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URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/right-to-left-flying-image.html

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Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Hình ảnh » Ảnh bay từ phải sang trái
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/right-to-left-flying-image.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--  dynamicanimAttr = "hdynamicanimation"  animateElements = new Array()  currentElement = 0  speed = 0  stepsZoom = 8  stepsWord = 8  stepsFly = 12  stepsSpiral = 16  steps = stepsZoom  step = 0  outString = ""  function hdynAnimation()  {    var ms = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")    ie4 = (ms>0) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(ms+5, ms+6)) >= 4)    if(!ie4)    {      if((navigator.appName == "Netscape") &&         (parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(0, 1)) >= 4))      {        for (index=document.layers.length-1; index >= 0; index--)        {            layer=document.layers[index]            if (layer.left==10000)                layer.left=0        }      }      return    }    for (index=document.all.length-1; index >= document.body.sourceIndex; index--)    {      el = document.all[index]      animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)      if(null != animation)      {        if(animation == "dropWord" || animation == "flyTopRightWord" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord")        {          ih = el.innerHTML          outString = ""          i1 = 0          iend = ih.length          while(true)          {            i2 = startWord(ih, i1)            if(i2 == -1)              i2 = iend            outWord(ih, i1, i2, false, "")            if(i2 == iend)              break            i1 = i2            i2 = endWord(ih, i1)            if(i2 == -1)              i2 = iend            outWord(ih, i1, i2, true, animation)            if(i2 == iend)              break            i1 = i2          }          document.all[index].innerHTML = outString          document.all[index].style.posLeft = 0          document.all[index].setAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, null)        }        if(animation == "zoomIn" || animation == "zoomOut")        {          ih = el.innerHTML          outString = "<SPAN " + dynamicanimAttr + "=\"" + animation + "\" style=\"position: relative; left: 10000;\">"          outString += ih          outString += "</SPAN>"          document.all[index].innerHTML = outString          document.all[index].style.posLeft = 0          document.all[index].setAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, null)        }      }    }    i = 0    for (index=document.body.sourceIndex; index < document.all.length; index++)    {      el = document.all[index]      animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)      if (null != animation)      {        if(animation == "flyLeft")        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth          el.style.posTop = 0        }        else if(animation == "flyRight")        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)+document.body.offsetWidth          el.style.posTop = 0        }        else if(animation == "flyTop" || animation == "dropWord")        {          el.style.posLeft = 0          el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight        }        else if(animation == "flyBottom")        {          el.style.posLeft = 0          el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)+document.body.offsetHeight        }        else if(animation == "flyTopLeft")        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth          el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight        }        else if(animation == "flyTopRight" || animation == "flyTopRightWord")        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)+document.body.offsetWidth          el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight        }        else if(animation == "flyBottomLeft")        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth          el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)+document.body.offsetHeight        }        else if(animation == "flyBottomRight" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord")        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)+document.body.offsetWidth          el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)+document.body.offsetHeight        }        else if(animation == "spiral")        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth          el.style.posTop = document.body.scrollTop-offsetTop(el)-el.offsetHeight        }        else if(animation == "zoomIn")        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000          el.style.posTop = 0        }        else if(animation == "zoomOut")        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000          el.style.posTop = 0        }        else        {          el.style.posLeft = 10000-offsetLeft(el)-el.offsetWidth          el.style.posTop = 0        }        el.initLeft = el.style.posLeft        el.initTop = el.style.posTop        animateElements[i++] = el      }    }    window.setTimeout("animate();", speed)  }  function offsetLeft(el)  {    x = el.offsetLeft    for (e = el.offsetParent; e; e = e.offsetParent)      x += e.offsetLeft;    return x  }   function offsetTop(el)  {    y = el.offsetTop    for (e = el.offsetParent; e; e = e.offsetParent)      y += e.offsetTop;    return y  }   function startWord(ih, i)  {    for(tag = false; i < ih.length; i++)    {      c = ih.charAt(i)      if(c == '<')        tag = true      if(!tag)        return i      if(c == '>')        tag = false    }    return -1  }  function endWord(ih, i)  {    nonSpace = false    space = false    while(i < ih.length)    {      c = ih.charAt(i)      if(c != ' ')        nonSpace = true      if(nonSpace && c == ' ')        space = true      if(c == '<')        return i      if(space && c != ' ')        return i      i++    }    return -1  }  function outWord(ih, i1, i2, dyn, anim)  {    if(dyn)      outString += "<SPAN " + dynamicanimAttr + "=\"" + anim + "\" style=\"position: relative; left: 10000;\">"    outString += ih.substring(i1, i2)    if(dyn)      outString += "</SPAN>"  }  function animate()  {    el = animateElements[currentElement]    animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false)    step++    if(animation == "spiral")    {      steps = stepsSpiral      v = step/steps      rf = 1.0 - v      t = v * 2.0*Math.PI      rx = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initLeft), 200)      ry = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initTop),  200)      el.style.posLeft = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.cos(t)*rx)      el.style.posTop  = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.sin(t)*ry)    }    else if(animation == "zoomIn")    {      steps = stepsZoom      el.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(50+50*step/steps) + "%"      el.style.posLeft = 0    }    else if(animation == "zoomOut")    {      steps = stepsZoom      el.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(100+200*(steps-step)/steps) + "%"      el.style.posLeft = 0    }    else    {      steps = stepsFly      if(animation == "dropWord" || animation == "flyTopRightWord" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord")        steps = stepsWord      dl = el.initLeft / steps      dt = el.initTop  / steps      el.style.posLeft = el.style.posLeft - dl      el.style.posTop = el.style.posTop - dt    }    if (step >= steps)     {      el.style.posLeft = 0      el.style.posTop = 0      currentElement++      step = 0    }    if(currentElement < animateElements.length)      window.setTimeout("animate();", speed)  }//--></SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

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