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URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/better-calculator.html

Better Calculator v1.2 © JavaScriptBank.comĐoạn mã mô phỏng một máy tính với các chức năng cơ bản với mỗi phím bấm đều có hướng dẫn khi người dùng nhấp chuột phải vào chúng.

Phiên bản đầy đủ: jsB@nk » Tính toán » Máy tính » Better Calculator v1.2
URL: https://www.javascriptbank.com/better-calculator.html

<script type="text/javascript"><!-- Begin/*Created by: Jim Anderson :: http://bettercalculator.comBetterCalculator v1.2  Copyright 2001(C) *//* You will need to create another file with the same codecalled 'BetterCalc.htm' to use to create the new window. */function open_Calc(mypage,myname,w,h,features) {  var winl = (screen.width-w)/1.05;  var wint = (screen.height-h)/1.55;  if (winl < 0) winl = 0;  if (wint < 0) wint = 0;  var settings = 'height=' + h + ',';  settings += 'width=' + w + ',';  settings += 'top=' + wint + ',';  settings += 'left=' + winl + ',';  settings += features;  win = window.open(mypage,myname,settings);  win.window.focus();}function what(dir) {if (event.button == 2) { Help(dir) }}function Help(dir) {  var ex;  if (dir == 'eq') { ex = ' = : Equals\n\n Calculates the result of an equation.' }  else if (dir == '/') { ex = ' ?: Division\n\n Divides one number by another.\n\n\ i.e.: 8 / 2 = 4' }  else if (dir == 'x') { ex = ' x : Multiplication\n\n Multiplies two numbers.\n\n\ i.e.: 2 x 4 = 8' }  else if (dir == '+') { ex = ' + : Addition\n\n Adds two numbers together.\n\n\ i.e.: 3 + 4 = 7' }  else if (dir == '-') { ex = ' - : Subtraction\n\n Subtracts one number from another.\n\n\ i.e.: 7 - 4 = 3' }  else if (dir == '%') { ex = ' % : Percent\n\n Displays the percentage of a number.\n\n\tTo find the percentage of one number in relation to another,\n\tenter the first number, hit the X key, enter a second number,\n\thit the % key.\n\n\tex: 40 x 10% = 4' }  else if (dir == '.') { ex = ' . : Decimal\n\n Adds a decimal point to a number in DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '1') { ex = ' 1 : Number 1\n\n Places the number 1 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '2') { ex = ' 2 : Number 2\n\n Places the number 2 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '3') { ex = ' 3 : Number 3\n\n Places the number 3 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '4') { ex = ' 4 : Number 4\n\n Places the number 4 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '5') { ex = ' 5 : Number 5\n\n Places the number 5 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '6') { ex = ' 6 : Number 6\n\n Places the number 6 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '7') { ex = ' 7 : Number 7\n\n Places the number 7 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '8') { ex = ' 8 : Number 8\n\n Places the number 8 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '9') { ex = ' 9 : Number 9\n\n Places the number 9 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == '0') { ex = ' 0 : Zero\n\n Places the numerical value 0 onto DISPLAY screen.' }  else if (dir == 'DZ') { ex = ' 00 : Double Zero\n\n Adds two zeros to any number.' }  else if (dir == 'c') { ex = ' C : Clear\n\n Clears the DISPLAY screen\n Remember to clear after each calculation.' }  else if (dir == 'Del') { ex = ' Del : Delete\n\n Clears the last digit entered.' }  else if (dir == 'M') { ex = ' M : Memory \n\n Copies number in DISPLAY screen to MEMORY.' }  else if (dir == 'RM') { ex = ' RM : Recall Memory\n\n Recalls number stored in MEMORY and places it onto\n the DISPLAY screen..' }  else if (dir == 'M+') { ex = ' M+ : Memory Add\n\n Adds number in DISPLAY screen to MEMORY.' }  else if (dir == 'M-') { ex = ' M- : Memory Subtract\n\n Subtracts number in DISPLAY screen  from MEMORY.' }  else if (dir == 'MC') { ex = ' MC : Memory Clear \n\n Clears number stored in MEMORY.' }  else if (dir == 'NW') { ex = ' New Window : \n\n Opens a popup window containing a new CALCULATOR.\n\nMultiple CALCULATORS can be open at the same time. This is useful in comparing different scenarios of calculations.\n\n\NOTE: If you have a popup stopper on your system, you will need to disable it to view the NEW WINDOW.' }  else if (dir == 'H') { ex = 'BetterCalculator 1.2 is freeware Javascript. You may save the code to your computer or Web site as long as you do not change anything.\n\nRight click on any button for a description and help with that function. Left click to push a  button or key.\n\n\For instructions on how to add this Calculator to your desktop and info on more advanced versions of BetterCalculator featuring 2 manipulative MEMORY screens, a copy/printable  RECORD screen, plus much more. Go to http://BetterCalculator.com \n\n\Thank you\n\n\Jim Anderson \n'}alert(ex);}// End --></script><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->

<script type="text/javascript"><!-- Beginvar mem = '0';function calc() {  document.calculator.display.value= eval(document.calculator.display.value);  return true}function perc() {  document.calculator.display.value= eval(document.calculator.display.value)/100;  return true}function deleteChar() {  document.calculator.display.value = document.calculator.display.value.substring(0, document.calculator.display.value.length - 1)}function Clear() {  currentoperation=""; }// End --></script><table align=center width="20%" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="#999999" border="2" bordercolordark="#333399" bordercolorlight="#0033FF"><td valign=top align=center><table style="border: 1px solid ivory"><form name="calculator"><td><center><font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-serif"><a href="http://www.bettercalculator.com" target=_blank><font color="#ffffff" size= "1">BetterCalculator 1.2</font></a></td></tr><tr><td><input style="font-size: 12px;color=000000;background=cccccc;" type="text" value="" name="display" value="input" size="24"><br></td></tr></table><table bgcolor="#8b8b83" border="1" bordercolordark="#EEEEE0" bordercolorlight="#FFFFF0"><tr><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px"  type="button" value="7"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('7');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='7';"></td><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="8"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('8');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='8';"></td><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="9"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('9');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='9';" ></td><td><input style="font-size:13pt; height: 24px; width: 38px;color=ffffff;background=999999;" type="button" value="x"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('x');onclick="calculator.display.value+='*';"></td></tr><tr><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="4"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('4');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='4';"></td><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="5"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('5');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='5';"></td><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="6"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('6');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='6';"></td><td><input style="font-size:14pt; height: 24px; width: 38px;color=ffffff;background=999999;" type="button" value="¡Â"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('/');onclick="calculator.display.value+='/';"></td></tr><tr><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="1"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('1');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='1';"></td><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="2"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('2');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='2';"></td><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="3"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('3');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='3';"></td><td><input style="font-size:14pt; height: 24px; width: 38px;color=ffffff;background=999999;" type="button" value="-"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('-');onclick="calculator.display.value+='-';"></td></tr><tr><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="0"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('0');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='0';"></td><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="00"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('DZ');onmouseup="calculator.display.value+='00';"></td><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px" type="button" value="•"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('.');onclick="calculator.display.value+='.';"></td><td><input style="font-size:14pt; height: 24px; width: 38px;color=ffffff;background=999999;" type="button" value="+"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('+');onclick="calculator.display.value+='+';"></td></tr><tr><td><input style="font-size:10pt; height: 24px; width: 24px;color=ffffff;background=999999;" type="button" value="%"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('%');onclick="perc()"></td><td><input style="font-size:7pt; height: 24px; width: 24px;color=ffffff;background=999999;" type="button" value="Del"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('Del');onmouseup="deleteChar(calculator.display.value)"></td><td><input style="font-size:12pt; height: 24px; width: 24px;color=000000;background=eead0e;" type="button" value="C"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('c');onclick="calculator.display.value='';"></td><td><input style="font-size:14pt; height: 24px; width: 38px;color=ffffff;background=999999;" type="button" value="="style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('eq');onclick="calc()"></td></tr></table><center><table width="20%" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#228B22" border="1"><td><input style="font-size:9pt; height: 20px; width: 20px;color=ffffff;background=228B22;" type="button" value="M"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('M');onclick="mem.value=calculator.display.value;"></td><td><input style="font-size:9pt; height: 20px; width: 22px;color=ffffff;background=228B22;" type="button" value="M+"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('M+');onmouseup="mem.value=eval(mem.value)+eval(calculator.display.value);"></td><td><input style="font-size:9pt; height: 20px; width: 21px;color=ffffff;background=228B22;" type="button" value="M-"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('M-');onmouseup="mem.value=eval(mem.value)-eval(calculator.display.value);"></td><td><input style="font-size:9pt; height: 20px; width: 25px;color=ffffff;background=228B22;" type="button" value="MR"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('MR');onclick="calculator.display.value=calculator.display.value+'('+(mem.value)+')'"></td><td><input style="font-size:9pt; height: 20px; width: 25px;color=000000;background=eead0e;" type="button" value="MC"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('MC');onclick="mem.value='0';"></td></tr></table><center><TABLE BORDER=0><form name="mem"><table><td valign=top align=center><font size=2 color=000000><input style="font-size: 12px;color=000000;background=cccccc;" type="text" value="0" name="mem" size="22"></font></td></tr></table><p align=center><input style="font-size:6pt; height: 19px; width: 34px;color=ffffff;background=8b658b;" type="button" value="Help"style="cursor:help"onmousedown=what('H');onclick="alert('BetterCalculator 1.2 is freeware Javascript. You may save the code to your computer or Web site as long as you do not change anything.\n\nRight click on any button for a description and help with that function (Internet Explorer only). Left click to push a  button or key.\n\n\For instructions on how to add this Calculator to your desktop and info on more advanced versions of BetterCalculator featuring 2 manipulative MEMORY screens, a copy/printable  RECORD screen, plus much more. Go to http://BetterCalculator.com \n\n\Thank you\n\n\Jim Anderson \n');">  <input style="font-size:6pt; height: 19px; width: 54px;color=ffffff;background=8b658b;" type="button" value="Window"style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand"onmousedown=what('NW');onclick="open_Calc('BetterCalc.htm','','170','344','')"></form></table><!--    This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com    Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com-->