
Imprimer - Ants - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Ants
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/ants-index.html

Ants © JavaScriptBank.comLorsque vous déplacez votre souris vers la page d'un essaimage de l'armée de fourmis éparpillées sur le fenêtre il les poursuivra. (N ° Wisecracks sur buggy code aujourd'hui ...) Si une fourmi en fait atteint le curseur de la souris, nous repositionner de façon aléatoire tout autour du bord de la fenêtre, et commence sa chasse à nouveau. La fourmi images sont préchargés avec une grande image barre de script, puis le script commence. Un grand effet!

Version complète: jsB@nk » Game » Ants
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/ants-index.html

<style type="text/css">.ant {  height: 16px;  position: absolute;  visibility: hidden;  width: 16px;}</style><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Original:  Mike Hall (MHall75819@aol.com)<!-- Beginvar dir = "";// Extract the images then upload them to your server and// change the 'dir' variable to their location (end with a '/')var images = new Array(dir+"antdl.gif",dir+"antdn.gif",dir+"antdr.gif",dir+"antlt.gif",dir+"antrt.gif",dir+"antul.gif",dir+"antup.gif",dir+"antur.gif");var isMinNS4 = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0;var isMinIE4 = (document.all)    ? 1 : 0;var _LBimgList;var _LBimgCount;var _LBbase = "LBbase";var _LBlow  = "LBlow";var _LBhigh = "LBhigh";var _LBwidth;var _LBheight;var _LBbaseLayer;var _LBlowLayer;var _LBhighLayer;function createLoadBar(width, height, bdSize, bdColor, bgColor, fgColor, fontFace, fontSize, text) {var txtLow, txtHigh, tblStart, tblEnd;var str;txtLow  = '<font color="' + fgColor + '" face="' + fontFace + '" size=' + fontSize + '>' + text + '</font>';txtHigh = '<font color="' + bgColor  + '" face="' + fontFace + '" size=' + fontSize + '>' + text + '</font>';tblStart = '<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=100% width=100%><tr valign="center"><td align="center">';tblEnd = '</td></tr></table>';if (isMinNS4)str = '<layer name="' + _LBbase + '" bgcolor="' + bdColor + '" width=' + width + ' height=' + height + ' visibility="hide">\n'+ '  <layer name="' + _LBlow  + '" bgcolor="' + bgColor + '" left=' + bdSize + ' top=' + bdSize + ' width=' + (width - 2 * bdSize) + ' height=' + (height - 2 * bdSize) + '>' + tblStart + txtLow + tblEnd + '</layer>\n'+ '  <layer name="' + _LBhigh + '" bgcolor="' + fgColor + '" left=' + bdSize + ' top=' + bdSize + ' width=' + (width - 2 * bdSize) + ' height=' + (height - 2 * bdSize) + '>' + tblStart + txtHigh + tblEnd + '</layer>\n'+ '</layer>';if (isMinIE4)str = '<div id="' + _LBbase + '" style="position:absolute; background-color:' + bdColor + '; width:' + width + 'px; height:' + height + 'px; visibility:hidden;">\n'+ '  <div id="' + _LBlow  + '" style="position:absolute; background-color=' + bgColor + '; left:' + bdSize + 'px; top:' + bdSize + 'px; width:' + (width - 2 * bdSize) + 'px; height:' + (height - 2 * bdSize) + 'px;">' + tblStart + txtLow + tblEnd + '</div>\n'+ '  <div id="' + _LBhigh  + '" style="position:absolute; background-color=' + fgColor + '; left:' + bdSize + 'px; top:' + bdSize + 'px; width:' + (width - 2 * bdSize) + 'px; height:' + (height - 2 * bdSize) + 'px;">' + tblStart + txtHigh + tblEnd + '</div>\n'+ '</div>';document.writeln(str);_LBwidth = width - 2 * bdSize;_LBheight = height - 2 * bdSize;}function startLoadBar(srcList, x, y) {var i, w, h;if (isMinNS4) {_LBbaseLayer = document.layers[_LBbase];_LBlowLayer  = _LBbaseLayer.document.layers[_LBlow];_LBhighLayer = _LBbaseLayer.document.layers[_LBhigh];}if (isMinIE4) {_LBbaseLayer = eval('document.all.' + _LBbase);_LBlowLayer  = eval('document.all.' + _LBlow);_LBhighLayer = eval('document.all.' + _LBhigh);}if (isMinNS4) {w = window.innerWidth;h = window.innerHeight;}if (isMinIE4) {w = document.body.clientWidth;h = document.body.clientHeight;}if (x == null)x = Math.round((w  - _LBwidth)  / 2);if (y == null)y = Math.round((h - _LBheight) / 2);moveLayerTo(_LBbaseLayer, x, y);clipLayer(_LBhighLayer, 0, 0, 0, _LBheight);showLayer(_LBbaseLayer);_LBimgCount = 0;_LBimgList = new Array();for (i = 0; i < srcList.length; i++) {_LBimgList[i] = new Image();_LBimgList[i].onabort = _LBupdate;_LBimgList[i].onerror = _LBupdate;_LBimgList[i].onload  = _LBupdate;}for (i = 0; i < srcList.length; i++)_LBimgList[i].src = srcList[i];}function endLoadBar() { // empty (can be changed) function called when finished}function _LBupdate() {var pct;_LBimgCount++;pct = _LBimgCount / _LBimgList.length;clipLayer(_LBhighLayer, 0, 0, Math.round(pct * _LBwidth), _LBheight);if (_LBimgCount == _LBimgList.length) {setTimeout('hideLayer(_LBbaseLayer)', 500);endLoadBar();}}function moveLayerTo(layer, x, y) {if (isMinNS4)layer.moveTo(x, y);if (isMinIE4) {layer.style.left = x;layer.style.top  = y;}}function hideLayer(layer) {if (isMinNS4)layer.visibility = "hide";if (isMinIE4)layer.style.visibility = "hidden";}function getWindowWidth() {if (isMinNS4)return(window.innerWidth);if (isMinIE4)return(document.body.offsetWidth);return(-1);}function getWindowHeight() {if (isMinNS4)return(window.innerHeight);if (isMinIE4)return(document.body.offsetHeight);return(-1);}function getPageScrollX() {if (isMinNS4)return(window.pageXOffset);if (isMinIE4)return(document.body.scrollLeft);return(-1);}function getPageScrollY() {if (isMinNS4)return(window.pageYOffset);if (isMinIE4)return(document.body.scrollTop);return(-1);}function getHeight(layer) {if (isMinNS4) {if (layer.document.height)return(layer.document.height);elsereturn(layer.clip.bottom - layer.clip.top);}if (isMinIE4) {if (false && layer.style.pixelHeight)return(layer.style.pixelHeight);elsereturn(layer.clientHeight);}return(-1);}function getWidth(layer) {if (isMinNS4) {if (layer.document.width)return(layer.document.width);elsereturn(layer.clip.right - layer.clip.left);}if (isMinIE4) {if (layer.style.pixelWidth)return(layer.style.pixelWidth);elsereturn(layer.clientWidth);}return(-1);}function getLeft(layer) {if (isMinNS4)return(layer.left);if (isMinIE4)return(layer.style.pixelLeft);return(-1);}function getTop(layer) {if (isMinNS4)return(layer.top);if (isMinIE4)return(layer.style.pixelTop);return(-1);}function getRight(layer) {if (isMinNS4)return(layer.left + getWidth(layer));if (isMinIE4)return(layer.style.pixelLeft + getWidth(layer));return(-1);}function getBottom(layer) {if (isMinNS4)return(layer.top + getHeight(layer));else if (isMinIE4)return(layer.style.pixelTop + getHeight(layer));return(-1);}function moveLayerBy(layer, dx, dy) {if (isMinNS4)layer.moveBy(dx, dy);if (isMinIE4) {layer.style.pixelLeft += dx;layer.style.pixelTop+= dy;}}function showLayer(layer) {if (isMinNS4)layer.visibility = "show";if (isMinIE4)layer.style.visibility = "visible";}function clipLayer(layer, clipleft, cliptop, clipright, clipbottom) {if (isMinNS4) {layer.clip.left = clipleft;layer.clip.top= cliptop;layer.clip.right= clipright;layer.clip.bottom = clipbottom;}if (isMinIE4)layer.style.clip = 'rect(' + cliptop + ' ' +clipright + ' ' + clipbottom + ' ' + clipleft +')';}var mouseX = 0;var mouseY = 0;if (isMinNS4)document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);document.onmousemove = getMousePosition;function init() {startLoadBar(images);}function getMousePosition(e) {if (isMinNS4) {mouseX = e.pageX;mouseY = e.pageY;}if (isMinIE4) {mouseX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;mouseY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;}return true;}var ants = new Array(8);function endLoadBar() {var i;for (i = 0; i < ants.length; i++) {if (isMinNS4) {ants[i] = document.layers["ant" + (i + 1)];ants[i].image = ants[i].document.images["antimg" + (i + 1)];}if (isMinIE4) {ants[i] = eval('document.all.ant' + (i + 1));ants[i].image = document.images["antimg" + (i + 1)];}initAnt(i);showLayer(ants[i]);}updateAnts();}function initAnt(n) {var s, x, y;x = Math.floor(Math.random() * getWindowWidth());y = Math.floor(Math.random() * getWindowHeight());s = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);if (s == 0)x = -getWidth(ants[n]);if (s == 1)x = getWindowWidth();if (s == 2)y = -getHeight(ants[n]);if (s == 3)y = getWindowHeight();x += getPageScrollX();y += getPageScrollY();moveLayerTo(ants[n], x, y);}function updateAnts() {var i, dx, dy, theta, d;d = 3;for (i = 0; i < ants.length; i++) {dx = mouseX - getLeft(ants[i]);dy = mouseY - getTop(ants[i]);theta = Math.round(Math.atan2(-dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI);if (theta < 0)theta += 360;if (Math.abs(dx) < d && Math.abs(dy) < d)initAnt(i);else if (theta > 22.5 && theta <= 67.5) {moveLayerBy(ants[i], d, -d);ants[i].image.src = dir+"antur.gif";}else if (theta > 67.5 && theta <= 112.5) {moveLayerBy(ants[i], 0, -d);ants[i].image.src = dir+"antup.gif";}else if (theta > 112.5 && theta <= 157.5) {moveLayerBy(ants[i], -d, -d);ants[i].image.src = dir+"antul.gif";}else if (theta > 157.5 && theta <= 202.5) {moveLayerBy(ants[i], -d, 0);ants[i].image.src = dir+"antlt.gif";}else if (theta > 202.5 && theta <= 247.5) {moveLayerBy(ants[i], -d, d);ants[i].image.src = dir+"antdl.gif";}else if (theta > 247.5 && theta <= 292.5) {moveLayerBy(ants[i], 0, d);ants[i].image.src = dir+"antdn.gif";}else if (theta > 292.5 && theta <= 337.5) {moveLayerBy(ants[i], d, d);ants[i].image.src = dir+"antdr.gif";}else {moveLayerBy(ants[i], d, 0);ants[i].image.src = dir+"antrt.gif";}}setTimeout('updateAnts()', 50);return;}//  End --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY OnLoad="init()"><script language="JavaScript">createLoadBar(240, 20, 1, "#000000", "#cccccc", "#999999", "MS Sans serif,Arial,Helvetica", 1, "<b>Loading ants, please wait...</b>");</script><div id="ant1" class="ant"><img name="antimg1" src="transparent.gif" width=13 height=13></div><div id="ant2" class="ant"><img name="antimg2" src="transparent.gif" width=13 height=13></div><div id="ant3" class="ant"><img name="antimg3" src="transparent.gif" width=13 height=13></div><div id="ant4" class="ant"><img name="antimg4" src="transparent.gif" width=13 height=13></div><div id="ant5" class="ant"><img name="antimg5" src="transparent.gif" width=13 height=13></div><div id="ant6" class="ant"><img name="antimg6" src="transparent.gif" width=13 height=13></div><div id="ant7" class="ant"><img name="antimg7" src="transparent.gif" width=13 height=13></div><div id="ant8" class="ant"><img name="antimg8" src="transparent.gif" width=13 height=13></div></body><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
