
Imprimer - Smart Images - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Image » Smart Images
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/smart-images-index.html

Smart Images © JavaScriptBank.comCela rend vos images deviennent intelligentes. Lorsque vous définissez l'attribut de classe de votre image à «intelligents», ils l'agrandir lorsque la souris est proche d'eux!

Version complète: jsB@nk » Image » Smart Images
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/smart-images-index.html

<SCRIPT language=javascript>// author: Nick Trevino<!--document.onmousemove = beSmart;window.onload = init;startEnlarge = 250;  // The distance to start enlarging the picture at, in pixels.enlargeTo = 200;     // The number of Pixels to enlarge to.minSize = 40;        // The number of Pixels to shrink to.centerOfPic = new Array();// Calls the beSmart function to set each "smart" image to the correct size.function init(){  beSmart();}function beSmart(){  for(i=0;i<document.images.length;i++){    if(document.images[i].className == "smart"){      mouseX = window.event.x;      mouseY = window.event.y;      imageX = document.images[i].offsetLeft + (document.images[i].width / 2);      imageY = document.images[i].offsetTop + (document.images[i].height / 2);      distance = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mouseX - imageX,2) + Math.pow(imageY - mouseY,2)));      percent = distance / startEnlarge * enlargeTo;      percent = enlargeTo - percent         if(percent > minSize){           document.images[i].style.width = percent;           document.images[i].style.height = percent;         } else {           document.images[i].style.width = minSize;           document.images[i].style.height = minSize;         }    }  }}// --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<IMG class=smart src="scriptIcon.gif"> <IMG class=smart src="scriptIcon.gif"> <IMG class=smart src="scriptIcon.gif"> <IMG class=smart src="scriptIcon.gif"> <IMG class=smart src="scriptIcon.gif"><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
