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Open links in new window Script Add the option of allowing links on your page to be opened in a new window with this powerful script. A simple checkbox toggles between current and new window. This is a practical script that works cross browser.

Category: Browser, Window

Earthquake This is a different script to create the shaking window effect.

Category: Browser, Window

Mail It This JavaScript create a feedback form. You can combine this JavaScript with the other languages as PHP, ASP,... to create contacter for user.

Category: Email

Joke Error Message This is joke error message and user can't click No button.

Category: Funny

Irritating Button 2.0 This JavaScript will create a button which can move everywhere on the web page if user drag mouse on it.

Category: Funny

Concentration-Smaller Version Memory game where you try to remember where the matching tiles are.

Category: Game, Puzzle

DHTML Fading Animation Image Enhancing image presentation on your website with this image rotator plus smooth dynamic motion (fade-in-fade-out). A very great animation effect if you bring to visitor pictures become more living! Page content loads much faster than any gif animation effect. Easy to setup and customize.

Category: Image, Rotation

Floating Hearts Celebrate Valentine's day on your web site with a dozen hearts floating randomly around the page. (A Modified version of the Snow script).

Category: Image

Floating Email Logo This JavaScript creates a image can float no web page.

Category: Image

Changing the Content of Elements Using innerHTML If you don't need to support Netscape 4, code for changing the content of elements is very simple. This code can be used whether the elements are regular inline elements or positioned divs. You can change the content onmouseover and onclick.

Category: Snippet
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