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URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/hangman-presidents-of-the-united-states.html

Hangman: công dân Mĩ © JavaScriptBank.comTrò chơi tìm từ với chủ đề công dân Mĩ.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Trò chơi » Giải đố » Hangman: công dân Mĩ
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/hangman-presidents-of-the-united-states.html

<table border=8 bgcolor=white width=60% cellspacing=0><tr><td align=center><b><h3><font color=red>Topic:</font>  Presidents of The United States</h3></b><hr><br><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">// Original:  Rick Glusick<!-- Beginfunction getCookie (name) {var dcookie = document.cookie;var cname = name + "=";var clen = dcookie.length;var cbegin = 0;while (cbegin < clen) {var vbegin = cbegin + cname.length;if (dcookie.substring(cbegin, vbegin) == cname) {var vend = dcookie.indexOf (";", vbegin);if (vend == -1) vend = clen;return unescape(dcookie.substring(vbegin, vend));}cbegin = dcookie.indexOf(" ", cbegin) + 1;if (cbegin == 0) break;}return null;}function setCookie (name, value, expires) {if (!expires) expires = new Date();document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() +  "; path=/";}function delCookie (name) {var expireNow = new Date();document.cookie = name + "=" + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" +  "; path=/";}var Alphabet = new initAlphaArray()var NumOfWords = 42;var SaveData = "";var ImageNum = "";var LettersSelected = "";var RandomWord = "";var DisplayWord = "";var position = 0;var word = new WordList();var expdate = new Date();var RandomNumber = (expdate.getSeconds())%NumOfWords;function initAlphaArray() {this.length = 26this[0] = "A"this[1] = "B"this[2] = "C"this[3] = "D"this[4] = "E"this[5] = "F"this[6] = "G"this[7] = "H"this[8] = "I"this[9] = "J"this[10] = "K"this[11] = "L"this[12] = "M"this[13] = "N"this[14] = "O"this[15] = "P"this[16] = "Q"this[17] = "R"this[18] = "S"this[19] = "T"this[20] = "U"this[21] = "V"this[22] = "W"this[23] = "X"this[24] = "Y"this[25] = "Z"}function WordList() {this.length = NumOfWords;this[0] = "GEORGE WASHINGTON";this[1] = "JOHN ADAMS";this[2] = "THOMAS JEFFERSON";this[3] = "JAMES MADISON";this[4] = "JAMES MONROE";this[5] = "JOHN QUINCY ADAMS";this[6] = "ANDREW JACKSON";this[7] = "MARTIN VAN BUREN";this[8] = "WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON";this[9] = "JOHN TYLER";this[10] = "JAMES POLK";this[11] = "ZACHARY TAYLOR";this[12] = "MILLARD FILLMORE";this[13] = "FRANKLIN PIERCE";this[14] = "JAMES BUCHANAN";this[15] = "ABRAHAM LINCOLN";this[16] = "ANDREW JOHNSON";this[17] = "ULYSSES GRANT";this[18] = "RUTHERFORD HAYES";this[19] = "JAMES GARFIELD";this[20] = "CHESTER ARTHUR";this[21] = "GROVER CLEVELAND";this[22] = "BENJAMIN HARRISON";this[23] = "GROVER CLEVELAND";this[24] = "WILLIAM MCKINLEY";this[25] = "THEODORE ROOSEVELT";this[26] = "WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT";this[27] = "WOODROW WILSON";this[28] = "WARREN HARDING";this[29] = "CALVIN COOLIDGE";this[30] = "HERBERT HOOVER";this[31] = "FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT";this[32] = "HARRY TRUMAN";this[33] = "DWIGHT EISENHOWER";this[34] = "JOHN KENNEDY";this[35] = "LYNDON JOHNSON";this[36] = "RICHARD NIXON";this[37] = "GERALD FORD";this[38] = "JIMMY CARTER";this[39] = "RONALD REAGAN";this[40] = "GEORGE BUSH";this[41] = "BILL CLINTON";}function availableLetters(i) {if (LettersSelected.charAt(i)==Alphabet[i])document.write('<TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=12>' +'<B><A HREF="javascript:LoadNextPage('+i+',\''+Alphabet[i]+'\')">'+Alphabet[i]+'</A></B></TD>');elsedocument.write('<TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=12> </TD>');}function LoadNextPage(selected,letter) {var j=0;var HoldLettersSelected = LettersSelected;LettersSelected = "";if (selected == 0) {for (j=1; 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position<SaveData.indexOf("*"); position++) {RandomWord += SaveData.charAt(position);   }}DisplayWord = "";for (i=0; i<RandomWord.length; i++) {if (RandomWord.charAt(i) == ' ') {DisplayWord += " "; }else {MatchFound = false;for (j=0; j<=25; j++) {if ((LettersSelected.charAt(j) == "^") && (RandomWord.charAt(i) == Alphabet[j])) {DisplayWord += RandomWord.charAt(i);MatchFound = true;   }}if (!MatchFound) DisplayWord += "-";   }}if (ImageNum == "J") {document.write('<font color=red size=4>You Lost!<br>Answer:  "' + RandomWord + '"</font>');}else if (RandomWord == DisplayWord) {document.write('<font color=red size=8>You Win!</font>');}else {document.write('<table>');document.write('<tr>');for (i=0; i<13; i++) availableLetters(i);document.write('</tr>');document.write('<tr>');for (i=13; i<26; i++) availableLetters(i);document.write('</tr>');document.write('</table>');}document.write('<br>');document.write('<br>');document.write('<font size=9><tt>');document.write(DisplayWord);document.write('</tt></font>');document.write('<form>');document.write('<input type="button" VALUE="New Game"'+'onClick="delCookie(\'_HangMan\');history.go(0);">');document.write('</form>');document.write('</center>');// End --></SCRIPT></td></tr></table><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->