
Imprimer - Simple Tetris - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Tetris » Simple Tetris
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/simple-tetris-index.html

Simple Tetris © JavaScriptBank.comSans aucun doute l'une des meilleures, entièrement fonctionnel DHTML JavaScript Tetris jeu est-ce JavaScript. Ajouter à votre site, et de fournir à vos visiteurs (sans parler de vous!) Avec un flux constant de plaisir.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Tetris » Simple Tetris
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/simple-tetris-index.html

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   _block.blockxx.style.pixelTop += next_step;    game_tag_step -= next_step;    setTimeout("Show_Tag()",movement_timer); }  else    Event_Init();}function Clear_Block() {  _block.block1.style.pixelTop = -block_size;  _block.block2.style.pixelTop = -block_size;  _block.block3.style.pixelTop = -block_size;  _block.block4.style.pixelTop = -block_size;}function Restart_Game() {  high_score = (high_score < game_score)?game_score:high_score;  game_score = 0;  game_lines = 0;  game_level = 0;  game_finished = false;  Hide_Tag();  Clear_Block();  Clear_Num();  Show_Score();  Show_Lines();  Show_Level();  Start_Block();}function Game_Over() {  Event_Release();  clearInterval(block_timer_id);  if (game_winner)    _block.blockxx.innerHTML = game_winner_tag  else    _block.blockxx.innerHTML = game_over_tag;  _block.blockxx.style.pixelTop = block_base_y;  game_winner = false;  game_pause = false;  game_finished = true;  game_tag_step = game_tag_offset;  setTimeout("Show_Tag()",movement_timer);}function Clear_Table() {  for (var i = 0; i < block_table_height; i++)    for (var j = 0; j < block_table_width; j++)      if (block_position[j][i]) {        document.images[i*block_table_width+j].src = table_background.src;        block_position[j][i] = false; }}function Clear_Num() {  var number_id = null;  clearInterval(number_timer);  for (var i = 0; i <= score_max_index; i++)    if (!score_tag[i]) {      number_id = eval(_block_style + block_id + "x" + i + "");      number_id.style.pixelTop = -block_size;      number_id.style.pixelLeft = 0;      score_tag[i] = true; } }function Move_Num() {  var number_id = null;  var score_found = 0;  for (var i = 0; i <= score_max_index; i++)    if (!score_tag[i]) {      number_id = eval(_block_style + block_id + "x" + i + "");      if (number_id.style.pixelTop > block_base_y) {        number_id.style.pixelTop += score_step[number_id.lines-1];        score_found++; }      else {        number_id.style.pixelTop = -block_size;        number_id.style.pixelLeft = 0;        score_tag[i] = true; } }  if (score_found == 0) {    clearInterval(number_timer);    score_shown = false; }}function Show_Num(line_num, line_offset) {  var number_id = null;  var this_index = score_index;  var this_offset = ((block1_x + block_position_x) > 0)?-1:0;  var score_content = score_content1 + line_num + score_content2 + score_grip[line_num-1] + score_content3;  while (!score_tag[score_index]) {    score_index++;    if (score_index > score_max_index)      score_index = 0;    if (score_index == this_index) {      score_index++;      if (score_index > score_max_index)        score_index = 0;      break; } }  number_id = eval(_block_style + block_id + "x" + score_index + "");  number_id.lines = line_num;  score_tag[score_index] = false;    number_id.style.pixelLeft = (block1_x + block_position_x + this_offset) * block_size + block_base_x;  number_id.style.pixelTop = (block1_y + block_position_y + line_offset) * block_size + block_base_y;  number_id.innerHTML = score_content;  if (!score_shown) {    score_shown = true;    number_timer = setInterval("Move_Num()",movement_timer); }}function Show_Score() {  _block.score.document.forms[0].High_Score.value = high_score;  _block.score.document.forms[0].Game_Score.value = game_score;}function Show_Lines() {  if (!game_winner)    _block.score.document.forms[0].Lines_Remain.value = game_level_lines[game_level] - game_lines  else    _block.score.document.forms[0].Lines_Remain.value = game_lines;}function Check_Line() {  var line_done = false;  var line_found = 0;  var line_offset = 0;  for (var i = 0; i < block_unit_height; i++) {    line_done = true;    for (var j = 0; j < block_table_width; j++)      if (!block_position[j][block_position_y+i]) {        line_done = false;        break; }    if (line_done) {      if (line_found == 0)        line_offset = i;      line_found++;      Remove_Line(i); } }  if (line_found > 0) {    Show_Num(line_found,line_offset);    game_score += score_grip[line_found-1];    Show_Score();    game_lines += line_found;    if ((game_lines >= game_level_lines[game_level]) && (!game_winner)) {      game_lines -= game_level_lines[game_level];      if (game_level < game_max_level) {        game_level++;        Show_Level(); }      else        game_winner = true; }    Show_Lines(); }}function Check_Block() {  Mark_Block();  Check_Line();  Start_Block();}function Mov_Block() {  if (Check_Direction(0,1)) {    block_position_y++;    _block.block1.style.pixelTop += block_size;    _block.block2.style.pixelTop += block_size;    _block.block3.style.pixelTop += block_size;    _block.block4.style.pixelTop += block_size; }  else    Check_Block();}function Resume_Game() {  game_pause = false;  block_timer_id = setInterval("Mov_Block()",block_timer[game_level]);  number_timer = setInterval("Move_Num()",movement_timer);}function Pause_Game() {  game_pause = true;  clearInterval(block_timer_id);  clearInterval(number_timer);}function Key_Down() {  var key_code = event.keyCode;  if (game_finished)    Restart_Game()  else {    if (game_pause)      Resume_Game();    if((key_code == key_pause) || (key_code == key_PAUSE)) {      if (block_shown)        Pause_Game(); }    if((key_code == key_down) || (key_code == key_DOWN)) {      if (block_shown)        Drop_Block(); }    if ((key_code == key_up) || (key_code == key_UP)) {      if (block_shown)        if (Check_Rotate())          Rotate_Block(); }    if ((key_code == key_left) || (key_code == key_LEFT)) {      if (block_shown)        if (Check_Direction(-1,0))          Move_Block(-1,0); }    if ((key_code == key_right) || (key_code == key_RIGHT)) {      if (block_shown)        if (Check_Direction(1,0))          Move_Block(1,0); } }  return false;}function Rotate_Block() {  while ((block_position_x + block_unit_width - 1) >= block_table_width) {    block_position_x--; }  _block.block1.style.pixelLeft = (block1_x  + block_position_x) * block_size + block_base_x;  _block.block1.style.pixelTop = (block1_y + block_position_y) * block_size + block_base_y;  _block.block2.style.pixelLeft = (block2_x + block_position_x) * block_size + block_base_x;  _block.block2.style.pixelTop = (block2_y + block_position_y) * block_size + block_base_y;  _block.block3.style.pixelLeft = (block3_x + block_position_x) * block_size + block_base_x;  _block.block3.style.pixelTop = (block3_y + block_position_y) * block_size + block_base_y;  _block.block4.style.pixelLeft = (block4_x + block_position_x) * block_size + block_base_x;  _block.block4.style.pixelTop = (block4_y + block_position_y) * block_size + block_base_y;}function Start_Block() {  if (Show_Block()) {    clearInterval(block_timer_id);    block_timer_id = setInterval("Mov_Block()",block_timer[game_level]); }  else    Game_Over();}function Table_Init() {  var layer_content = "";    layer_content = '<table width="' + (block_table_width * block_size + block_preview_gap * 2) + '" height="' + (block_table_height * block_size + block_preview_gap * 2) + '" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="3"><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>';  _block.blockb0.innerHTML = layer_content;  layer_content = '<table width="' + (block_table_width * block_size) + '" height="' + (block_table_height * block_size) + '" bgcolor="#000000" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>';  _block.blockb1.innerHTML = layer_content;  layer_content = '<table width="' + (block_table_width * block_size) + '" height="' + (block_table_height * block_size) + '" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">';  for (var i = 0; i < block_table_height; i++) {    layer_content += '<tr align="center" valign="middle">';    for (var j = 0; j < block_table_width; j++)      layer_content += '<td><img src = "blockb.gif" width="' + block_size + '" height="' + block_size + '" border="0"></td>';    layer_content += '</tr>'; }  layer_content += '</table>';  _block.block01.innerHTML = layer_content;  layer_content = '<table width="' + (block_preview_x * block_size + block_preview_gap * 2) +'" height="' + (block_preview_y * block_size + block_preview_gap * 2) + '" bgcolor="#000000" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="2"><tr><td>&nbsp</td></tr></table>';  _block.previewx.innerHTML = layer_content;  layer_content = '<table width="' + (block_preview_x * block_size) +'" height="' + (block_preview_y * block_size) + '" bgcolor="#000000" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td>&nbsp</td></tr></table>';  _block.preview.innerHTML = layer_content;  layer_content = '<p class="info"><form>' +    '<nobr>High Score</nobr>' +    '<input type="text" name="High_Score" maxlenght="6" size="6" value=0 onfocus="blur();"><br><br>' +    '<nobr>Game Score</nobr>' +    '<input type="text" name="Game_Score" maxlenght="6" size="6" value=0 onfocus="blur();"><br><br>' +    '<nobr>Lines Remain</nobr>' +    '<input type="text" name="Lines_Remain" maxlenght="6" size="6" value=0 onfocus="blur();">' +    '</form></p>';  _block.score.innerHTML = layer_content;}function Define_Layer(Layer_ID, Layer_Left, Layer_Top, Layer_Width, Layer_Height) {  var this_block = null;  this_block = eval(_block_style + Layer_ID);  this_block.style.pixelLeft = Layer_Left;  this_block.style.pixelTop = Layer_Top;  this_block.style.width = Layer_Width;  this_block.style.height = Layer_Height;  this_block.style.visibility = "visible";}function Layer_Init() {  var this_block_id = "";  // layers for falling blocks  for (i = 1; i <= block_component; i++) {    this_block_id = block_id + i + "";    Define_Layer(this_block_id,0,-block_size,block_size,block_size); }  // layers for preview blocks  for (i = 1; i <= block_component; i++) {    this_block_id = block_id + "p" + i + "";    Define_Layer(this_block_id,0,-block_size,block_size,block_size); }  // layers for score points  for (i = 0; i <= score_max_index; i++) {    this_block_id = block_id + "x" + i + "";    Define_Layer(this_block_id,0,-block_size,block_size,block_size); }  // layer for game tags  Define_Layer("blockxx",tag_layer_offset,-game_tag_height,game_tag_width,game_tag_height);  // layer for table outer background  Define_Layer("blockb0",(block_base_x - block_preview_gap),(block_base_y - block_preview_gap),(block_table_width * block_size + block_preview_gap * 2),(block_table_height * block_size + block_preview_gap * 2));  // layer for table inner background  Define_Layer("blockb1",block_base_x,block_base_y,(block_table_width * block_size),(block_table_height * block_size));  // layer for table intro  Define_Layer("block00",block_base_x,block_base_y,(block_table_width * block_size),(block_table_height * block_size));  // layer for table  Define_Layer("block01",block_base_x,block_base_y,(block_table_width * block_size),(block_table_height * block_size));  // layer for preview box background  Define_Layer("previewx",(preview_base_x - block_preview_gap),(preview_base_y - block_preview_gap),(block_preview_x * block_size + block_preview_gap * 2),(block_preview_y * block_size + block_preview_gap * 2));  // layer for preview box  Define_Layer("preview",preview_base_x,preview_base_y,(block_preview_x * block_size),(block_preview_y * block_size));  // layer for score board  Define_Layer("score",(preview_base_x - block_preview_gap),(preview_base_y + block_preview_y * block_size + block_preview_gap + block_table_gap),1,1);}function Para_Init() {  var block_window_width = document.body.clientWidth;  var block_window_height = document.body.clientHeight;  var block_scale = 1;  var block_table_x_size = 0;  var block_table_y_size = 0;  block_size = 16;  if ((block_window_width > block_base_width) || (block_window_height > block_base_height)) {    block_scale = Math.min(block_window_width/block_base_width, block_window_height/block_base_height);    block_scale = Math.max(block_scale, 1); }  block_size = Math.floor(block_size * block_scale);  block_table_x_size = block_preview_gap + block_table_width * block_size + block_preview_gap + block_table_gap + block_preview_gap + block_preview_x * block_size + block_preview_gap;  block_table_y_size = block_preview_gap + block_table_height * block_size + block_preview_gap;    block_window_width = Math.max(block_window_width, block_table_x_size);  block_window_height = Math.max(block_window_height, block_table_y_size);  block_base_x = Math.floor((block_window_width - block_table_x_size)/2) + block_preview_gap;  block_base_y = Math.floor((block_window_height - block_table_y_size)/2) + block_preview_gap;  preview_base_x = block_base_x + block_table_width * block_size + block_table_gap + block_preview_gap;  preview_base_y = block_base_y + block_preview_gap;  game_tag_offset = (block_table_height * block_size - game_tag_height)/2;  tag_layer_offset = block_base_x + (block_table_width * block_size - game_tag_width)/2;  block_content1 = '<table width="' + block_size + '" height="' + block_size + '" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr align="center" valign="middle"><td><img src="';  block_content2 = '" width="' + block_size + '" height="' + block_size + '" border="0"></td></tr></table>';  table_intro_dim = '<table width="' + (block_table_width * block_size) + '" height="' + (block_table_height * block_size) + '" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor=';}function Game_Init() {  if (is_IE4) {    _block = document.all;    Para_Init();    Layer_Init();    Table_Init();    Event_Init();    Show_Score();    Show_Lines();    Show_Level(); }  else    alert("Sorry!\nYou need Internet Explorer 4 or above to play this script");}function Event_Release() {  document.onkeydown = null;}function Event_Init() {  document.onkeydown = Key_Down;}function Resizing_Table() {    Para_Init();    Layer_Init();    Table_Init();    Restart_Game();    Pause_Game();}window.onresize = Resizing_Table;//--></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<body onload="Game_Init();"><div id="blockb0"></div><div id="blockb1"></div><div id="block00"></div><div id="block01"></div><div id="score"></div><div id="previewx"></div><div id="preview"></div><div id="block1"></div><div id="block2"></div><div id="block3"></div><div id="block4"></div><div id="blockp1"></div><div id="blockp2"></div><div id="blockp3"></div><div id="blockp4"></div><div id="blockx0"></div><div id="blockx1"></div><div id="blockx2"></div><div id="blockx3"></div><div id="blockx4"></div><div id="blockx5"></div><div id="blockx6"></div><div id="blockx7"></div><div id="blockxx"></div></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
