn't work, might as well cancel the location.hash checkclearInterval(_intervalID);// watch the history.length prop for changes instead_intervalID = setInterval(_watchHistoryLength, _pollInterval);// IE 5.5+ Windows} else if (typeof ActiveXObject != "undefined" && window.print &&    !window.opera && navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (d.d)/)[1] >= 5.5) {/* iframe references */var _historyFrameObj, _historyFrameRef;/*method: _createHistoryFrameThis is for IE only for now.*/function _createHistoryFrame() {var $historyFrameName = "unFocusHistoryFrame";_historyFrameObj = document.createElement("iframe");_historyFrameObj.setAttribute("name", $historyFrameName);_historyFrameObj.setAttribute("id", $historyFrameName);// :NOTE: _Very_ experimental_historyFrameObj.setAttribute("src", 'javascript:;');_historyFrameObj.style.position = "absolute";_historyFrameObj.style.top = "-900px";document.body.insertBefore(_historyFrameObj,document.body.firstChild);// get reference to the frame from frames array (needed for document.open)// :NOTE: there might be an issue with this according to quirksmode.org// http://www.quirksmode.org/js/iframe.html_historyFrameRef = frames[$historyFrameName];// add base history entry_createHistoryHTML(_currentHash, true);}/*method: _createHistoryHTMLThis is an alternative to <_setHistoryHTML> that is used by IE (and others if I can get it to work).This method will create the history page completely in memory, with no need to download a new filefrom the server.*/function _createHistoryHTML($newHash) {with (_historyFrameRef.document) {open("text/html");write("<html><head></head><body onl",'oad="parent.unFocus.History._updateFromHistory(''+$newHash+'');">',$newHash+"</body></html>");close();}}/*method: _updateFromHistoryA private method that is meant to be called only from HistoryFrame.html.It is not meant to be used by an end user even though it is accessable as public.*/_this._updateFromHistory = function() {// hides the first call to the method, and sets up the real method for the rest of the calls_this._updateFromHistory = function($hash) {_currentHash = $hash;_this.notifyListeners("historyChange", $hash);};};//if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (d.d)/)[1] < 5.5) {_this.addHistory = function($newHash) {// do initialization stuff on first call_createHistoryFrame();// replace this function with a slimmer one on first call_this.addHistory = function($newHash) { // adds history and bookmark hashif (_currentHash != $newHash) {// IE will create an entry if there is an achor on the page, but it// does not allow you to detect the state change, so we skip inserting an Anchor_currentHash = $newHash;// sets hash and notifies listeners_createHistoryHTML($newHash);}return true;};// call the first callreturn _this.addHistory($newHash);};// anonymouse method - subscribe to self to update the hash when the history is updated_this.addEventListener("historyChange", function($hash) { _setHash($hash) });//} else { /* IE 5.0 */ }}}Keeper.prototype = new unFocus.Utilities.EventManager("historyChange");return new Keeper();})();</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->