
Imprimer - Gratuit balle bondissante - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Image » Gratuit balle bondissante
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/free-bouncing-ball.html

Gratuit balle bondissante © JavaScriptBank.comCet JavaScript crée une boule qui peut rebounce de partout dans la page Web.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Image » Gratuit balle bondissante
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/free-bouncing-ball.html

<SCRIPT>function getScale(c, height) {  var t = Math.sqrt(2 * height / c.gravity);  var scale = 4 * height / sqr(t);  return scale;}function sqr(x) {  return x * x;}function updateBounce(c) {  var bottom = getViewYOffset() + getViewHeight() - c.imageHeight;  for (var i = 0; i < c.imageCount; i++) {    var name = c.prefix + i;        var scale = c.pScale[name];    var x = getLayerX(name) + c.xSpeed[name];    var y = -scale * sqr(c.pIndex[name]) + c.pHeight[name];    if (y > 0)      y = bottom - y;    else      y = bottom;    var bounds = outOfBounds(c, x, y, c.imageWidth, c.imageHeight);    if (bounds & 1) { // left      x =   2 * getViewXOffset() - x;      c.xSpeed[name] = -c.xSpeed[name] * c.elasticity;    }    if (bounds & 2) { // right      x = 2 * (getViewXOffset() + getViewWidth() - c.imageWidth) - x;      c.xSpeed[name] = -c.xSpeed[name] * c.elasticity;    }    moveLayer(name, x, y);    if ((c.pIndex[name] += 0.5) > c.pLimit[name]) {      c.xSpeed[name] *= 1 - c.friction;      c.pIndex[name] -= Math.sqrt(c.pHeight[name] / scale);      c.pHeight[name] = Math.max(0.25, c.pHeight[name] * c.elasticity);      c.pIndex[name] = -(c.pLimit[name] = Math.sqrt(c.pHeight[name] / scale));      if (c.pHeight[name] < c.kickThreshold) {        if (c.kickOpt == 1) { // kick          c.pHeight[name] = 100 + random(getViewHeight());          c.xSpeed[name] = random(41) - 20;          scale = (c.pScale[name] = getScale(c, c.pHeight[name]));          c.pIndex[name] = -(c.pLimit[name] = Math.sqrt(c.pHeight[name] / scale));        }        else if (c.kickOpt == 2) { // drop          c.pHeight[name] = getViewHeight() + c.imageHeight + 100 + random(500);          c.pScale[name] = getScale(c, c.pHeight[name]);          c.xSpeed[name] = random(41) - 20;          c.pIndex[name] = 0;          c.pLimit[name] = Math.sqrt(c.pHeight[name] / scale);        }      }    }  }  setTimeout('updateBounce(c' + c.uid + ')', c.updateInterval);}</SCRIPT><SCRIPT>msie = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1;function layerSupport() {    return (document.all || document.layers);}layers = new Array();layerX = new Array();layerY = new Array();cursorX = 0;cursorY = 0;function getViewWidth() {  if (msie)    return document.body.clientWidth;  else    return window.innerWidth;}function getViewHeight() {  if (msie)    return document.body.clientHeight;  else    return window.innerHeight;}function getViewXOffset() {  if (msie)    return document.body.scrollLeft;  else    return window.pageXOffset;}function getViewYOffset() {  if (msie)    return document.body.scrollTop;  else    return window.pageYOffset;}function getLayerX(i) {    return layerX[i];}function getLayerY(i) {    return layerY[i];}function moveLayer(i, x, y) {  layerX[i] = x;  layerY[i] = y;  if (msie) {    layers[i].style.pixelLeft = x;    layers[i].style.pixelTop = y;  }  else {    layers[i].left = x;    layers[i].top = y;  }}function setVisible(i, show) {   if (msie)      layers[i].style.visible = show ? "show" : "hidden";   else      layers[i].visibility = show;}function outOfBounds(config, x, y, w, h) {  var result = 0;    // note that fudge factor isn't used for bottom  if (x < getViewXOffset() - config.xFudge)    result |= 1; // Left  else if (x + w >= getViewXOffset() + getViewWidth() + config.xFudge)    result |= 2; // Right    if (y + h >= getViewYOffset() + getViewHeight())    result |= 4; // Bottom  else if (y < getViewYOffset() - config.yFudge)    result |= 8; // Top      return result;}function random(bound) {  return Math.floor(Math.random() * bound);}function randomX(config) {  return getViewXOffset() + random(getViewWidth() - config.imageWidth);}function randomY(config) {  return getViewYOffset() - config.yFudge + random(getViewHeight() + config.yFudge - config.imageHeight);}function setVisible(i, show) {   if (msie)      layers[i].style.visibility = show ? "" : "hidden";   else      layers[i].visibility = show ? "show" : "hide";}function writeImage(image, name, x, y) {    layerX[name] = x;    layerY[name] = y;    if (msie) {      document.writeln('<div id="' + name + '" style="position:absolute;left:' + x + ';top:' + y + ';"><img src="' + image + '"></div>');      layers[name] = document.all[name];    }    else {      document.writeln('<layer id="' + name + '" left=' + x + ' top=' + y + '><img src="' + image + '"></layer>');      layers[name] = document.layers[name];    }}function writeImages(config) {  for (var i = 0; i < config.imageCount; i++) {    var startX = randomX(config);    var startY = config.startOnScreen ? randomY(config) : -config.imageHeight;    var name = config.prefix + i;    writeImage(config.image, name, startX, startY);  }}function cursorXY(e) {  cursorX = msie ? (getViewXOffset() + event.clientX) : e.pageX;  cursorY = msie ? (getViewYOffset() + event.clientY) : e.pageY;}function captureXY() {  if (!msie) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); }  document.onmousemove = cursorXY;}function config() {  this.xFudge = 0;  this.yFudge = 0;  this.updateInterval = 50;  this.startOnScreen = true;  this.imageCount = 1;}</SCRIPT><SCRIPT>if (layerSupport()) {c205 = new config();c205.uid = 205;c205.prefix         = "y_bounce205";c205.image          = "bong.gif";c205.imageWidth     =   130;c205.imageHeight    =   138;c205.imageCount     =  1;c205.gravity        = 4;c205.friction       = 0.1;c205.elasticity     = 0.50;c205.topWall        = 0;c205.xSpeed = new Array();c205.pHeight = new Array();c205.pIndex = new Array();c205.pScale = new Array();c205.pLimit = new Array();c205.kickThreshold = 5;c205.kickOpt = 1;for (var i = 0; i < c205.imageCount; i++) {  var name = c205.prefix + i;  c205.xSpeed[name] = random(41) - 20;  c205.pHeight[name] = -1 == -1 ? randomY(c205) : -1 + random(50);  c205.pScale[name] = getScale(c205, c205.pHeight[name]);  c205.pLimit[name] = Math.sqrt(c205.pHeight[name] / c205.pScale[name]);  c205.pIndex[name] = 0;  writeImage(c205.image, name, randomX(c205), c205.pHeight[name]);}    setTimeout('updateBounce(c205)', c205.updateInterval);  }</SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->