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Version complète: jsB@nk » Utilitaire » Historique de navigation Keeper
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/browsing-history-keeper.html

Historique de navigation Keeper © JavaScriptBank.comA JavaScript basé sur la bibliothèque de la gestion navigateur l'histoire ( bouton retour ) Et le soutien des liens profonds et de Flash Des applications AJAX.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Utilitaire » Historique de navigation Keeper
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/browsing-history-keeper.html

<script type="text/javascript">/*Created by: Kevin Newman | http://www.unfocus.com/projects/HistoryKeeper/version 1.9.3 (alpha) (2007/02/13Licensed under: Creative Commons License*/// if (typeof unFocus == "undefined") var unFocus = {};/* Class: unFocus.HistoryA singleton with subscriber interface (<unFocus.Utilities.EventManager>) that keeps a history and provides deep links for Flash and AJAX apps */unFocus.History = (function() {// use a closure to avoid poluting the global scope, and to discourage reinstantiation (like a singleton)function Keeper() {// bool: initialize - whether or not the class has been initializedvar _this = this,// set the poll interval here._pollInterval = 200, _intervalID,// get the initial Hash state_currentHash;/*method: _getHashA private method that gets the Hash from the location.hash property. returns:a string containing the current hash from the url*/var _getHash = function() {return location.hash.substring(1);};// get initial hash_currentHash = _getHash();/*method: _setHashA private method that sets the Hash on the location string (the current url).*/var _setHash = function($newHash) {window.location.hash = $newHash;}/*method: _watchHashA private method that is called every n miliseconds (<_pollInterval>) to check if the hash has changed.This is the primary Hash change detection method for most browsers. It doesn't work to detect the hashchange in IE 5.5+ or various other browsers. Workarounds like the iframe method are used for those browsers (IE 5.0 will use an anchor creation hack).*/function _watchHash() {var $newHash = _getHash();if (_currentHash != $newHash) {_currentHash = $newHash;_this.notifyListeners("historyChange", $newHash);}}// set the intervalif (setInterval) _intervalID = setInterval(_watchHash, _pollInterval);/* Method: _createAnchorVarious browsers may need an achor to be present in the dom for the hash to actually be set,so we add one every time a history entry is made. This has a side effect in many browsers, where if the scroll position of the page is changed, in between history states, this causesmost browsers to remember the position! It's a bonus.*/function _createAnchor($newHash) {if (!_checkAnchorExists($newHash)) {var $anchor = document.createElement("a");$anchor.setAttribute("name", $newHash);if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera)$anchor = document.createElement('<a name="'+$newHash+'">'+$newHash+"</a>");with ($anchor.style) {position = "absolute";display = "block";top = getScrollY()+"px";left = getScrollX()+"px";}//$anchor.style.display = 'none';//$anchor.innerHTML = $newHash;document.body.insertBefore($anchor,document.body.firstChild);//document.body.appendChild($anchor);}}// simplified function contributed by Micah Goulartfunction _checkAnchorExists($name) {if (document.getElementsByName($name).length > 0)return true;}// Keeps IE 5.0 from scrolling to the top every time a new history is entered.// Also retains the scroll position in the history (doesn't seem to work on IE 5.5+).if (typeof self.pageYOffset == "number") {function getScrollY() {return self.pageYOffset;}} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) {function getScrollY() {return document.documentElement.scrollTop;}} else if (document.body) {function getScrollY() {return document.body.scrollTop;}}// clone getScrollY to getScrollXeval(String(getScrollY).toString().replace(/Top/g,"Left").replace(/Y/g,"X"));/*method: getCurrentBookmarkA public method to retrieve the current history stringreturns:The current History Hash*/_this.getCurrent = function() {return _currentHash;};/*method: addHistoryA public method to add a new history, and set the deep link. This method should be given a string.It does no serialization.returns:Boolean - true if supported and set, false if not*/_this.addHistory = function($newHash) { // adds history and bookmark hash// on first call, make an anchor for the root history entry_createAnchor(_currentHash);// replace with slimmer versions..._this.addHistory = function($newHash) {if (_currentHash != $newHash) {_createAnchor($newHash);_currentHash = $newHash;_setHash($newHash);_this.notifyListeners("historyChange",$newHash);}return true;};// ...do first callreturn _this.addHistory($newHash);};/** * These are the platform specific override methods. Since some platforms (IE 5.5+, Safari) * require almost completely different techniques to create history entries, browser detection is * used and the appropriate method is created. The bugs these fixes address are very tied to the * specific implementations of these browsers, and not necessarily the underlying html engines. * Sometimes, bugs related to history management can be tied even to a specific skin in browsers * like Opera. */// Safari 2.04 and less (and WebKit less than 420 - these hacks are not needed by the most recent nightlies)// :TODO: consider whether this aught to check for Safari or WebKit - is this a safar problem, or a does it// happen in other WebKit based software? OmniWeb (WebKit 420+) seems to work, though there's a sync issue.if (/WebKit/d+/.test(navigator.appVersion) && navigator.appVersion.match(/WebKit/(d+)/)[1] < 420) {// this will hold the old history states, since they can't be reliably taken from the location objectvar _unFocusHistoryLength = history.length,_historyStates = {}, _form,_recentlyAdded = false;// Setting the hash directly in Safari seems to cause odd content refresh behavior.// We'll use a form to submit to a #hash location instead. I'm assuming this works,// since I saw it done this way in SwfAddress (gotta give credit where credit it due ;-) ).function _createSafariSetHashForm() {_form = document.createElement("form");_form.id = "unFocusHistoryForm";_form.method = "get";document.body.insertBefore(_form,document.body.firstChild);}// override the old _setHash method to use the new form_setHash = function($newHash) {_historyStates[_unFocusHistoryLength] = $newHash;_form.action = "#" + _getHash();_form.submit();}// override the old _getHash method, since Safari doesn't update location.hash (fixed in nightlies)_getHash = function() {return _historyStates[_unFocusHistoryLength];};// set initial history entry_historyStates[_unFocusHistoryLength] = _currentHash;// provide alternative addHistory_this.addHistory = function($newHash) { // adds history and bookmark hash// on first call, make an anchor for the root history entry_createAnchor(_currentHash);// setup the form fix_createSafariSetHashForm();// replace with slimmer version...// :TODO: rethink this - it's adding an extra scope to the chain, which might// actually cost more at runtime than a simple if statement. Can this be done// without adding to the scope chain? The replaced scope holds no values. Does// it keep it's place in the scope chain?_this.addHistory = function($newHash) {if (_currentHash != $newHash) {_createAnchor($newHash);_currentHash = $newHash;_unFocusHistoryLength = history.length+1;_recentlyAdded = true;_setHash($newHash);_this.notifyListeners("historyChange",$newHash);_recentlyAdded = false;}return true;};// ...do first callreturn _this.addHistory($newHash);};function _watchHistoryLength() {if (!_recentlyAdded) {var _historyLength = history.length;if (_historyLength != _unFocusHistoryLength) {_unFocusHistoryLength = _historyLength;var $newHash = _getHash();if (_currentHash != $newHash) {_currentHash = $newHash;_this.notifyListeners("historyChange", $newHash);}}}};// since it doesn't work, might as well cancel the location.hash checkclearInterval(_intervalID);// watch the history.length prop for changes instead_intervalID = setInterval(_watchHistoryLength, _pollInterval);// IE 5.5+ Windows} else if (typeof ActiveXObject != "undefined" && window.print &&    !window.opera && navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (d.d)/)[1] >= 5.5) {/* iframe references */var _historyFrameObj, _historyFrameRef;/*method: _createHistoryFrameThis is for IE only for now.*/function _createHistoryFrame() {var $historyFrameName = "unFocusHistoryFrame";_historyFrameObj = document.createElement("iframe");_historyFrameObj.setAttribute("name", $historyFrameName);_historyFrameObj.setAttribute("id", $historyFrameName);// :NOTE: _Very_ experimental_historyFrameObj.setAttribute("src", 'javascript:;');_historyFrameObj.style.position = "absolute";_historyFrameObj.style.top = "-900px";document.body.insertBefore(_historyFrameObj,document.body.firstChild);// get reference to the frame from frames array (needed for document.open)// :NOTE: there might be an issue with this according to quirksmode.org// http://www.quirksmode.org/js/iframe.html_historyFrameRef = frames[$historyFrameName];// add base history entry_createHistoryHTML(_currentHash, true);}/*method: _createHistoryHTMLThis is an alternative to <_setHistoryHTML> that is used by IE (and others if I can get it to work).This method will create the history page completely in memory, with no need to download a new filefrom the server.*/function _createHistoryHTML($newHash) {with (_historyFrameRef.document) {open("text/html");write("<html><head></head><body onl",'oad="parent.unFocus.History._updateFromHistory(''+$newHash+'');">',$newHash+"</body></html>");close();}}/*method: _updateFromHistoryA private method that is meant to be called only from HistoryFrame.html.It is not meant to be used by an end user even though it is accessable as public.*/_this._updateFromHistory = function() {// hides the first call to the method, and sets up the real method for the rest of the calls_this._updateFromHistory = function($hash) {_currentHash = $hash;_this.notifyListeners("historyChange", $hash);};};//if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (d.d)/)[1] < 5.5) {_this.addHistory = function($newHash) {// do initialization stuff on first call_createHistoryFrame();// replace this function with a slimmer one on first call_this.addHistory = function($newHash) { // adds history and bookmark hashif (_currentHash != $newHash) {// IE will create an entry if there is an achor on the page, but it// does not allow you to detect the state change, so we skip inserting an Anchor_currentHash = $newHash;// sets hash and notifies listeners_createHistoryHTML($newHash);}return true;};// call the first callreturn _this.addHistory($newHash);};// anonymouse method - subscribe to self to update the hash when the history is updated_this.addEventListener("historyChange", function($hash) { _setHash($hash) });//} else { /* IE 5.0 */ }}}Keeper.prototype = new unFocus.Utilities.EventManager("historyChange");return new Keeper();})();</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->