
Print - True Date Selector script - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Time » Clock » True Date Selector script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/true-date-selector-script.html

True Date Selector script © JavaScriptBank.comThis script helps to insure the integrity of the date entered in drop-down menus. Dates, such as Feb 31st can't be selected. Today's date is automatically selected.

Full version: jsB@nk » Time » Clock » True Date Selector script
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/true-date-selector-script.html

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">// Lee Hinder, lee.hinder@ntlworld.com , http://www.cl2000.co.uk/mrlee/js/truedateselector.htm<!-- Begin//set todays dateNow = new Date();NowDay = Now.getDate();NowMonth = Now.getMonth();NowYear = Now.getYear();if (NowYear < 2000) NowYear += 1900; //for Netscape//function for returning how many days there are in a month including leap yearsfunction DaysInMonth(WhichMonth, WhichYear){  var DaysInMonth = 31;  if (WhichMonth == "Apr" || WhichMonth == "Jun" || WhichMonth == "Sep" || WhichMonth == "Nov") DaysInMonth = 30;  if (WhichMonth == "Feb" && (WhichYear/4) != Math.floor(WhichYear/4))DaysInMonth = 28;  if (WhichMonth == "Feb" && (WhichYear/4) == Math.floor(WhichYear/4))DaysInMonth = 29;  return DaysInMonth;}//function to change the available days in a monthsfunction ChangeOptionDays(Which){  DaysObject = eval("document.Form1." + Which + "Day");  MonthObject = eval("document.Form1." + Which + "Month");  YearObject = eval("document.Form1." + Which + "Year");  Month = MonthObject[MonthObject.selectedIndex].text;  Year = YearObject[YearObject.selectedIndex].text;  DaysForThisSelection = DaysInMonth(Month, Year);  CurrentDaysInSelection = DaysObject.length;  if (CurrentDaysInSelection > DaysForThisSelection)  {    for (i=0; i<(CurrentDaysInSelection-DaysForThisSelection); i++)    {      DaysObject.options[DaysObject.options.length - 1] = null    }  }  if (DaysForThisSelection > CurrentDaysInSelection)  {    for (i=0; i<(DaysForThisSelection-CurrentDaysInSelection); i++)    {      NewOption = new Option(DaysObject.options.length + 1);      DaysObject.add(NewOption);    }  }    if (DaysObject.selectedIndex < 0) DaysObject.selectedIndex == 0;}//function to set options to todayfunction SetToToday(Which){  DaysObject = eval("document.Form1." + Which + "Day");  MonthObject = eval("document.Form1." + Which + "Month");  YearObject = eval("document.Form1." + Which + "Year");  YearObject[0].selected = true;  MonthObject[NowMonth].selected = true;  ChangeOptionDays(Which);  DaysObject[NowDay-1].selected = true;}//function to write option years plus xfunction WriteYearOptions(YearsAhead){  line = "";  for (i=0; i<YearsAhead; i++)  {    line += "<OPTION>";    line += NowYear + i;  }  return line;}//  End --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onLoad="SetToToday('FirstSelect');"><FORM name="Form1"><SELECT name="FirstSelectDay"><OPTION>1<OPTION>2<OPTION>3<OPTION>4<OPTION>5<OPTION>6<OPTION>7<OPTION>8<OPTION>9<OPTION>10<OPTION>11<OPTION>12<OPTION>13<OPTION>14<OPTION>15<OPTION>16<OPTION>17<OPTION>18<OPTION>19<OPTION>20<OPTION>21<OPTION>22<OPTION>23<OPTION>24<OPTION>25<OPTION>26<OPTION>27<OPTION>28<OPTION>29<OPTION>30<OPTION>31</SELECT><SELECT name="FirstSelectMonth" onchange="ChangeOptionDays('FirstSelect')"><OPTION>Jan<OPTION>Feb<OPTION>Mar<OPTION>Apr<OPTION>May<OPTION>Jun<OPTION>Jul<OPTION>Aug<OPTION>Sep<OPTION>Oct<OPTION>Nov<OPTION>Dec</SELECT><SELECT name="FirstSelectYear" onchange="ChangeOptionDays('FirstSelect')"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript">document.write(WriteYearOptions(50));</SCRIPT></SELECT></FORM></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->