
Print - Scrollbar Of Buttons - JavaScriptBank.com

Full version: jsB@nk » Form » Button » Scrollbar Of Buttons
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/scrollbar-of-buttons.html

Scrollbar Of Buttons © JavaScriptBank.comCreates a list of buttons. If there are too many buttons in a list, they can be scrolled.

Full version: jsB@nk » Form » Button » Scrollbar Of Buttons
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/scrollbar-of-buttons.html

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>var n = 1var nn = 2var nnn = 3var nnnn = 4 /*Add more variables if you want more buttons showing, or takethem off if you want less. Remember to change the rest of the scriptaccordingly if you do this, as well as the <INPUT> tags in the HTML.*/var theMessages = new Array(7); {theMessages[1] = "This could lead to your Page one."theMessages[2] = "This could lead to your Page two."theMessages[3] = "This could lead to your Page three."theMessages[4] = "This could lead to your Page four."theMessages[5] = "This could lead to your Page five."theMessages[6] = "This could lead to your Page six."theMessages[7] = "This could lead to your Page seven." /*You don't have to have this array unless you still want alert boxes appearing when the buttons are clicked.*/}var theValues = new Array(7); {theValues[1] = "Page 1"theValues[2] = "Page 2"theValues[3] = "Page 3"theValues[4] = "Page 4"theValues[5] = "Page 5"theValues[6] = "Page 6"theValues[7] = "Page 7" } //add more values and/or change them for your liking. function goup() {if(n > 1){n = n-1nn = nn-1nnn = nnn-1nnnn = nnnn-1 //If you've changed the amount of buttons showing, add your extra variables - 1 here.update()}}function godown() {if(nnnn < 7) { //Change the 7 if you want more buttonsn++nn++nnn++nnnn++ /*Add your extra variables, with a '++' right after them here, if you'vechanged the amount of buttons showing.*/update()}else{}}//You could do 'window.location.href="whatever.html"' insted of the current alert boxes.function go1() {alert(cap1)}function go2() {alert(cap2)}function go3() {alert(cap3)}function go4() {alert(cap4)}function update() {document.form1.b1.value = theValues[n]document.form1.b2.value = theValues[nn]document.form1.b3.value = theValues[nnn]document.form1.b4.value = theValues[nnnn]cap1 = theMessages[n]cap2 = theMessages[nn]cap3 = theMessages[nnn]cap4 = theMessages[nnnn]}//--> </SCRIPT><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<BODY onload=update()><FORM name=form1><INPUT onclick=goup() type=button value="  ^  " name=up><BR><INPUT onclick=go1() type=button value="Link To Page One  " name=b1><BR><INPUT onclick=go2() type=button value="Link To Page Two  " name=b2><BR><INPUT onclick=go3() type=button value="Link To Page Three" name=b3><BR><INPUT onclick=go4() type=button value="Link To Page Four " name=b4><BR><!-- If you add extra buttons here, insert them just above this comment.You must add extra functions in the script too, presumably called go5()etc.. --><INPUT onclick=godown() type=button value="  v  " name=down> </FORM></BODY><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->