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Awesome Tabbing Navigation with Prototype and AJAX A very cool JavaScript code example to create tabbing navigation menus for display information on your web pages. This tabbing navigating menu has the same working way like other applications with Firefox Firefox tab bar layout. Some more functions in JavaScript code example:
- Supports unlimited tabs for your content
- Creates more tabs with AJAX or IFRAME
- Create unclosed tabs (used for major information)

Enjoy more JavaScript code examples on jsB@nk for tabbing menus:

- JavaScript Simple CSS Tabbed search bar
- Useful Javascript Tab Bar Navigation Codes
- JavaScript dhtmlxTabBar - AJAX components for advanced Web UI
- JavaScript Tab Folder script
- JavaScript Content Tabs script

Category: Framework, Prototype

PolyTooltip v1.1 PolyTooltip - a very easy way to make HTML tooltips on your web page. This Prototype tooltip script generates tooltips by small information boxes for many type of objects on your website such as link tooltip, form tooltip, div tooltip... It is good looking and very simple to use. PolyTooltip uses the Prototype Framework and Scriptaculous Effects Library. And there are four styles availble.

Category: Framework, Prototype

Prototype Javascript Library Prototype is a JavaScript framework that features a unique, easy-to-use toolkit for class-driven development. The standards-compliant code takes a lot of the burden associated with creating rich, highly interactive Web pages.

Documentation can be found at: and

Category: Framework, Prototype
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