
Print - Maze - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Game » Maze
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/maze.html

Maze © JavaScriptBank.comNavigate around a 3D animation JavaScript maze in search of the exit in the fewest moves possible. The maze is complex, but you can cheat by taking a peak at the map. Tested in IE5 and Netscape.

Full version: jsB@nk » Game » Maze
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/maze.html

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i<14; ++i )view[i] = view[i].substr(0,col) + data[i] + view[i].substr(col+len,27-col-len);}// function to update the displayfunction draw() {var atexit;mapon = false;// Fill the 'aspect' array with positions of visible wallsswitch(dir) {case 0: aspect = [  getGrid(xpos,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos-2,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos-2,ypos),getGrid(xpos-2,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos-3,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos-3,ypos),getGrid(xpos-3,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos-4,ypos) ];atexit = (xpos == exitx + 1 && ypos == exity );break;case 1:aspect = [  getGrid(xpos-1,ypos),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos+2),getGrid(xpos,ypos+2),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos+2),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos+3),getGrid(xpos,ypos+3),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos+3),getGrid(xpos,ypos+4) ];atexit = (xpos == exitx && ypos == exity-1 );break;case 2:aspect = [  getGrid(xpos,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos+2,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos+2,ypos),getGrid(xpos+2,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos+3,ypos+1),getGrid(xpos+3,ypos),getGrid(xpos+3,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos+4,ypos) ];atexit = (xpos == exitx - 1 && ypos == exity );break;case 3:aspect = [  getGrid(xpos+1,ypos),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos-1),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos-2),getGrid(xpos,ypos-2),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos-2),getGrid(xpos+1,ypos-3),getGrid(xpos,ypos-3),getGrid(xpos-1,ypos-3),getGrid(xpos,ypos-4) ];atexit = (xpos == exitx && ypos == exity+1 );break;}// initialise the view dataview = [    "\\                         /","  \\                     /  ","    \\                 /    ","      \\             /      ","        \\         /        ","          \\     /          ","            \\ /            ","            / \\            ","          /     \\          ","        /         \\        ","      /             \\      ","    /                 \\    ","  /                     \\  ","/                         \\" ];// paint in the visible wallsif( !aspect[0] ) render( 0,3, ["   ","==\\","..|","..|","..|","..|","..|","..|","..|","..|","..|","..|","==/","   " ] );if( !aspect[1] ) render( 24,3,["   ","/==","|..","|..","|..","|..","|..","|..","|..","|..","|..","|..","\\==","   " ] );if( !aspect[2] ) render( 2,5, ["     ","\\    ","|    ","|===\\","|...|","|...|","|...|","|...|","|...|","|...|","|===/","|    ","/    ","     " ] );if( !aspect[4] ) render( 20,5,["     ","    /","    |","/===|","|...|","|...|","|...|","|...|","|...|","|...|","\\===|","    |","    \\","     " ] );if( aspect[3] ) {render( 2,23,[  "                       ", "=======================", ".......................",".......................", ".......................", ".......................",".......................", ".......................", ".......................",".......................", ".......................", ".......................","=======================","                       " ] );}else {if( !aspect[5] )render( 6,3, ["   ","   ","   ","\\  ","|=\\","|.|","|.|","|.|","|.|","|=/","/  ","   ","   ","   " ] );if( !aspect[7] )render( 18,3,["   ","   ","   ","  /","/=|","|.|","|.|","|.|","|.|","\\=|","  \\","   ","   ","   " ] );if( aspect[6] ) {if( atexit ) {render( 6,15,[  "               ","               ","               ",       "===============",".             .",". *********** .",       ". THE WAY OUT .",". *********** .",".             .",       ".             .","===============","               ",       "               ","               " ] );}else {render( 6,15,[  "               ","               ","               ",       "===============","...............","...............",       "...............","...............","...............",       "...............","===============","               ",       "               ","               " ] );}}else {if( !aspect[8] )render( 8,3, ["   ","   ","   ","   ","\\  ","|=\\","|.|","|.|","|=/","/  ","   ","   ","   ","   "] );if( !aspect[10] )render( 16,3,["   ","   ","   ","   ","  /","/=|","|.|","|.|","\\=|","  \\","   ","   ","   ","   "] );if( aspect[9] ) {render( 8,11,[  "           ","           ","           ","           ",       "===========","...........","...........","...........",       "...........","===========","           ","           ",       "           ","           " ] );}else {if( aspect[11] )render( 10,7,[  "       ","       ","       ","       ","       ",           "=======",".......",".......","=======","       ",           "       ","       ","       ","       " ] );      }   }}// write data to viewportvar s = "";var i;for( i=0; i<14; ++i ) s=s+"  "+view[i]+"  \n";if(document.layers){document.layers["viewport"].document.open();document.layers["viewport"].document.write("<pre>"+s+"</pre>");document.layers["viewport"].document.close();}else {viewport.innerHTML = "<pre>"+s+"</pre>";}// display hintvar dist = Math.floor(Math.sqrt((xpos-exitx)*(xpos-exitx) + (ypos-exity)*(ypos-exity)));var direction = ", exit lies "+dist+" steps to ";if( xpos>exitx) direction += "north";if( xpos<exitx) direction += "south";if( ypos>exity) direction += "west";if( ypos<exity) direction += "east";if(document.layers) {document.layers["readout"].document.open();document.layers["readout"].document.write("Facing " + ["north","east","south","west"][dir] + direction);document.layers["readout"].document.close();}else {readout.innerHTML = "Facing " + ["north","east","south","west"][dir] + direction;   }}// Turn aroundfunction turn(x) {dir += x;if(dir<0) dir=3;if(dir>3) dir=0;draw();}// move forwardfunction move() {// check there is no wall in front of playerif( !aspect[3] ) {// change positionswitch(dir) {case 0: xpos--; break;case 1: ypos++; break;case 2: xpos++; break;case 3: ypos--; break;}steps++;// repaintdraw();// check for completionif( xpos == exitx && ypos == exity ) {// finished!alert(  "Well done! you reached the exit in "+steps+" steps,\n"+"and you looked at the map "+cheats+" times.\n"+"Press OK to see if you can do any better." );start();      }   }}// show the mapfunction cheat() {if( mapon ) {// hide the map if it is already displayeddraw();}else {// build the mapvar x,y,s="";for(x=xpos-10;x<xpos+10;++x) {for(y=ypos-10;y<ypos+10;++y) {if(getGrid(x,y))s=s+"X";else if( x==xpos && y==ypos ) {if(document.layers)// netscape does not support arrow characters  s=s+"*"else  s=s+["&uarr;","&rarr;","&darr;","&larr;"][dir];}else if( x==exitx && y==exity ) {if(document.layers)s=s+"@";elses=s+"&theta;";}elses=s+" ";}s=s+"\n";}// show the mapif( document.layers ) {document.layers["viewport"].document.open();document.layers["viewport"].document.write("<pre>"+s+"</pre>");document.layers["viewport"].document.close();}else {viewport.innerHTML = "<pre>"+s+"</pre>";}mapon=true;cheats++;   }}// go!start();//  End --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->