
Print - Joggle - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Game » Puzzle » Joggle
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/joggle-index.html

Joggle © JavaScriptBank.comAn online version of Boggle, where the objective is to find words in a 5x5 letter grid. Joggle takes advantage of ASP and SQL (rather than JavaScript) to score words using a 100,000 word dictionary. Great fun.

Full version: jsB@nk » Game » Puzzle » Joggle
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/joggle-index.html

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">// Serban Oprescu (serban@pixelsharp.com)<!-- Beginvar Words = "";var CurrentWord = "";var GameStatus = 0;var GameTime = 0;var LastTile = -10;var LastTileX = -10;var LastTileY = -10;var TilesOn = "";var TileMap = "";var LookUp = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";var Cubes = "qbzjkxhhlrdotelpcittotemaeaeeetouotonhdthossnseusctiepyifpsrovwrgrlhnrodriyprheandnneeeemaaaafsrafaisrdordlnmnneagititieaumeegyifasrccwnstuotownetilic";function clearword(DoMap) {CurrentWord = "";LastTile = -10;LastTileX = -10;LastTileY = -10;if (DoMap) {for (i=0; i<TilesOn.length; i++) {WhichTile = LookUp.indexOf(TilesOn.charAt(i));if (WhichTile == -1) {WhichTile = i;WhichLetter = "0";}else {WhichLetter = TileMap.charAt(WhichTile);}document.images[WhichTile].src = WhichLetter + "0.gif";   }}TilesOn = "";}function endgame() {GameStatus = 1;clearword(1);document.joggle.user.value = "New Game";parent.wordframe.document.write("<FORM ACTION=http://www.pixelsharp.com/projects/joggle/score.asp METHOD=POST><INPUT TYPE=Hidden NAME=words VALUE=" + Words + "><INPUT TYPE=Submit VALUE=Score></FORM><BR>");}function buttonpress() {var ActingStatus = GameStatus;if (ActingStatus == 1) {Words = ":";clearword();TileMap = "";GameTime = 75;TempCubes = Cubes;Position = 0;while (TileMap.length != 25) {Position = Math.floor(Math.random() * (TempCubes.length - 1));TileMap = TileMap + TempCubes.charAt(Position);Position = Math.floor(Position / 6);TempCubes = TempCubes.substring(0, Position * 6) + TempCubes.substring(6 + Position * 6, TempCubes.length);}for (i=0; i<25; i++) {document.images[i].src = TileMap.charAt(i) + "0.gif";}parent.wordframe.document.location = "joggle-empty.html";GameTime = 181;setTimeout("countdown()", 1);GameStatus = 2;}if ((ActingStatus == 2) || (ActingStatus == 3)) {GameStatus = 4;GameTime = GameTime * -1;TilesOn = "0000000000000000000000000";clearword(1);document.joggle.user.value = "Paused";}if (ActingStatus == 4) {for (i=0; i<25; i++) {document.images[i].src = TileMap.charAt(i) + "0.gif"}GameStatus = 2;setTimeout("countdown()", 1);   }}function countdown() {if (GameTime > -1) {GameTime = GameTime - 1;Division = ":";if (GameTime % 60 < 10) {Division = ":0"}document.joggle.user.value = Math.floor(GameTime / 60) + Division + GameTime % 60;if (GameTime != 0) {setTimeout("countdown()", 1000);}else {endgame();   }}else { GameTime = GameTime * -1; }}function slide(TileX, TileY) {WhichTile = TileX * 5 + TileY;WhichLetter = TileMap.charAt(WhichTile);if (GameStatus == 3) {if ((Math.abs(TileX - LastTileX) < 2) && (Math.abs(TileY - LastTileY) < 2)) {if (TilesOn.indexOf(LookUp.charAt(WhichTile)) == -1) {CurrentWord = CurrentWord + WhichLetter;if (WhichLetter == 'q') { CurrentWord = CurrentWord + "u"; }document.images[WhichTile].src = WhichLetter + "1.gif";LastTile = WhichTile;LastTileX = TileX;LastTileY = TileY;TilesOn = TilesOn + LookUp.charAt(WhichTile);         }      }   }}function click(TileX, TileY) {var NewStatus = GameStatus;WhichTile = TileX * 5 + TileY;WhichLetter = TileMap.charAt(WhichTile);if (GameStatus == 2) {CurrentWord = WhichLetter;if (WhichLetter == 'q') { CurrentWord = CurrentWord + "u"; }document.images[WhichTile].src = WhichLetter + "1.gif";LastTile = WhichTile;LastTileX = TileX;LastTileY = TileY;TilesOn = LookUp.charAt(WhichTile);NewStatus = 3;}if (GameStatus == 3) {if (CurrentWord.length > 3) {if (Words.indexOf(":" + CurrentWord + ":") == -1) {if (Words == ":") { parent.wordframe.document.write("<CENTER><B>Word List</B></CENTER><BR>"); }parent.wordframe.document.write(CurrentWord + "<BR>");Words = Words + CurrentWord + ":";   }}clearword(1);NewStatus = 2;}GameStatus = NewStatus;}function abandon() {if (GameStatus == 4) {endgame();   }}// End --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<body onLoad="document.joggle.user.value = 'New Game';GameStatus = 1;" text="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff"><CENTER><H1><A HREF="Javascript:abandon()">Joggle</A></H1><FORM NAME=joggle><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=8 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#C8CEC4"><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,0)" onmouseover="slide(0,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,1)" onmouseover="slide(0,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,2)" onmouseover="slide(0,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,3)" onmouseover="slide(0,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(0,4)" onmouseover="slide(0,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,0)" onmouseover="slide(1,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,1)" onmouseover="slide(1,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,2)" onmouseover="slide(1,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,3)" onmouseover="slide(1,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(1,4)" onmouseover="slide(1,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,0)" onmouseover="slide(2,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,1)" onmouseover="slide(2,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,2)" onmouseover="slide(2,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,3)" onmouseover="slide(2,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(2,4)" onmouseover="slide(2,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,0)" onmouseover="slide(3,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,1)" onmouseover="slide(3,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,2)" onmouseover="slide(3,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,3)" onmouseover="slide(3,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(3,4)" onmouseover="slide(3,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR><TR><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,0)" onmouseover="slide(4,0)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,1)" onmouseover="slide(4,1)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,2)" onmouseover="slide(4,2)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,3)" onmouseover="slide(4,3)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD><TD><A HREF="Javascript:click(4,4)" onmouseover="slide(4,4)">  <IMG SRC=00.gif BORDER=0 width="30" height="30"></A></TD></TR></TABLE><br><input type=button name="user" value=" Loading... " onclick="buttonpress()"><br><img src=a0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=b0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=c0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=d0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=e0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=f0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=g0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=h0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=i0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=j0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=k0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=l0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=m0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=n0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=o0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=p0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=q0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=r0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=s0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=t0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=u0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=v0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=w0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=x0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=y0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=z0.gif width=1 height=1><img src=a1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=b1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=c1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=d1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=e1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=f1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=g1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=h1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=i1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=j1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=k1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=l1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=m1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=n1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=o1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=p1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=q1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=r1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=s1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=t1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=u1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=v1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=w1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=x1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=y1.gif width=1 height=1><img src=z1.gif width=1 height=1></center><small><ul><li>To enter a word, click the first letter of the word, then move the mouse over the next letters in turn, and finally click the last letter of the word.<li>To pause the game, click the button displaying the time. Click it again to unpause. Pausing the game reduces the remaining time by 1 second.<li>To abandon the current game, first pause the game, then click on "Joggle."<li>To score the game, after the game has ended or been abandoned, click the "Score" button in the frame on the right.</body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
