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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Chữ » Khung textarea di chuyển
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/automatic-textreader-for-your-lazy-visitors.html

Khung textarea di chuyển © JavaScriptBank.comHiệu ứng xem từng chữ của đoạn văn bản qua sự di chuyển">di chuyển của một ô kính.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Chữ » Khung textarea di chuyển
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/automatic-textreader-for-your-lazy-visitors.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>// Automatic textreader for your lazy visitors// CONFIGURATION: // Copy the script block and paste it in the head-zone of your HTML-file (textreader.html)// Copy the three div-blocks (named "bgdiv", "frontdiv", "framepic") and paste them// just above the </body> the tag. Do not change their order!// Write into the div-blocks "bgdiv" and "frontdiv" the same text.// Copy the image "framepic42.gif" anf put it in the same directory // as the file "textreader.html".// Speed of the textreadervar tempo=30// Width and height of the transparent image "framepic42.gif" (pixels)var framepic_width=150var framepic_height=80// the vertical jump of the image after finishing one row (pixels)var ystep=20var framepic_startx=0var framepic_starty=0var marginbottom var marginright var clipLeft=framepic_startxvar clipTop=framepic_startyvar clipRight=clipLeft+framepic_widthvar clipBottom=clipTop+framepic_heightvar xstep=10function moveframe() {if (document.layers) {if (document.framepic.left<marginright-framepic_width) {document.framepic.left+=xstepdocument.frontdiv.clip.left=document.framepic.leftdocument.frontdiv.clip.right=document.framepic.left+framepic_width}else {document.framepic.left=0if (document.framepic.top<marginbottom-framepic_height) {document.framepic.top+=ystepdocument.frontdiv.clip.top=document.framepic.topdocument.frontdiv.clip.bottom=document.frontdiv.clip.top+framepic_height}else {document.framepic.top=0document.frontdiv.clip.top=document.framepic.topdocument.frontdiv.clip.bottom=document.frontdiv.clip.top+framepic_height}}}if (document.all) {if (document.all.framepic.style.posLeft<marginright-framepic_width) {document.all.framepic.style.posLeft+=xstepclipLeft=document.all.framepic.style.posLeftclipRight=clipLeft+framepic_widthdocument.all.frontdiv.style.clip="rect("+clipTop+" "+clipRight+" "+clipBottom+" "+clipLeft+")"}else {document.all.framepic.style.posLeft=0if (document.all.framepic.style.posTop<marginbottom-framepic_height) {document.all.framepic.style.posTop+=ystepclipTop=document.all.framepic.style.posTopclipBottom=clipTop+framepic_height}else {document.all.framepic.style.posTop=0clipTop=document.all.framepic.style.posTopclipBottom=clipTop+framepic_height}}}}function init() {if (document.all) {marginbottom = document.body.clientHeightmarginright = document.body.clientWidthclipTop=framepic_startyclipLeft=framepic_startxclipBottom=clipTop+framepic_heightclipRight=clipLeft+framepic_widthdocument.all.frontdiv.style.clip="rect("+clipTop+" "+clipRight+" "+clipBottom+" "+clipLeft+")"document.all.frontdiv.style.visibility="VISIBLE"}if (document.layers) {marginbottom = window.innerHeightmarginright = window.innerWidthdocument.frontdiv.clip.left=framepic_startxdocument.frontdiv.clip.right=clipLeft+framepic_widthdocument.frontdiv.clip.top=framepic_startydocument.frontdiv.clip.bottom=clipTop+framepic_heightdocument.frontdiv.visibility="visible"}var timer=setInterval("moveframe()",tempo)}// - End of JavaScript - --></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onload=init()><DIV id=bgdiv style="COLOR: #eeeeee; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; FONT-SIZE: 20pt; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px">The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. </DIV><DIV id=frontdiv style="COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana; FONT-SIZE: 20pt; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px">The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. The first fully automatic text-reader for your lazy visitors. Watch it and be happy. </DIV><DIV id=framepic style="LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px">  <IMG src="framepic42.gif" width="150" height="80"></DIV></BODY><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
