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URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/dynamic-movement.html

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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Chữ » Hoạt hóa » Chữ di chuyển khi nhấn nút
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/dynamic-movement.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript>IE4 = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4;        NS4 = navigator.appName.substring(0,8) == "Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4;        // checkBrowser() -- Checks whether the browser is new enough for some DynamicMovement ...function checkBrowser(){        if(IE4 || NS4){                return true;        }        return false;}// movableObj() -- Creates a new movable objectfunction movableObj(startX, startY, endX, endY, delay, speed, refId){        this.sX = startX; this.sY = startY;     this.eX = endX;        this.eY = endY; this.de = delay; this.sp = speed;        this.ref = refId;        xL = endX - startX;        yL = endY - startY;        with (Math){                if(abs(xL) > abs(yL)){                        this.xS = (xL > 0)?1:-1;                        this.yS = (yL > 0)?abs(yL / xL):-abs(yL / xL);                        this.howManySteps = abs(xL / speed);                } else if(abs(yL) > abs(xL)){                        this.yS = (yL > 0)?1:-1;                        this.xS = (xL > 0)?abs(xL / yL):-abs(xL / yL);                        this.howManySteps = abs(yL / speed);                } else {                        this.yS = (yL > 0)?1:-1;                        this.xS = (xL > 0)?1:-1;                        this.howManySteps = abs(xL / speed);                }        }        this.startMovement = startMovement;}// startMovement() -- starts the movementfunction startMovement(){        if(checkBrowser()){                if(IE4){                        ref = document.all(this.ref).style;                } else {                        ref = document[this.ref];                }                doDynamicMovement(this.sX, this.sY, this.eX, this.eY, this.de, this.xS, this.yS, ref, this.sp, this.howManySteps);        }}// doDynamicMovement() -- does the Dynamic Movementfunction doDynamicMovement(curX, curY, eX, eY, sp, xS, yS, ref, speed, hS){        if(Math.floor(hS - 1) != 0){                hS--;                curX += xS * speed;                curY += yS * speed;                 ref.left = Math.round(curX);                ref.top = Math.round(curY);                setTimeout("doDynamicMovement(" + curX + ", " + curY + ", " + eX + ", " + eY + ", " + sp + ", " + xS + ", " + yS + ", ref, " + speed + ", " + hS + ")", sp);        } else {                setPos(eX, eY, ref);            }}// setPos() -- sets the end position accurately when doDynamicMovement has done its jobfunction setPos(x, y, ref){        ref.left = x;        ref.top = y;}// --></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript><!--// Here we define the movable objectdynaText = new movableObj(-100,-100,180,280,10,10,"wow");// --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<FORM><INPUT onclick=dynaText.startMovement() type=button value="Do the movement!"> </FORM><DIV id=wow style="FONT-SIZE: 20pt; LEFT: -100px; WIDTH: 300px; COLOR: #ff0000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; POSITION: absolute; TOP: -100px">This is a dynamic object in motion.</DIV><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->