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URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/real-time-script.html

Hiển thị thời gian và ngày tháng © JavaScriptBank.comĐoạn mã có tác dụng hiển thị thời gianngày tháng hiện hành trên trang web.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Thời gian » Đồng hồ » Hiển thị thời gian và ngày tháng
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/real-time-script.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!-- This figures out what day of the week it is, and the date, and year. --><!--        s_date = new Date();        var weekDay = "";        selectMonth = new Array(12);                selectMonth[0] = "January";                selectMonth[1] = "February";                selectMonth[2] = "March";                selectMonth[3] = "April";                selectMonth[4] = "May";                selectMonth[5] = "June";                selectMonth[6] = "July";                selectMonth[7] = "August";                selectMonth[8] = "September";                selectMonth[9] = "October";                selectMonth[10] = "November";                selectMonth[11] = "December";        if(s_date.getDay() == 1){                weekDay = "Monday";        }        if(s_date.getDay() == 2){                weekDay = "Tuesday";        }        if(s_date.getDay() == 3){                weekDay = "Wednesday";        }        if(s_date.getDay() == 4){                weekDay = "Thursday";        }        if(s_date.getDay() == 5){                weekDay = "Friday";        }        if(s_date.getDay() == 6){                weekDay = "Saturday";        }        if(s_date.getDay() == 7){                weekDay = "Sunday";        }        if(s_date.getDay() == 0){                weekDay = "Sunday";        }        var setYear = s_date.getYear(); var BName = navigator.appName; if(BName == "Netscape"){         var setYear = s_date.getYear() + 1900;}document.write(weekDay + ", " + selectMonth[s_date.getMonth()] + " " +s_date.getDate() + ", " + setYear);// --></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript>//This script was created by Gary Perry //Email: shadow_chaser@hotmail.com//This script will display a real time clock at the top of your webpage.//Put this code in the body section of your webpage, and that's all//there is to it. No images to worry about, nothing, except it//only works for IE 4 and above. //Change the color of the font above in the div tag to match your webpage//colors. function tick() {  var hours, minutes, seconds, ap;  var intHours, intMinutes, intSeconds;  var today;  today = new Date();  intHours = today.getHours();  intMinutes = today.getMinutes();  intSeconds = today.getSeconds();  switch(intHours){       case 0:           intHours = 12;           hours = intHours+":";           ap = "A.M.";           break;       case 12:           hours = intHours+":";           ap = "P.M.";           break;       case 24:           intHours = 12;           hours = intHours + ":";           ap = "A.M.";           break;       default:               if (intHours > 12)           {             intHours = intHours - 12;             hours = intHours + ":";             ap = "P.M.";             break;           }           if(intHours < 12)           {             hours = intHours + ":";             ap = "A.M.";           }    }                     if (intMinutes < 10) {     minutes = "0"+intMinutes+":";  } else {     minutes = intMinutes+":";  }  if (intSeconds < 10) {     seconds = "0"+intSeconds+" ";  } else {     seconds = intSeconds+" ";  }   timeString = hours+minutes+seconds+ap;  Clock.innerHTML = timeString;  window.setTimeout("tick();", 100);}window.onload = tick;</SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<DIV id=Clock style="FONT-SIZE: 18px; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: "></DIV><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->