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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Ứng dụng » Trị giá của trọng lượng
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/worth-your-weight-in-gold.html

Trị giá của trọng lượng © JavaScriptBank.comMột tiện ích nho nhỏ và khá vui nhộn để tính giá trị của trọng lượng cơ thể bạn trong điều kiện làm việc nào đó.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Ứng dụng » Trị giá của trọng lượng
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/worth-your-weight-in-gold.html

<script language="javascript"><!--var myWeight;var myYearlySalary;var myHomePrice;//William Chinnick<chinwag@toast.net>_2007/WYWiG_Calc.,//Atomic weight  AU=196.967 /Specific gravity AU=19.3*10years=.980,//Cost of living of a 100 years duration,Entropy=.980,//or dross factor approx=.010/year,// Home costs approx.1/3 earnings.// In Rumpleaustiltskin's postulate ->//profitability of small business when a social democratic government regulates //the maximum starting minumum wage for employees@=> $7.00/hour, //brings a usurping of gold standard for the small business.function HowMany(form){var difference;difference = (myYearlySalary * myWeight) * .980;form.Gdiff.value = difference;{form.myHomePrice.value = (difference)/32;}if (difference < 100000) {form.comment.value="You better start working!";}if (difference > 100001 && difference < 200000) {form.comment.value="Try getting up earlier,you can do better.";}if (difference > 200001 && difference < 700000) {form.comment.value="Very good! Ask the boss for a raise.";}if (difference > 700001 && difference < 1100000) {form.comment.value="Should have clued into a perfect spouse's endowments,eh?!";}if (difference > 1100001 && difference < 1500000) {form.comment.value="Your management material!";}if (difference > 1500001 && difference < 3200000) {form.comment.value="Really, your fit for management team of a multinational corp.";}if (difference > 3200001) {form.comment.value="No arguement here,you can afford exercise and a good vacation,."; }}function SetMyWeight(weight){myWeight = weight.value;}function SetmyYearlySalary(dollar){myYearlySalary = dollar.value;}function SetmyHomePrice(dollar){myHomePrice = dollar.value;}function ClearForm(form){form.myWeight.value = "";form.myYearlySalary.value = "";form.Gdiff.value = "";form.myHomePrice.value = "";form.comment.value = "";}// --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<form><table border="1"><tr><td><font color=blue>Your<br>Weight<br>(lbs.)</font color=blue></td><td><font color=blue>Earned<br>($)dollars,<br>yearly</font color=blue></td><td><input type="button" ONCLICK="HowMany(this.form)" VALUE="Compute"></td><td><B><font color=gold>20 yr Career,<br>Worth your weight in Gold <br>dollars</font color=gold></B></td><td><B><font color=gold>20 yr Career,<br>Good as Gold home price <br>allotment dollars</font color=gold></B></td></tr><tr><td><input TYPE=text NAME=myWeight SIZE="6"ONCHANGE="SetMyWeight(this)"></td><td><input TYPE=text NAME=myYearlySalary SIZE="6"ONCHANGE="SetmyYearlySalary(this)"></td><td><input TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" Reset " onClick="ClearForm(this.form)"></td><td>$<input TYPE=text NAME="Gdiff" VALUE="" SIZE="8"></td><td>$<input TYPE=text NAME="myHomePrice" VALUE="" SIZE="8"></td></tr></table><table border="1"><tr><TD><font color=blue>Revenuers Comment</font color=blue></TD><TD><input TYPE=text NAME="comment" size="60"></td></tr></table></form><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->