
Imprimer - Changer la taille des biens dans le délai d'exécution - JavaScriptBank.com

Version complète: jsB@nk » Form » Dropdown » Changer la taille des biens dans le délai d'exécution
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/change-the-size-property-in-execution-time.html

Changer la taille des biens dans le délai d'exécution © JavaScriptBank.comL'idée de ce JavaScript est très simple. Il suffit de définir une couche pour toutes les tailles dont vous avez besoin. En thermes académique, il n'est pas exact, mais dans la réalité, on peut supposer que la taille maximale que la liste sera peut être de 10 (et <50 physiquement).

Version complète: jsB@nk » Form » Dropdown » Changer la taille des biens dans le délai d'exécution
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/change-the-size-property-in-execution-time.html

<SCRIPT language=javascript>        <!--            // Set the number of positions for the arrays.            var MaxNumArray = 6            // Defining the arrays.            var MainList=new Array(MaxNumArray)            var SubList=new Array(MaxNumArray)            // The last view used.            var lastLayerVis = 1            // Create the data            // If wants to personalize, just put the data in the next function.            function PrepareData()            {                            for (i = 0; i < MaxNumArray; i++)                {                    MainList[i]="Show " + (i+1) + " item(s) in the sublist."                    SubList[i] ="Item" + (i+1) + "."                }            }                        // This will show the main list. The list will let us to change the size of the other list.            function ShowMainList()            {                var page = "MainList:<br><SELECT NAME='mainlist' onChange='writeList()'>"                for (i=0;i<MainList.length;i++)                 {                                        page+="<OPTION VALUE="+MainList[i]                    if (i==0)                     {                        page+=" SELECTED "                    }                    page+=">"+MainList[i]                }                page+="</SELECT>"                                document.write(page);            }            // The sublist.            // Here I define as layers as I need. The first visible layer will be the layer with a list of 1 element.            // Be sure to put the layer in the correct (top,left) corner...            function ShowSubList()            {                var page = ""                for (j=1;j<=MainList.length;j++)                {                                        if (j==1)                        page+="<DIV ID='LSubList"+j+"' style='position:relative; width:20; height:20; z-index:1; top: 0; left: 0; visibility:visible;'>"                     else                        page+="<DIV ID='LSubList"+j+"' style='position:relative; width:20; height:20; z-index:1; top: 0; left: 0; visibility:hidden;'>"                    page+='SubList:<select NAME="sublist'+j+'" size="'+j+'">'                    for (i=0;i<SubList.length;i++)                     {                        page+="<OPTION VALUE="+SubList[i]                        if (i==0)                            page+=" SELECTED "                        page+=">"+SubList[i]                    }                    page+="</SELECT>"                    page+="</DIV>"                }                document.write(page)            }                        // When there is a change in the main list; I maintain the selected index in the sublist            // and change the visibility of the pertinent layers.            function ChooseSubList(asize)            {                document.form1['sublist'+asize].selectedIndex = document.form1['sublist'+lastLayerVis].selectedIndex;                document.all['LSubList'+asize].style.visibility="visible"                document.all['LSubList'+lastLayerVis].style.visibility="hidden"                // Finally I must remember the last layer that is visible.                lastLayerVis = asize            }                        // A simple all given the selected index of the item in the main list.            function writeList()            {                ChooseSubList(document.form1.mainlist.selectedIndex+1)            }            //-->        </SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<FORM name=form1><SCRIPT language=javascript>            <!--                                PrepareData()                ShowMainList()                ShowSubList()            //-->            </SCRIPT></FORM><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->