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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Trình đơn » Định hướng » Liên kết chứa file
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/breadcrumb-links.html

Liên kết chứa file © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng sẽ hiển thị đường dẫn đến tập tin chứa đoạn mã JavaScript này.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Trình đơn » Định hướng » Liên kết chứa file
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/breadcrumb-links.html

<script language="javascript">// Created by: Nate Baldwin :: http://www.mindpalette.com/* Breadcrumb Links Script   NOTE: Be sure to check Web site for updates */// ============================================================/* The variable below determines what the home page, or the root directory,of your site is named. The default is "Home". To use the address of yoursite (www.yoursite.com), leave the value blank (nothing between the double quotes). */var homePage = "Home";/* The variable below controls the character(s) that the script places betweenthe link levels. The default is set to be the > (greater than) HTML entitywith a space on either side. Change this to whatever you want, but if thecharacter has an HTML entity, be sure to use that. */var sepChars = " > ";/* In most cases, the value below should just be a / sign. Or, you can use thefully qualified http://www.yoursite.com address if you'd rather. Basically,it just tells the script what all the link addresses will start with. */var linkHome = "/";/* Leave the value below set to 'true' if you want the script to not list yourindex page name (index.html) at the end of the links path. The values 'true' or'false' should be used without quotes. */var hideIndex = true;/* Leave the value below set to 'true' if you want the script to convert anyunderscores in directory or names to spaces. For instance, it would convert"golive_actions" to "golive actions". The values 'true' or 'false' should beused without quotes. */var UToSpace = true;/* Leave the value below set to 'true' if you want the script to convert any dashesin directory or page names to spaces. For instance, it would convert "golive-actions"to "golive actions". The values 'true' or 'false' should be used without quotes. */var DToSpace = true;/* The variable below allows you to change the capitalization of the directory andpages names in your menu. The value should be a number between 0 and 3, withoutquotation marks. Options are as follows: 0 = no change; 1 = initial caps;2 = all upper case; 3 = all lower case */var changeCaps = 3;/* If set to true, the variable below will not display the file's extension forany file names displayed in the menu. Otherwise, set to false to show extensions.The values 'true' or 'false' should be used without quotes. */var hideExt = true;//-------------------------------------------------------------------------// SCRIPT FUNCTIONS  (shouldn't need to edit code below)...//-------------------------------------------------------------------------// build breadcrumb links...function MPJSBackLinks() {var linkHTML = '';var thisURL = window.location + '';var urlPair = thisURL.split('//');if (urlPair.length > 1) thisURL = urlPair[1];var dirArray = thisURL.split('/');var linkArray = dirArray.slice(1);var linkDir = '/';var currentPage = '';if (linkHome != '' && linkHome != '/') {  var thisTest = linkHome.split('//');  if (thisTest.length > 1) linkHome = thisTest[1];  startArray = linkHome.split('/');  var backCount = 0;  for (var n=0; n<startArray.length; n++) {    if (startArray[n] == '..') backCount++;      else break;    }  if (backCount > 0) {    var part1 = dirArray.slice(0, (dirArray.length - backCount - 1));    var part2 = startArray.slice(backCount);    startArray = part1.concat(part2);    } else {    var newStart = new Array(dirArray[0]);    for (var n=1; n<startArray.length; n++) {      var thisTest = (typeof dirArray[n] != "undefined") ? dirArray[n] : false;      if (thisTest && thisTest == startArray[n]) newStart[n] = startArray[n];        else break;      }    startArray = newStart;    }  if (startArray.length > 1) {    var lastOne = startArray[startArray.length - 1];    if (lastOne != '') {      var thisTest = lastOne.split('.');      if (thisTest.length > 1) startArray[startArray.length - 1] = '';        else startArray[startArray.length] = '';      }    if (homePage == '') homePage = startArray[startArray.length-2];    linkArray = dirArray.slice(startArray.length - 1);    if (startArray[0] != '') startArray[0] = "http://"+startArray[0];    linkDir = startArray.join('/');    } else linkArray = dirArray.slice(1);  } else {  linkArray = dirArray.slice(1);  if (homePage == '') homePage = dirArray[0];  }var backTrack = 1;if (linkArray[linkArray.length - 1] != '') {  var lastOne = linkArray[linkArray.length - 1];  var testName = lastOne.split('.');  if (testName[0] == 'index' || testName[0] == 'default') {    backTrack = 2;    currentPage = linkArray[linkArray.length - 2];    } else if (hideExt) currentPage = testName[0]    else currentPage = lastOne;  } else {  backTrack = 2;  currentPage = linkArray[linkArray.length - 2];  }var html = '';if (linkArray.length >= backTrack) {  linkArray = linkArray.slice(0, linkArray.length - backTrack);  var links = new Array();  if (homePage != '') {    homePage = MPBCParseText(homePage, UToSpace, DToSpace, changeCaps);    links[links.length] = '<a href="'+linkDir+'">'+homePage+'</a>';    }  var baseDir = linkDir;  for (var n=0; n<linkArray.length; n++) {    baseDir += linkArray[n] + '/';    var thisText = MPBCParseText(linkArray[n], UToSpace, DToSpace, changeCaps);    links[links.length] = '<a href="'+baseDir+'">'+thisText+'</a>';    }  if (currentPage != '') links[links.length] = MPBCParseText(currentPage, UToSpace, DToSpace, changeCaps);  html = '<div class="mp_backlinks">'+links.join(sepChars)+'<\/div>';  }return html;}// parse string through text filtersfunction MPBCParseText(thisText, UToSpace, DToSpace, changeCaps) {if (typeof thisText != "undefined" && thisText) {  if (DToSpace) thisText = MPBCReplaceChar('-', ' ', thisText);  if (UToSpace) thisText = MPBCReplaceChar('_', ' ', thisText);  if (changeCaps) thisText = MPBCFixCaps(thisText, changeCaps);  } else thisText = '';return thisText;}// find and replace single character in string...function MPBCReplaceChar(oldChar, newChar, thisString) {var newString = '';for (var n=0; n<thisString.length; n++) {  newString += (thisString.charAt(n) == oldChar) ? newChar : thisString.charAt(n);  }return newString;}// determine changes in capitalization...function MPBCFixCaps(thisString, changeCaps) {if (changeCaps == 1) thisString = MPBCUCWords(thisString);  else if (changeCaps == 2) thisString = thisString.toUpperCase();  else if (changeCaps == 3) thisString = thisString.toLowerCase();return thisString;}// capitalize the first letter of every word...function MPBCUCWords(thisString) {var thisArray = thisString.split(' ');var newString = '';for (var n=0; n<thisArray.length; n++) {  var firstChar = thisArray[n].charAt(0).toUpperCase();  var theRest = thisArray[n].substring(1, thisArray[n].length);  newString += firstChar+theRest+' ';  }return newString.substring(0, newString.length - 1);}</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<script>document.write(MPJSBackLinks());</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->