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Concentrated images The pictures will concentrate and break up contansly. Very cool.

Category: Image

TitleTicker Translate the boring title bar of your browser-window into a great dynamic ticker that displays additional informations about the textlinks. Each textlink can have a message of its own. Fast. Small. True copy-and-paste.

Category: Link

PostPrep v1.10 Prepares code for posting in an html-enabled forum .

Category: Utility, Generator

Stop it Game requires gamers are agile.

Category: Game

Text Wheel Spectacular way to welcome your visitors. Text Wheel rotate your messages like a wheel in the middle of your webpage. You may add as many messages as you like. Easy configuration of font, font-size, font-color and font-weight.

Category: Text, Animation

Hangman: Countries & Cities It's the old fashion Hangman game, but this time with a new look and additional features. You can choose to play from two categories: Capitals or Countries. Upon successfully guessing the word, detailed information (including the country's location, capital, neighbors, language, population and more) are revealed. Enjoy playing and enrich your knowledge.

Category: Game, Puzzle

Testing the search capabilities Visitors can select fast a option by typing first character of that option.

Category: Form, Dropdown

Kidnap There's a kidnapper amongst these innocent looking people, inspector!

Category: Game, Puzzle

Desencriptacion effect This JavaScript code displays your text through the randomize characters.

Category: Text, Animation

The Brutal Page-Cutter-Script Do you have a very, very boring HTML-page somewhere hidden inside your website? Lucky you! In that case this JavaScript is a great opportunity to shock your visitors. How? You will see! Very easy to configure. Made for IE4.x

Category: Text
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Generate creative images automatically with AI
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