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Version complète: jsB@nk » Tutorials » How-to Tutorials » JavaScript: How, What, and Why You Should Learn It
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/javascript-how--what--why-you-should-learn-it.html

JavaScript: How, What, and Why You Should Learn It © JavaScriptBank.comThere is a lot that goes into learning a new language. A person who takes Spanish or French for a semester or two in high school or college is not going to call themselves fluent in that language based on the amount of time they've spent on it. People say that in order to really call yourself fluent in a language, you have to go straight to the source and surround yourself in the culture of that language.For linguists focusing on verbal languages, this most likely means traveling to a country that speaks the language you're learning. The same can be said for other language type skills such as music, or computer programming in this case.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Tutorials » How-to Tutorials » JavaScript: How, What, and Why You Should Learn It
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/javascript-how--what--why-you-should-learn-it.html