
Print - Advance Downloading Speed Calculator - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Utility » Advance Downloading Speed Calculator
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/advance-downloading-speed-calculator.html

Advance Downloading Speed Calculator © JavaScriptBank.comAdd this JavaScript into your website for checking download speed, it will estimate the necessary time to dowload a file with several different download speeds, connection types and internet speeds, speed bandwidths. Very easy to customize and use, check download speed. Try it now!

Full version: jsB@nk » Utility » Advance Downloading Speed Calculator
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/advance-downloading-speed-calculator.html

<style type="text/css"><!--.formCalc {width: 450px; padding: 1px 10px; margin: 20px auto; background: #EEDDCC;}.formCalcInput, .formCalcLabel {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;}.formCalcInput {text-align: center;}.formCalcInput.left {text-align: left;}.formCalcInput.but {width: 200px;}h1.heading1 {text-align: left; font-size: 1.2em; margin-bottom: -12px;}.para {text-align: left; padding: 5px; font-size: 12px;}.mainDiv {width: 500px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: left; padding: 5px;  font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif;}table.tableCalc {width: 450px; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 12px;}table.thCalc {text-align: left; text-indent: 5px; padding: 10px 0;}table td.right {text-align: right;}table td.red {color: #990000; border-right: 5px solid #990000; padding-right: 5px;}table td.red1 {background: #CC8080;}table td.blue {color: blue; border-right: 5px solid #003399; padding-right: 5px;}table td.blue1 {background: #8099CC;}table td.green {color: green; border-right: 5px solid #336600; padding-right: 5px;}table td.green1 {background: #99B380;}table td.purple {color: purple; border-right: 5px solid #330066; padding-right: 5px;}table td.purple1 {background: #9980B3;}table td.tdCalc {padding: 5px 0; text-align: center;}--></style>

<script type="text/javascript"><!--// Created by: Gabrielle Gayheart :: //create an array of whatever size you send itfunction createarray(len) {  this.length = len;  for (var i = 0; i < len + 1; i++) {    this[i] = 0;  }  return this;}// mult is either kb, mb, gb// form is the number arrayfunction calculate(form, mult) {  // multiplier for the internet connection speeds  //to add calculations, multiply connection speed times 1,000, divide by eight; then divide by 1024  // (kbs*1000/8)/1024)  var arraysize = 8; //change this number if you add other speeds  multiplier = new createarray(arraysize);    multiplier[0] = "3.5156";    multiplier[1] = "6.8360";    multiplier[2] = "7.8125";    multiplier[3] = "31.25";    multiplier[4] = "62.5";    multiplier[5] = "73.2421";    multiplier[6] = "189.6973";    multiplier[7] = "549.3164";  //checks to see if 0 is not the value  if (form.size.value != 0) {    //does the math    for (var j = 0; j < arraysize; j++) {      var tottime = (mult * parseFloat(form.size.value)) / multiplier[j];      mod = tottime % 3600;      form[j + "h"].value= Math.floor(tottime / 3600);      form[j + "m"].value= Math.floor(mod / 60);      form[j + "s"].value= Math.floor(tottime % 60);    }  } else {    //default the result to 0    for (var k = 0; k < arraysize; k++) {      form[k+"h"].value=0;      form[k+"m"].value=0;      form[k+"s"].value=0;    }  }}//--></script>

<form class="formCalc"><h1 class="heading1">Estimated File Download Times</h1><p class="para">Enter the file size of your document in the box below, then select KB, MB or GB.</p><div class="mainDiv">  <label class="formCalcLabel" for="size"> File Size:</label>    <input class="formCalcInput right" name="size" id="size" size="4" value="#" type="text">    <input class="formCalcInput" onclick="calculate(this.form, 1)" value="KB" type="button">    <input class="formCalcInput" onclick="calculate(this.form, 1024)" value="MB" type="button">    <input class="formCalcInput" onclick="calculate(this.form, 1048576)" value="GB" type="button">    <input class="formCalcInput but" value="Reset for another calculation" type="reset"></div><table class="tableCalc">  <tbody>  <tr>    <th class="thCalc" colspan="1">Connection Type</th>    <th class="thCalc" colspan="4">Estimated Time to Download</th>  </tr>  <tr>    <td rowspan="2" class="right red tdCalc">Dial-Up Access</td>    <td class="red1 tdCalc">28.8 Kb</td>    <td class="red1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="0h" size="4" value="0" type="text"> hr.</td>    <td class="red1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="0m" size="4" value="0" type="text"> min.</td>    <td class="red1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="0s" size="4" value="0" type="text"> sec.</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td class="red1 tdCalc">56 Kb</td>    <td class="red1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="1h" size="4" value="0" type="text"> hr.</td>    <td class="red1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="1m" size="4" value="0" type="text"> min.</td>    <td class="red1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="1s" size="4" value="0" type="text"> sec.</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td rowspan="3" class="right blue">DSL Access<br>Broadband Cable Access</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc">128 Kb</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="2h" size="4" value="0" type="text"> hr.</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="2m" size="4" value="0" type="text"> min.</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="2s" size="4" value="0" type="text"> sec.</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc">256 Kb</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="3h" size="4" value="0" type="text"> hr.</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="3m" size="4" value="0" type="text"> min.</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="3s" size="4" value="0" type="text"> sec.</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc">512 Kb</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="4h" size="4" value="0" type="text"> hr.</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="4m" size="4" value="0" type="text"> min.</td>    <td class="blue1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="4s" size="4" value="0" type="text"> sec.</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td class="right purple">Wireless/Satellite Access</td>   <td class="purple1 tdCalc">600 Kb</td>    <td class="purple1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="5h" size="4" value="0" type="text"> hr.</td>    <td class="purple1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="5m" size="4" value="0" type="text"> min.</td>    <td class="purple1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="5s" size="4" value="0" type="text"> sec.</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td class="right green tdCalc" rowspan="2">Govt./Business Access<br>High Speed Access</td>    <td class="green1 tdCalc">T1</td>    <td class="green1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="6h" size="4" value="0" type="text"> hr.</td>    <td class="green1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="6m" size="4" value="0" type="text"> min.</td>    <td class="green1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="6s" size="4" value="0" type="text"> sec.</td></tr>  <tr>   <td class="green1 tdCalc">T3</td>    <td class="green1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="7h" size="4" value="0" type="text"> hr.</td>    <td class="green1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="7m" size="4" value="0" type="text"> min.</td>    <td class="green1 tdCalc"><input class="formCalcInput" name="7s" size="4" value="0" type="text"> sec.</td>  </tr>  </tbody></table><p class="para">Please note that the speed may vary due to server'scapacity and set-up, current Internet traffic, the viewer's hardware oroperating system, or the amount of people sharing the line (dial-up andcable) at the time of connection.</p></form>