
Imprimer - Tableau X Jouets - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Form » Table » Tableau X Jouets
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/crossbrowser-x-table-toys.html

Tableau X Jouets © JavaScriptBank.comLes scripts permet de changer la couleur des cellules onmouseover.

Version complète: jsB@nk » Form » Table » Tableau X Jouets
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/crossbrowser-x-table-toys.html

<style type="text/css">.tCon {  position:relative;  height:180px;}table {  position:absolute;  top:0;  width:300px;  text-align:center;  border:1px solid #000;  padding:10px;}#table1, #table3, #table5 {  left:0;}#table2, #table4, #table6 {  left:310px;}#table1 td, #table2 td, #table3 td, #table4 td {  cursor:pointer;}#table5 th, #table6 th {  cursor:pointer;}.trOver {  color:#000;  background:#996;}.trOut {  color:#000;  background:#fff;}.tdOver {  color:#000;  background:#963;}.tdOut {  color:#000;  background:#fff;}.thOver {  color:#000;  background:#630;}.thOut {  color:#000;  background:#fff;}</style><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function(){    if (window.winOnLoad) window.winOnLoad();}</script><script type="text/javascript">function winOnLoad(){  if (document.getElementById) {    rowSetup(1, 2);    rowSetup(2, 1);    cellSetup(3, 4);    cellSetup(4, 3);    colSetup(5, 6);    colSetup(6, 5);  }  }////////////// Rows (demo 1)function rowSetup(nThis, nRelated){  var sec, r, e;  sec = document.getElementById('tbody' + nThis);  if (sec && sec.rows) {    for (r = 0; r < sec.rows.length; ++r) {      e = sec.rows[r];      e.onmouseover = trOnMouseover;      e.onmouseout = trOnMouseout;      e.onclick = trOnClick;      e.className = 'trOut';      e.nRelated = nRelated;    }  }}function trOnMouseover(){  this.className = 'trOver';  var sec = document.getElementById('tbody' + this.nRelated);  sec.rows[this.sectionRowIndex].className = 'trOver';}function trOnMouseout(){  this.className = 'trOut';  var sec = document.getElementById('tbody' + this.nRelated);  sec.rows[this.sectionRowIndex].className = 'trOut';}function trOnClick(){  var r = this.sectionRowIndex;  var sec = document.getElementById('tbody' + this.nRelated);  var dis = sec.rows[r].style.display;  xTableRowDisplay(dis == 'none', sec, r);}////////////// Cells (demo 2)function cellSetup(nThis, nRelated){  var sec, r, c, e;  sec = document.getElementById('tbody' + nThis);  if (sec && sec.rows && sec.rows[0].cells) {    for (r = 0; r < sec.rows.length; ++r) {      for (c = 0; c < sec.rows[r].cells.length; ++c) {        e = sec.rows[r].cells[c];        e.onmouseover = tdOnMouseover;        e.onmouseout = tdOnMouseout;        e.onclick = tdOnClick;        e.className = 'tdOut';        e.nRelated = nRelated;      }    }  }}function tdOnMouseover(){  this.className = 'tdOver';  var r = this.parentNode.sectionRowIndex, c = this.cellIndex;  var sec = document.getElementById('tbody' + this.nRelated);  sec.rows[r].cells[c].className = 'tdOver';}function tdOnMouseout(){  this.className = 'tdOut';  var r = this.parentNode.sectionRowIndex, c = this.cellIndex;  var sec = document.getElementById('tbody' + this.nRelated);  sec.rows[r].cells[c].className = 'tdOut';}function tdOnClick(){  var r = this.parentNode.sectionRowIndex, c = this.cellIndex;  var sec = document.getElementById('tbody' + this.nRelated);  var vis = sec.rows[r].cells[c].style.visibility;  xTableCellVisibility(vis == 'hidden', sec, r, c);}////////////// Columns (demo 3)function colSetup(nThis, nRelated){  var sec, c, e;  sec = document.getElementById('thead' + nThis);  if (sec && sec.rows && sec.rows[0].cells) {    for (c = 0; c < sec.rows[0].cells.length; ++c) {      e = sec.rows[0].cells[c];      e.onmouseover = thOnMouseover;      e.onmouseout = thOnMouseout;      e.onclick = thOnClick;      e.className = 'thOut';      e.nRelated = nRelated;    }  }}function thOnMouseover(){  this.className = 'thOver';  var c = this.cellIndex;  var sec = document.getElementById('thead' + this.nRelated);  sec.rows[0].cells[c].className = 'thOver';}function thOnMouseout(){  this.className = 'thOut';  var c = this.cellIndex;  var sec = document.getElementById('thead' + this.nRelated);  sec.rows[0].cells[c].className = 'thOut';}function thOnClick(){  var c = this.cellIndex;  var sec = document.getElementById('thead' + this.nRelated);  var dis = sec.rows[0].cells[c].style.display == 'none';  xTableColDisplay(dis, sec, c);  sec = document.getElementById('tbody' + this.nRelated);  xTableColDisplay(dis, sec, c);}</script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<div class="leftContent"> <!-- Begin left content --><h2>X Table Toys</h2><h3>Description</h3><div class="collapsible"><p>This page is a test for three new X functions:<br>xTableRowDisplay(), xTableCellVisibility() and xTableColDisplay().</p></div> <!-- end collapsible --><h3>Demo 1: xTableRowDisplay()</h3><div class="collapsible"><p>Click a row in one table to toggle the <i>display</i> of the same row in the other table.</p><div class="tCon"><table id="table1">  <caption>Table 1</caption>  <thead>    <tr><th>Col 0</th><th>Col 1</th></tr>  </thead>  <tbody id="tbody1">    <tr class="trOut"><td>[Row0, Col0]</td><td>[Row0, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr class="trOut"><td>[Row1, Col0]</td><td>[Row1, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr class="trOut"><td>[Row2, Col0]</td><td>[Row2, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr class="trOut"><td>[Row3, Col0]</td><td>[Row3, Col1]</td></tr>  </tbody></table><table id="table2">  <caption>Table 2</caption>  <thead>    <tr><th>Col 0</th><th>Col 1</th></tr>  </thead>  <tbody id="tbody2">    <tr class="trOut"><td>[Row0, Col0]</td><td>[Row0, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr class="trOut"><td>[Row1, Col0]</td><td>[Row1, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr class="trOut"><td>[Row2, Col0]</td><td>[Row2, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr class="trOut"><td>[Row3, Col0]</td><td>[Row3, Col1]</td></tr>  </tbody></table></div></div> <!-- end collapsible --><h3>Demo 2: xTableCellVisibility()</h3><div class="collapsible"><p>Click a cell in one table to toggle the <i>visibility</i> of the same cell in the other table.</p><div class="tCon"><table id="table3">  <caption>Table 3</caption>  <thead>    <tr><th>Col 0</th><th>Col 1</th></tr>  </thead>  <tbody id="tbody3">    <tr><td class="tdOut">[Row0, Col0]</td><td class="tdOut">[Row0, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td class="tdOut">[Row1, Col0]</td><td class="tdOut">[Row1, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td class="tdOut">[Row2, Col0]</td><td class="tdOut">[Row2, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td class="tdOut">[Row3, Col0]</td><td class="tdOut">[Row3, Col1]</td></tr>  </tbody></table><table id="table4">  <caption>Table 4</caption>  <thead>    <tr><th>Col 0</th><th>Col 1</th></tr>  </thead>  <tbody id="tbody4">    <tr><td class="tdOut">[Row0, Col0]</td><td class="tdOut">[Row0, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td class="tdOut">[Row1, Col0]</td><td class="tdOut">[Row1, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td class="tdOut">[Row2, Col0]</td><td class="tdOut">[Row2, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td class="tdOut">[Row3, Col0]</td><td class="tdOut">[Row3, Col1]</td></tr>  </tbody></table></div></div> <!-- end collapsible --><h3>Demo 3: xTableColDisplay()</h3><div class="collapsible"><p>Click a column heading in one table to toggle the <i>display</i> of the same column in the other table.</p><div class="tCon"><table id="table5">  <caption>Table 5</caption>  <thead id="thead5">    <tr><th class="thOut">Col 0</th><th class="thOut">Col 1</th></tr>  </thead>  <tbody id="tbody5">    <tr><td>[Row0, Col0]</td><td>[Row0, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td>[Row1, Col0]</td><td>[Row1, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td>[Row2, Col0]</td><td>[Row2, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td>[Row3, Col0]</td><td>[Row3, Col1]</td></tr>  </tbody></table><table id="table6">  <caption>Table 6</caption>  <thead id="thead6">    <tr><th class="thOut">Col 0</th><th class="thOut">Col 1</th></tr>  </thead>  <tbody id="tbody6">    <tr><td>[Row0, Col0]</td><td>[Row0, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td>[Row1, Col0]</td><td>[Row1, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td>[Row2, Col0]</td><td>[Row2, Col1]</td></tr>    <tr><td>[Row3, Col0]</td><td>[Row3, Col1]</td></tr>  </tbody></table></div></div><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->
