
Imprimer - Joggle - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Puzzle » Joggle
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/joggle-index.html

Joggle © JavaScriptBank.comUne version en ligne du Boggle, où l'objectif est de find mots dans une grille de 5x5 lettre. Joggle prend avantage de l'ASP et SQL (plutôt que de JavaScript) pour marquer les mots en utilisant un dictionnaire de 100.000 mots. Great fun.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Puzzle » Joggle
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/joggle-index.html

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">// Serban Oprescu (serban@pixelsharp.com)<!-- Beginvar Words = "";var CurrentWord = "";var GameStatus = 0;var GameTime = 0;var LastTile = -10;var LastTileX = -10;var LastTileY = -10;var TilesOn = "";var TileMap = "";var LookUp = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";var Cubes = "qbzjkxhhlrdotelpcittotemaeaeeetouotonhdthossnseusctiepyifpsrovwrgrlhnrodriyprheandnneeeemaaaafsrafaisrdordlnmnneagititieaumeegyifasrccwnstuotownetilic";function clearword(DoMap) {CurrentWord = "";LastTile = -10;LastTileX = -10;LastTileY = -10;if (DoMap) {for (i=0; i<TilesOn.length; i++) {WhichTile = LookUp.indexOf(TilesOn.charAt(i));if (WhichTile == -1) {WhichTile = i;WhichLetter = "0";}else {WhichLetter = TileMap.charAt(WhichTile);}document.images[WhichTile].src = WhichLetter + "0.gif";   }}TilesOn = "";}function endgame() {GameStatus = 1;clearword(1);document.joggle.user.value = "New Game";parent.wordframe.document.write("<FORM ACTION=http://www.pixelsharp.com/projects/joggle/score.asp METHOD=POST><INPUT TYPE=Hidden NAME=words VALUE=" + Words + "><INPUT TYPE=Submit VALUE=Score></FORM><BR>");}function buttonpress() {var ActingStatus = GameStatus;if (ActingStatus == 1) {Words = ":";clearword();TileMap = "";GameTime = 75;TempCubes = Cubes;Position = 0;while (TileMap.length != 25) {Position = Math.floor(Math.random() * (TempCubes.length - 1));TileMap = TileMap + TempCubes.charAt(Position);Position = Math.floor(Position / 6);TempCubes = TempCubes.substring(0, Position * 6) + TempCubes.substring(6 + Position * 6, TempCubes.length);}for (i=0; i<25; i++) {document.images[i].src = TileMap.charAt(i) + "0.gif";}parent.wordframe.document.location = "joggle-empty.html";GameTime = 181;setTimeout("countdown()", 1);GameStatus = 2;}if ((ActingStatus == 2) || (ActingStatus == 3)) {GameStatus = 4;GameTime = GameTime * -1;TilesOn = "0000000000000000000000000";clearword(1);document.joggle.user.value = "Paused";}if (ActingStatus == 4) {for (i=0; i<25; i++) {document.images[i].src = TileMap.charAt(i) + "0.gif"}GameStatus = 2;setTimeout("countdown()", 1);   }}function countdown() {if (GameTime > -1) {GameTime = GameTime - 1;Division = ":";if (GameTime % 60 < 10) {Division = ":0"}document.joggle.user.value = Math.floor(GameTime / 60) + Division + GameTime % 60;if (GameTime != 0) {setTimeout("countdown()", 1000);}else {endgame();   }}else { GameTime = GameTime * -1; }}function slide(TileX, TileY) {WhichTile = TileX * 5 + TileY;WhichLetter = TileMap.charAt(WhichTile);if (GameStatus == 3) {if ((Math.abs(TileX - LastTileX) < 2) && (Math.abs(TileY - LastTileY) < 2)) {if (TilesOn.indexOf(LookUp.charAt(WhichTile)) == -1) {CurrentWord = CurrentWord + WhichLetter;if (WhichLetter == 'q') { CurrentWord = CurrentWord + "u"; }document.images[WhichTile].src = WhichLetter + "1.gif";LastTile = WhichTile;LastTileX = TileX;LastTileY = TileY;TilesOn = TilesOn + LookUp.charAt(WhichTile);         }      }   }}function click(TileX, TileY) {var NewStatus = GameStatus;WhichTile = TileX * 5 + TileY;WhichLetter = TileMap.charAt(WhichTile);if (GameStatus == 2) {CurrentWord = WhichLetter;if (WhichLetter == 'q') { CurrentWord = CurrentWord + "u"; }document.images[WhichTile].src = WhichLetter + "1.gif";LastTile = WhichTile;LastTileX = TileX;LastTileY = TileY;TilesOn = LookUp.charAt(WhichTile);NewStatus = 3;}if (GameStatus == 3) {if (CurrentWord.length > 3) {if (Words.indexOf(":" + CurrentWord + ":") == -1) {if (Words == ":") { parent.wordframe.document.write("<CENTER><B>Word List</B></CENTER><BR>"); }parent.wordframe.document.write(CurrentWord + "<BR>");Words = Words + CurrentWord + ":";   }}clearword(1);NewStatus = 2;}GameStatus = NewStatus;}function abandon() {if (GameStatus == 4) {endgame();   }}// End --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<body onLoad="document.joggle.user.value = 'New Game';GameStatus = 1;" text="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff"><CENTER><H1><A HREF="Javascript:abandon()">Joggle</A></H1><FORM NAME=joggle><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=8 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#C8CEC4"><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,0)" onmouseover="slide(0,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,1)" onmouseover="slide(0,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,2)" onmouseover="slide(0,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,3)" onmouseover="slide(0,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,4)" onmouseover="slide(0,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,0)" onmouseover="slide(1,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,1)" onmouseover="slide(1,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,2)" onmouseover="slide(1,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,3)" onmouseover="slide(1,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,4)" onmouseover="slide(1,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,0)" onmouseover="slide(2,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,1)" onmouseover="slide(2,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,2)" onmouseover="slide(2,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,3)" onmouseover="slide(2,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,4)" onmouseover="slide(2,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,0)" onmouseover="slide(3,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,1)" onmouseover="slide(3,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,2)" onmouseover="slide(3,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,3)" onmouseover="slide(3,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,4)" onmouseover="slide(3,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,0)" onmouseover="slide(4,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,1)" onmouseover="slide(4,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,2)" onmouseover="slide(4,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,3)" onmouseover="slide(4,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,4)" onmouseover="slide(4,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR></TABLE><br><input type=button name="user" value=" Loading... " onclick="buttonpress()"><br><img src=a0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=b0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=c0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=d0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=e0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=f0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=g0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=h0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=i0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=j0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=k0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=l0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=m0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=n0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=o0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=p0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=q0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=r0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=s0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=t0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=u0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=v0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=w0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=x0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=y0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=z0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=a1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=b1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=c1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=d1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=e1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=f1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=g1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=h1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=i1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=j1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=k1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=l1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=m1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=n1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=o1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=p1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=q1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=r1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=s1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=t1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=u1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=v1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=w1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=x1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=y1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=z1.gif width=1 height=1></center><small><ul><li>To enter a word, click the first letter of the word, then move the mouse over the next letters in turn, and finally click the last letter of the word.<li>To pause the game, click the button displaying the time. Click it again to unpause. Pausing the game reduces the remaining time by 1 second.<li>To abandon the current game, first pause the game, then click on "Joggle."<li>To score the game, after the game has ended or been abandoned, click the "Score" button in the frame on the right.</body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
