
Imprimer - Enregistrement des mouvements de souris - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Pointer » Enregistrement des mouvements de souris
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/mouse-movement-recording.html

Enregistrement des mouvements de souris © JavaScriptBank.comCe script enregistre les mouvements de la souris que vous faites. Cliquez sur "Enregistrer" pour commencer à enregistrer les mouvements de la souris. Ces positions de la souris seront enregistrées dans la mémoire. 'Stop Record "processus d'enregistrement s'arrête. «Replay» montre que les mouvements ont été enregistrés. Si vous souhaitez faire un autre enregistrement, cliquez sur "Reset". Il autorise l'enregistrement de la mémoire pour les nouveaux.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Pointer » Enregistrement des mouvements de souris
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/mouse-movement-recording.html

<SCRIPT>var posX, posY;var path  = new Array();var index = 0;var Num = 0;var save  = false;var track = falsebegintag = '<font face="Tahoma, Arial" size=1 color=black>'function moveTo(x,y) // Cursor picture movement{rep.style.pixelLeft=x;rep.style.pixelTop=y;}function drawTo(x,y) // Dot movement{dot.style.pixelLeft=x*200/screen.width+150;dot.style.pixelTop=y*150/screen.height+15;}function wTo(x,y) // Data showing{data.innerHTML=begintag+'['+x+','+y+']</font>';}function savePath() // Path save, if you suppose fast mouse movements, reduce TimeOut{if((posX && posY) && save){path[index]   = posX;path[index+1] = posY;index += 2;setTimeout('savePath()',10);}}function run() //Replay the record{if(Num < (path.length-1)){moveTo(path[Num],path[Num+1])drawTo(path[Num],path[Num+1])wTo(path[Num],path[Num+1])Num += 2;setTimeout('run()',10);}else Num=0;}function cursor(){posX=event.x+document.body.scrollLeft;posY=event.y+document.body.scrollTop;}function record(){if (!track){index = 0;save = true;savePath();}else data.innerHTML=begintag+"A path has been recorded in memory.<br>Click 'Reset' if you wish to record new one.</font>";}function stop_record(){save    = false;index   = 0;time   = (path.length/2)*0.1;cValue = ""+time;value   = cValue.substring(0,4);s       = (cValue.substring(0) == 1 && cValue.indexOf(".") == -1)?"":"s";data.innerHTML=begintag+"Time recorded in memory: "+value+" second"+s+" with interval 0.1s</font>";track   = true;}function reset(){rep.style.pixelLeft=50rep.style.pixelTop=150dot.style.pixelLeft=160;dot.style.pixelTop=40;data.innerHTML='';posX=posY='';path  = new Array();index = 0;Num = 0;save  = false;track = false;}document.onmousemove = cursor;</SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<DIV id=rep style="Z-INDEX: 3; LEFT: 50px; WIDTH: 17px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 150px; HEIGHT: 22px"><IMG height=22 src="cursor.gif" width=17></DIV><DIV id=dot style="Z-INDEX: 3; LEFT: 160px; WIDTH: 5px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 40px; HEIGHT: 5px"><FONT color=red size=1><B>+</B></FONT></DIV><DIV id=data style="Z-INDEX: 2; LEFT: 152px; WIDTH: 196px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 15px; HEIGHT: 30px"></DIV><DIV id=map style="BORDER-RIGHT: teal 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: teal 1px solid; Z-INDEX: 1; BACKGROUND: aqua; LEFT: 150px; BORDER-LEFT: teal 1px solid; WIDTH: 200px; BORDER-BOTTOM: teal 1px solid; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 15px; HEIGHT: 150px"></DIV><INPUT onclick=record() type=button value=Record><BR><BR><INPUT onclick=stop_record() type=button value="Stop Record"><BR><BR><INPUT onclick=reset() type=button value=Reset><BR><BR><INPUT onclick=run() type=button value=Replay> <!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->