
Imprimer - Bridge - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Bridge
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/bridge.html

Bridge © JavaScriptBank.comVoici une intéressante utilisation du langage JavaScript, portent une main de Bridge! Chaque fois que vous chargez la page JavaScript 'deal' une nouvelle main à quatre joueurs. Très bien.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Bridge
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/bridge.html

<script language="JavaScript">// Randy Bennett (randyben@avalon.nf.ca)<!-- Beginn = new Array ("X","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","T","J","Q","K","A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","T","J","Q","K","A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","T","J","Q","K","A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","T","J","Q","K","A")m = new Array (53)f = new Array("C ","D ","H ","S ")g = new Array(53)function gethand(){var a = 52while (a > 0){var b = 53var x = Math.random()x = new String (x)x = x.substring(x.length -5)x = Math.round(x*.52/1000)if (x == 0) x = 52if (m[x] == 100) a = a+1else if (m[x] != 100) g[a] = xm[x] = 100a = a -1}var t = 3;var s = 1;var h = 1;var d = 1;var c = 1;var b = 52;while (b > 0){if (t == 3) if (s == 1)document.write("<center><table><tr><td width=90></td><td width=90><font size=2><b>North</b><br>",f[3]);if (t == 3) s = 0;if (b < 40) t = 2;if (t == 2) if (h == 1)document.write("<br>",f[2]);if (t == 2) h = 0;if (b < 27) if (b > 13) t = 1;if (t == 1) if (d == 1)document.write("<br>",f[1]);if (t == 1) d = 0;if (b < 14)  t = 0;if (t == 0) if (c == 1)document.write("<br>",f[0]);if (t == 0) c = 0;var cc = 13while (cc > 0){if (g[cc] == b)document.write(n[b])cc = cc - 1}b = b - 1}var t = 3;var s = 1;var h = 1;var d = 1;var c = 1;var b = 52while (b > 0){if (t == 3) if (s == 1)document.write("</td><td width=90></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2><b>West</b><br>",f[3])if (t == 3) s = 0if (b < 40) t = 2if (t == 2) if (h == 1)document.write("<br>",f[2])if (t == 2) h = 0if (b < 27) if (b > 13) t = 1if (t == 1) if (d == 1)document.write("<br>",f[1])if (t == 1) d = 0if (b < 14)  t = 0if (t == 0) if (c == 1)document.write("<br>",f[0])if (t == 0) c = 0var cc = 26while (cc > 13){if (g[cc] == b)document.write(n[b])cc = cc - 1}b = b - 1}var t = 3;var s = 1;var h = 1;var d = 1;var c = 1;var b = 52while (b > 0){if (t == 3) if (s == 1)document.write("</td><td></td><td><font size=2><b>East</b><br>",f[3])if (t == 3) s = 0if (b < 40) t = 2if (t == 2) if (h == 1)document.write("<br>",f[2])if (t == 2) h = 0if (b < 27) if (b > 13) t = 1if (t == 1) if (d == 1)document.write("<br>",f[1])if (t == 1) d = 0if (b < 14)  t = 0if (t == 0) if (c == 1)document.write("<br>",f[0])if (t == 0) c = 0var cc = 39while (cc > 26){if (g[cc] == b)document.write(n[b])cc = cc - 1}b = b - 1}var t = 3;var s = 1;var h = 1;var d = 1;var c = 1;var b = 52while (b > 0){if (t == 3) if (s == 1)document.write("</td></tr><tr><td></td><td><font size=2><b>South</b><br>",f[3])if (t == 3) s = 0if (b < 40) t = 2if (t == 2) if (h == 1)document.write("<br>",f[2])if (t == 2) h = 0if (b < 27) if (b > 13) t = 1if (t == 1) if (d == 1)document.write("<br>",f[1])if (t == 1) d = 0if (b < 14)  t = 0if (t == 0) if (c == 1)document.write("<br>",f[0])if (t == 0) c = 0var cc = 52while (cc > 39){if (g[cc] == b)document.write(n[b])cc = cc - 1}b = b - 1}document.write("</td><td></td></tr></table></center>")}gethand();// End --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->