
Imprimer - String effet MultiColor - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Texte » Fade-Glow » String effet MultiColor
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/multicolor-string-effect.html

String effet MultiColor © JavaScriptBank.comMultiColor String est que l'affichage de votre texte avec beaucoup de couleur sur les pages web.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Texte » Fade-Glow » String effet MultiColor
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/multicolor-string-effect.html

<script language="JavaScript"><!--// ------------- Browser Detector ---------------// Possible values for browser are://  "netscape"//  "opera"     <--(ewww)//  "msie"      <--(double ewww)//  "robot"//  "unknown"// Possible values for version are://  any numerical value (3, 2.02, 4.04, etc.)//  0 if unable to determinevar browser = "unknown";var version = 0;if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") >= 0) browser = "opera";else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("obot") >= 0) browser = "robot";else if (navigator.appName.indexOf("etscape") >= 0) browser = "netscape";else if (navigator.appName.indexOf("icrosoft") >= 0) browser = "msie";version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);if (isNaN(version)) version = 0;if ((browser == "msie")&&(version == 2)) version = 3;// ------------------ Gradient Output --------------------// Syntax for use://     gradient(TEXT_STRING_HERE,HEXCODES_STRING_HERE);//  use in similar way you would use document.write();//  note, it cannot be used to return a string value.//  gradient() takes two arguements. the first will//  be the original pure text string. (no htmlcodes)//  the second argument is a string of color hexcodes//  seperated with spaces thru which the text should//  progress. for example say you wanted to print out//  the string "color gradient", and you wanted it to//  progress from blue to red. a color code for blue//  is 4444FF, and a color code for red is FF4444.//  taking those two codes, and the original string,//  somewhere in the body of the document you would//  write within a <Script> tag the following://  gradient("color gradient","4444FF FF4444");//  if however, you wanted it to progress thru three//  or more colors, its as simple as adding them to the//  string of color codes. it is important to remember//  however that the string must be color HEXCODES, and//  not merely just color names, (e.x- "red", "yellow")//  if this seems like too much trouble, then perhaps//  you should try something simple like ripping off//  some annoying status bar text scroller. =Þ//  one last thing. if you overuse this script, i can//  pretty much gaurantee people will hate your webpage.//  the fact is, this javascript is memory intensive. if//  you overdo it, you're crashing some visitors' browsers.//  ------------------------------------------------------// lookup tablevar tohex = new Array(256);var hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";var count = 0;for (x=0; x<16; x++) { for (y=0; y<16; y++) { tohex[count] = hex.charAt(x) + hex.charAt(y); count++; }}//ColorCode constructorfunction ColorCode(hexcode) {  if (hexcode.length == 7) {    this.r = parseInt(hexcode.substring(1,3),16);    this.g = parseInt(hexcode.substring(3,5),16);    this.b = parseInt(hexcode.substring(5,7),16);  }  else if (hexcode.length == 6) {    this.r = parseInt(hexcode.substring(0,2),16);    this.g = parseInt(hexcode.substring(2,4),16);    this.b = parseInt(hexcode.substring(4,6),16);  }  else {    this.r = this.g = this.b = 0;    alert("Error: ColorCode constructor failed");  }  if (isNaN(this.r)||isNaN(this.g)||isNaN(this.b))    alert("Error: ColorCode constructor failed");}// ColorList constructorfunction ColorList(hexcodes) {  var i = 0;  var c = 0;  this.codes = new Array(Math.round(hexcodes.length/7));  while (i < hexcodes.length) {    if (isNaN(parseInt(hexcodes.substring(i,i+6),16))) ++i;    else {      this.codes[c] = new ColorCode(hexcodes.substring(i,i+6));      i += 7;      ++c;    }  }  this.len = c;}function interpolate (x1, y1, x3, y3, x2) {  if (x3 == x1) return y1  else return (x2-x1)*(y3-y1)/(x3-x1) + y1}// x=index of letter, y=number of letters, z=number of colorsfunction lowcolorindex (x, y, z) {  if (y == 1) return 0  else return Math.floor( (x*(z-1))/(y-1) )}function hicolorindex (x, y, z, low) {   if ( low*(y-1) == x*(z-1) ) return low  else if (y == 1) return 0  else return Math.floor( (x*(z-1))/(y-1) + 1 )}function gradient (thetext,thecolors) {  if (((browser == "netscape")||(browser == "msie")||(browser == "opera"))&&(version>=3.0)) {    var colors = new ColorList(thecolors);    var numcolors = colors.len;    var numchars = thetext.length;    var rr = 0;    var gg = 0;    var bb = 0;    var lci = 0; //lower color index    var hci = 0; //high color index    for (i=0; i<numchars; ++i) {      lci = lowcolorindex(i, numchars, numcolors);      hci = hicolorindex(i, numchars, numcolors, lci);      rr = Math.round(interpolate( lci/(numcolors-1), colors.codes[lci].r, hci/(numcolors-1), colors.codes[hci].r, i/(numchars-1)));      gg = Math.round(interpolate( lci/(numcolors-1), colors.codes[lci].g, hci/(numcolors-1), colors.codes[hci].g, i/(numchars-1)));      bb = Math.round(interpolate( lci/(numcolors-1), colors.codes[lci].b, hci/(numcolors-1), colors.codes[hci].b, i/(numchars-1)));      if (browser == "opera") {        rr = 255 - rr;        gg = 255 - gg;        bb = 255 - bb;      }        document.write(thetext.charAt(i).fontcolor(tohex[rr]+tohex[gg]+tohex[bb]));    }  }  else document.write(thetext); // unrecognized browser, better not to attempt anything fancy}      //--></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<script language="JavaScript">gradient("always wanted to be a genius?","FF0000 FFFFFF 0000FF");document.write('<BR>');gradient("...well...do it, in...","444444 DDDDDD 444444");document.write('<BR><FONT size=+1><TT><B>');gradient("snazzy, eyecatching, gradient colors!","FF8888 FFFF88 88FF88 88FFFF 8888FF FF88FF");document.write('</B></TT></FONT><BR><FONT size=2>');gradient("but uhm, just be careful not to overdo it","884488 444488 448888 448844 888844 884444");document.write("</FONT><BR>");</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->